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RT5, WP5.2 : Evaluation of processes and phenomena. INGV, CNRS-IPSL, DMI, UREADMM. Objectives : Analyse the capability of the models to reproduce and predict the major modes of variations in the climate system
RT5, WP5.2 : Evaluation of processes and phenomena INGV, CNRS-IPSL, DMI, UREADMM • Objectives : • Analyse the capability of the models to reproduce and predict the major modes of variations in the climate system • Investigate the nature of the uncertainties due to the clouds and radiations processes MODEL-DATA 18 months : prepare tools and preliminary report for systematic comparisons
5.2.a) Tropics • ENSO, monsoon • Intraseasonal variability • 5.2.b) Extratropics • Seasonal to decadal variability • Atlantic-Europe, THC, Storm tracks • 5.2.c) Global Teleconnections • ENSO-global, • Monsoon-Mediterranean • Resolution? • Intraseasonal variation in tropical heating • 5.2.d) Feedacks and clouds • Decadal variation of • water vapour,clouds, radiation • Moist/convective and • dry/subsiding tropical regions • Link with surface fluxes • 5.2.f) Clouds and aerosols • Parametrization scheems • Analysis of tendency errors • Nudged simulations using ERA40 • 5.2.e) Synthesis • Report of model systematic biases • Overall assessment of ENSEMBLES models
INGV participation to WP5.2 Systematic errors in the IndoPacific region • Analysis of time mean circulation • ENSO-Monsoon correlations and • The coupling influence in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, using the coupled manifold (Navarra and Tribbia, 2005)
Coupled Manifold in Coupled Simulations Unfiltered HIGH PASS LOW PASS OBS T30 T106 SINTEX Model at T30 and T106 resolutions
CGAM contribution to WP5.2:18 Month Plan • Assess the tropical performance of HadGEM1, particularly ENSO, the Asian Summer Monsoon and their global teleconnections (Julia Slingo, Pete Inness, Buwen Dong, Andy Turner) • Commence assessment of the sensitivity to resolution (using early test results from HiGEM) of processes and phenomena in the climate system (Warwick Norton, Len Shaffrey)
Indo-Pacific mean climate and variability from Hadley Centre models, HadCM3 and HadCEM From: Spencer et al. 2004, J. Clim., in press
CGAM contribution to WP5.2:5 Year Plan • Comparison of seasonal-to-decadal climate variability in the Atlantic-European sector in the ENSEMBLES project coupled model hindcasts and scenario integrations • Evaluate the mean climate, seasonal cycle and interannual to decadal variability of the tropical Indo-Pacific region, and the ability of the ENSEMBLES models to capture the global teleconnections associated with ENSO and the Indian Summer Monsoon (Example of mean SST errors in Indian Ocean in Hadley Centre models) • Investigate the influence of model resolution on important aspects of variability in the coupled system
Contibution of IPSL • Asian monsoon and role of the Indian Ocean • Interanual and decadal variations of water vapor and clouds (20th century), and link with surface fluxes.
Example : ENSO-Indian ocean • the 1976-1977 climate regime shift was accompanied by a remarkable change in the lead-lag relationships between Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and El Niño evolution. • It has implications for Niño predictions (S-E Indian ocean is now a precursor) Do models reproduce this? Why? What are the major processes involved? From Terray
d(CRF)/d(SST) inferred frominterannual variations over 1984-2001using satellite data (CRF) and meteorological reanalyses (w500 ) d(LW CRF)/d(SST) in circulation regimes d(SW CRF)/d(SST) in circulation regimes ISCCP & ERA40 ISCCP & NCEP2 ISCCP & ERA40 ISCCP & NCEP2
Observed and simulatedd(CRF)/d(SST)for current climate d(LW CRF)/d(SST) in circulation regimes d(SW CRF)/d(SST) in circulation regimes ISCCP & ERA40 ISCCP & NCEP2 Observations 1984-2001 IPSL GCM (current climate) Observations 1984-2001 IPSL GCM (current climate)
Contribution of DMI • Validation of initial model tendencies: nudging-assimilation of ERA40 in model systems • Estimation of the cause of initial tendency error
Discussion • Possible overlap between INGV, CGAM and IPSL on Indo Pacific region? • Overlap with WP4.2 • Priorities for early report on model biases (link with priorities in other WP?) • Which simulations ? (impossible to look at all ENSEMBLES simulations) • Deliverables = report. Do we also provide tools and/or standard diagnosis? Which form?