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Invertebrates. Diversity of Animals Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda Mollusca Annelida Arthropoda Echinodermata. Diversity of Animals. A. Origin of Animals B. Characteristics C. Classification. A. Origin of Animals.

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  1. Invertebrates Diversity of Animals Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda Mollusca Annelida Arthropoda Echinodermata

  2. Diversity of Animals A. Origin of Animals B. Characteristics C. Classification

  3. A. Origin of Animals 1. Animals are believed to have evolved from colonial protozoans called choanoflagellates

  4. B. Characteristics • 1. Eukaryotic • 2. Multicellular • -specialization • 3. Heterotrophic • 4. Reproduce sexually and asexually • 5. Movement • -nervous tissue • -muscle tissue

  5. C. Classification 1. Sponges (Porifera) 2. Stinging Celled (Cnidaria) 3. Flatworms (Platyhelminthes) 4. Roundworms (Nematoda) 5. Soft Bodied (Mollusca) 6. Segmented Worms (Annelida) 7. Jointed Leg (Arthropoda) 8. Spiny Skin (Echinodermata) 9. Vertebrates (Chordata)

  6. Porifera A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  7. A. Diversity 1. There are 9,000 known species of sponges

  8. B. Characteristics 1. Resemble a tube with one opening 2. Lack true tissue 3. Body consists of two layers of cells 4. Reproduce sexually (same individual) or by budding

  9. C. Classification 1. There are 3 classes of porifera

  10. D. Habitat 1. Adults are sessile- anchored to the ocean floor 2. Feed on filtered particles (bacteria)

  11. B. Characteristics a. outer: protection b. inner: collar cells c. between: amoebocytes in jelly-like material 1. Resemble a tube with one opening 2. Lack true tissue 3. Body consists of two layers of cells

  12. C. Classification a. calcarea- calcium carbonate b. demospongia- spongin fibers c. hexactinellida- calcium carbonate & silica 1. There are 3 classes of porifera

  13. Cnidaria A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  14. A. Diversity 1. There are 9,000 known species of stinging celled animals

  15. B. Characteristics 1. True tissues 2. Radial symmetry 3. Use tentacles with stinging cells to capture prey 4. Food is digested in a gastrovascular cavity 5. Nerve net allows for sensing

  16. C. Classification 1. There are 3 classes of cnidarians a. hydrozoa- hydra b. scyphozoans- jellyfish c. anthozoans- sea anemones

  17. D. Habitat 1. Most are slow moving or sessile 2. Found in tropical and temperate waters a. shallow ocean floors b. bottoms of ponds c. drifting in water currents

  18. B. Characteristics 1. True tissues 2. Radial symmetry 3. Use tentacles with stinging cells to capture prey

  19. Platyhelminthes A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  20. A. Diversity 1. There are 20,000 known species of flatworms

  21. B. Characteristics 1. Three tissue layers 2. Bilateral symmetry 3. Food is digested in a gastrovascular cavity 4. Moves using cilia on ventral side a. muscles allow twisting and turning 5. Centralized nervous system a. eye spots detect light b. side flaps used for smell

  22. B. Characteristics 1. Three tissue layers

  23. B. Characteristics a. endoderm (digestive) b. mesoderm (muscle) c. ectoderm (skin) 1. Three tissue layers

  24. B. Characteristics 1. Three tissue layers

  25. B. Characteristics a. anterior (head) b. posterior (tail) c. dorsal (back) d. ventral (belly) 1. Three tissue layers

  26. C. Classification 1. There are 3 classes of platyhelminthes a. turbellaria- planarians b. trematoda- flukes c. cestoidea- tapeworms

  27. Nematoda A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  28. A. Diversity 1. There are 15,,000 known species of roundworms

  29. B. Characteristics

  30. C. Classification 1. There are 2 classes of nematoda a. secernentea- b. adenophorea-

  31. Mollusca A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  32. A. Diversity 1. There are 150,000 known species of soft bodied animals

  33. B. Characteristics • Muscular foot • Mantle • Visceral mass which contains most of the internal organs • Some have shell of calcium carbonate • Sessile(clams), slow moving (snails)or predators (squid) • Complete digestive tract. • Coelom • Feathery gills or lungs • Nephridia • Nervous system-simple to complex

  34. C. Classification • Gastropoda- snails, slugs,nudibranch • Bivalvia-clams,oysters, scallops • Cephalopoda- cuttlefish, squid, nautilus, octopus

  35. Annelida A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  36. A. Diversity 1. There are 15,000 known species of segmented worms

  37. B. Characteristics • Segmentation • Coloem divided in compartments-allows for independent movement of segments • Setae • parapodia

  38. Classes • Oligochaeta- earthworm • Polychaeta-bristle worm • Hirudinea-leech

  39. Earthworm • Digestion-esophagus to crop to gizzard • Circulation-closed system with aortic arches. • Respiratory-diffusion • Excretion-nephridia • Nervous- ganglia • Rerpoduction-hermaphrodite • Clitellum

  40. D. Habitat • Soil-oligochaeta • Freshwater-oligochaeta, hirudea • Marine-polychaeta • Moist vegetation-hirudea

  41. Arthropoda A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Habitat

  42. A. Diversity 1. There are 1,000,000 known species of jointed leg animals

  43. B. Characteristics • Segmented • Appendages • Exoskeleton • Compound eyes • Antenna • Ventral nerve cord • Open circulatory system • Molting

  44. C. Classification 1. Arthropods are classified into 4 classes a. crustaceans b. arachnids c. insects d. myriapods

  45. 2. Crustaceans include decapods (lobsters, crabs, & shrimp) • 2 pr appendages on head • 2pr appendages/segment • Gills • Larva-nauplius • Tiny (copepods) to very large (Japanese spider crab) • Barnacles-sessile • isopods

  46. 3. Arachnids • Spiders, mites, ticks • Cephalothorax • 6 pr jointed appendages • 1 pr chelicerae • 1 pr pedipalps • 4 pr walking legs

  47. 4. Insects • Segmented body, jointed appendages, exoskeleton • Subphylum Uniramia • Head, thorax, abdomen • Mandibles & antennae • 3prs jointed legs • Some 1 or 2 pr wings

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