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INTRODUCTION. Pennsylvania's Division of Quality Control is committed to providing staff at all levels with the best possible training availableThis training can be provided from sources outside the division such as FNS, Staff Development, consulting groups, etc.It can also be provided statewide b
1. Training New and Seasoned Quality Control Staff
NAPIPM Conference 2008
2. INTRODUCTION Pennsylvanias Division of Quality Control is committed to providing staff at all levels with the best possible training available
This training can be provided from sources outside the division such as FNS, Staff Development, consulting groups, etc.
It can also be provided statewide by Program Managers, managers, supervisors, etc.
3. OIM Organizational Chart
5. Quality Control Offices
6. New Staff New examiners are generally chosen from the staff of surrounding county assistance offices.
They are either Income Maintenance Caseworkers or IM Casework Supervisors. As a result, these examiners already know Medical Assistance, Cash and/or Food Stamp policy.
7. Training new staff is two-fold Examiners are reviewers, not investigators
Employees new to QC are trained in procedures, some of which are mandated by state and federal requirements.
Employees are also trained in the Quality Control philosophy.
8. Procedures In addition to handbooks, examiners are given an overview of the QC cycle, how the work is assigned based on available days, interviewing skills and a CD or paper copy of the applicable forms. These forms include appointment letters, cooperation and non-cooperation memos, etc.. In Pittsburgh this comes in the form of a handout so that the examiners can reference the information when needed.
9. Procedures (cont.) New Food Stamp examiners accompany a seasoned worker on a day of face-to-face interviewing. Most of the FS interviews are conducted in the CAO. The client is asked if having an additional examiner present is acceptable.
Back at the QC office, review samples for each program are given to the new examiner.
The QC Supervisor helps the examiner to review the newly assigned cases plus edits every completed case to check for correct coding, adequate verification, etc. (This editing applies to long-time workers as well.)
10. Procedures (cont.) On a more informal level, the passing of knowledge between veteran employees and new hires is encouraged. This may include the sharing of collateral contacts, organizational tips, interviewing skills, interpretation of computer screens, etc. This can be an invaluable and often time-saving aid to new workers.
11. Philosophy Pennsylvanias goal is a Correct Case Disposition. We want to ensure that the client received the correct amount of benefits in our review month. If, during the course of the QC review, it is concluded that they did not, a Finding could occur.
PA strives to have a high accuracy rate.
12. Philosophy (cont.) Pennsylvania experienced a sanction by the Federal Government in FFY 2002 and developed a multi-faceted Reinvestment Strategy as a result.
At that time a contractor was hired to help QC change our viewpoint from one of looking for errors to one in which we try to mitigate potential errors.
13. Philosophy (cont.) Putting this philosophy into practice, QC holds FS potential error conference calls every other week that include the examiner, statewide supervisory and manager staff. A Policy representative attends as does the FS Program Manager. This call is considered to be a learning tool for all levels. We put our heads together to see if we have overlooked a policy, procedure or verification that would mitigate the finding. Creativity is encouraged!
Statewide supervisor discussion occurs prior to the conference call.
14. Philosophy (cont.) PA also strives for a high degree of customer service.
This is true of all FS reviews, but is especially important with regard to FS negative reviews.
Was the reason for closure, rejection or suspension correct? Was the client given a chance to provide verification and/or attend an interview? Was the proper notice sent?
15. Seasoned Staff Who provides training to veteran staff?
FNS has provided training in the past when needed, such as at EBT implementation. They have shared reviewer worksheets, especially with regard to the handling of dropped reviews, and provided access to their website for Best Practices, etc.
16. Seasoned Staff The Bureau of Operations Staff Development also provides training, both at their request and that of Quality Control.
Statewide computer and policy changes have resulted in training by Staff Development. QC has recently requested basic training in EXCEL software. This knowledge should prove beneficial to the staff as our forms become automated.
Staff Development also maintains a website that includes modules for e-learning on various subjects such as interviewing, Change Centers, Safeguarding IRS Information, and the Automated Renewal Process.
17. Seasoned Staff Supervisory Academy is part of the Departments training for all newly promoted supervisors. Training is held three days a week for three weeks.
Leadership Training is provided by the Department for all newly promoted managers. There are four modules and the participants move from freshman to sophomore to junior to senior. Speakers are brought in to address subjects such as managing difficult employees, phone systems and how they work, Alternate Work Schedules, etc.
18. Seasoned Staff The Division of Statistical Analysis also provides training. Analysts recently traveled to the field offices to explain the automation of review schedules, sample lists, etc.
This face-to-face training gave the staff an opportunity to view the new technology and ask questions of the individuals who did the actual system programming.
19. Seasoned Staff The Division of Quality Control holds yearly statewide meetings with speakers. This meeting produces the following positive results:
Staff sees the bigger picture. They realize that their work is important and their results matter.
People who normally interact only by phone are able to meet face-to-face. Helpful when supervisory staff discusses potential errors prior to the statewide call.
Staff can share ideas for ways to improve the review process.
20. Seasoned Staff The meeting includes clerical staff from each office so that they can see what is upcoming for the bureau and offer their suggestions on a variety of subjects, including process improvement, etc.
This affords a break from the routine. The change in environment allows socialization among co-workers in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Its a good motivational tool. Employees return to the office energized and ready to continue their work with new information in hand.
21. Seasoned Staff Program Managers routinely visit the field offices to explain changes to QC procedure, often brought about by changes in departmental policy.
They are sometimes called upon to help with the training of new staff.
Supervisors continually update examiner staff on changes to policy and procedures. Most have an open door policy with regard to answering questions.
22. Conclusion By providing the most up-to-date training and encouraging the sharing of information among all levels of staff, the Division of Quality Control in Pennsylvania strives to maintain a level of excellence that continues to exceed the tolerance levels of reviewing agencies.
Pennsylvania has received FS bonus money in three Federal Fiscal Years for a total of approximately 13 million dollars since 2004.