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‘The Big Sleep’

‘The Big Sleep’. LO1: Examine and analyse the techniques used by Chandler to convey aspects of ‘solitary figure’ in Chapter 2. What AO are we focusing on?.

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‘The Big Sleep’

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  1. ‘The Big Sleep’ LO1: Examine and analyse the techniques used by Chandler to convey aspects of ‘solitary figure’ in Chapter 2. What AO are we focusing on?

  2. Solitary: choosing to be alone/keeping one’s own counsel/preferring solitude to company/selective about true companions/shuns intimate relationships. • Isolated: at a distance (physically or metaphorically) from society or others/ cannot be reached by the outside world/ cut off from others. • Distanced: objective about people and facts/calculating/cool under pressure/perhaps shows shades of condescension or superiority. • Indifferent: Not reacting to others’ pain or plight/not interested in others’ opinions or judgements. • Avoidant: Deliberately evasive about giving away information or emotion/ skilled at circumventing issues/avoids close relationships • Set apart: Is set apart by virtue of their abilities, attitudes, beliefs, actions (for good or bad)/sets themselves apart in this way. • Subjective morality: live by their own personal brand of morality/behave according to their own code/may display immoral or amoral attitudes.

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