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Association of Residency Coordinators in Surgery (ARCS) Salary Survey

This survey analyzes the salaries, job descriptions, and responsibilities of surgery residency coordinators across different regions. Find out the pay scale, benefits, and certifications in this comprehensive report.

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Association of Residency Coordinators in Surgery (ARCS) Salary Survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Association of Residency Coordinators in Surgery(ARCS) Salary Survey John Ferrara, M.D. Program Director, Phoenix Integrated Surgical Residency Betty Gardner, B.A., CTAGME Residency Coordinator, UCSF Fresno

  2. 254 surveys were sent to coordinators on the ARCS list server 181 surveys were returned Those outside of the continental United States and employed by the military were not included in the following data ARCS Salary Survey

  3. ARCS Salary Survey • My residency program is in which of the following regions? Responses by region: Midwest 43 (IA, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, DS, WI) Northeast61 (CT, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) South 42 (AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV) West 22 (AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT WA)

  4. ARCS Salary Survey 1. My residency program is in which of the following regions?

  5. ARCS Salary Survey 2. Which of the following BEST describes my program? • University/Medical School 103 • Community Hospital 69

  6. ARCS Salary Survey 2. Which of the following Best describes my program?

  7. ARCS Salary Survey

  8. ARCS Salary Survey

  9. ARCS Salary Survey

  10. ARCS Salary Survey

  11. ARCS Salary Survey

  12. In addition to general surgery residents, I serve as the program coordinator for the following disciplines ABS fellowship programs(surgical critical care, pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, vascular surgery. Surgical Specialties (orthopaedic surgery, urology, ENT, neurosurgery) Other residency/Fellowship Programs 42% (66 out of 160; 12 surveyed did not answer) of Coordinators acts as the Coordinator for other disciplines as well. ARCS Salary Survey

  13. ARCS Salary Survey 4. Number of other programs for which coordinators are responsible.

  14. ARCS Salary Survey

  15. ARCS Salary Survey

  16. ARCS Salary Survey

  17. ARCS Salary Survey

  18. ARCS Salary Survey 5. I have held my present position for a total of:

  19. ARCS Salary Survey 6. I have been a residency program coordinator (Total all coordinator experience whether sequential or intermittent.

  20. ARCS Salary Survey 7. Which of the following best describes the manner in which you are paid for your efforts:

  21. ARCS Salary Survey 8. My 2006 annualized gross income is:

  22. ARCS Salary Survey

  23. ARCS Salary Survey

  24. ARCS Salary Survey

  25. ARCS Salary Survey

  26. ARCS Salary Survey 9. The highest diploma/degree I have earned is:

  27. ARCS Salary Survey 10. The following benefits are available to me as a regular part of my employee compensation package.

  28. ARCS Salary Survey

  29. ARCS Salary Survey

  30. ARCS Salary Survey

  31. ARCS Salary Survey

  32. ARCS Salary Survey 11. There is a written job description that details responsibilities of a program coordinator as being distinct from that of other general administrative assistants in my work area.

  33. ARCS Salary Survey 12. There is a written job description that details the responsibilities of a Surgery program coordinator as being distinct from that of other residency coordinators.

  34. ARCS Salary Survey 13. There is a pay scale that differentiates program coordinators from other administrative assistants in my work area.

  35. ARCS Salary Survey 14. Aside from the job duties of a program coordinator, my responsibilities regularly include (select any and all that apply.

  36. ARCS Salary Survey 14. Regular Responsibilities, Aside from Program Coordinator Responsibilities

  37. ARCS Salary Survey

  38. ARCS Salary Survey

  39. ARCS Salary Survey

  40. ARCS Salary Survey

  41. ARCS Salary Survey Salary Compared to Education

  42. ARCS Salary Survey

  43. ARCS Salary Survey

  44. ARCS Salary Survey

  45. ARCS Salary Survey

  46. ARCS Salary Survey Salary Compared to Years in Current Position – All Regions

  47. ARCS Salary Survey Salary Compared to Total Years as a Coordinator - All Regions)

  48. ARCS Salary Survey Distinct Pay Scale for Program Coordinators – All Regions

  49. ARCS Salary Survey 15. Which one of the following best describes your understanding of the surgery program coordinator certification process?

  50. ARCSSalary Survey • A Special Thank you to: • Ellie Gray, Surgery Residency Coordinator, Phoenix Integrated Hospitals for asking Dr. Ferrara to do help us with the survey. • Tami Eckenrode, Surgical Clerkship & Grand Rounds Coordinator, Phoenix Integrated Hospitals for collecting the data. • Lisa Diaz, Research Coordinator, for putting together the data onto the power point slides.

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