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Camilo Fitzgerald UCL Computer Science

Wiki-Based Conflict Management in RE: A PhD Topic Proposal. Camilo Fitzgerald UCL Computer Science. 5 th February, 2008. Overview. Review of the paper: “Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering” 1 . Discussion of possible project ideas. Next Steps.

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Camilo Fitzgerald UCL Computer Science

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  1. Wiki-Based Conflict Management in RE: A PhD Topic Proposal Camilo Fitzgerald UCL Computer Science 5th February, 2008

  2. Overview • Review of the paper: “Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering”1. • Discussion of possible project ideas. • Next Steps.

  3. Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering • Argument for using Wikis as a tool for collaborative elicitation and evolution of requirements: • Page histories provide a platform for requirements tracability • Page linking reduces redundancy • Evolutionary and flexible mind-set of Wikis tie into that of the requirements engineering process • Easy of training and use

  4. Their adapted Wiki; SOP (Software Organization Platform)2: Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering • Template for pages adapted from Volare and ReadySET. • A set of rules are defined (eg. when to ‘finalize a requirement’), which are in themselves subject to evolutionary change.

  5. RE specific adaptations in SOP: Versioning is possible across several pages. Export of the Wiki into a self contained OpenOffice document. Meta-Data and relational semantics can be attached to pages. Support for multi-page reclassification. Links are generated according to the document template. Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering

  6. Support for conflicts management: They have “No direct means to handle conflicts”. ‘Edit Wars’ usually suggest a conflict. A drop in activity on a page may suggest a user has silently withdrawn from a conflict. Conflicts may be tagged and made the subject of overviews and further discussions. Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering

  7. Next stages for SOP: Allow users to work offline. Compare the quality of requirements documents produced by SOP against those produced by other methods. Identify inconsistencies in the requirements documents, e.g. An actor not used in any requirements could be located using an “orphaned pages” check. Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation in Requirements Engineering

  8. Ideas and Discussions • Ideas: • Use the wiki to spot and manage conflicts effectively: “Wiki-Based Conflict Management in RE: A Collaborative Approach”. • Re-apply a known conflict management method over a wiki (eg. KAOS, viewpoints, or win-win).. • Assist stakeholders with the merge requirements specifications.

  9. Ideas: Open Source projects might especially benefit from having their mailing lists and issue trackers migrated to the wiki and tracked alongside the requirements. Versioned source code could be linked to the requirements on the wiki. (Work already done on editing source code via wiki3). Possibilities to include RSS feeds, Blogs, Surveys and Polls. Interesting data and trends could be exposed via the data mining facilities available on wikis. Ideas and Discussions

  10. Ideas: ‘The International Symposium on Wikis’4 has more literature on wikis that might be able applicable to the requirements conflict management setting (“Authorial Leadership in Wikipedia”, for example). The symposium might be a place to get an early paper published. (Next one is in Sept 2008, call for papers soon…). Ideas and Discussions

  11. Concerns: Is there sufficient novelty for a PhD Thesis? Is this just the creation of an internet based tool? Wikis seem like a fashionable topic: Might there be a danger of someone doing something very similar. If I were to follow up on work done on SOP I would need to communicate/collaborate with an institute in Germany. Ideas and Discussions

  12. Next Steps • If ideas are at all viable: • Play with the SOP templates. • Get in contact with the authors of the paper and ask them exactly where they are researching into at the moment (and mention my plans to them). • Look over the proceedings for the Symposium on Wikis for further insight into the current state of the art with wikis.

  13. References 1 Wiki-Based Stakeholder Participation In Requirements Engineering 2 http://www.sop-world.org/index.php/Hauptseite 3 Xiao, W., C. Chi, et al. (2007). "On-line collaborative software development via wiki." International Symposium on Wikis . 4 http://www.wikisym.org/index.php

  14. Contact Information University College London Dept. of Computer Science, MPEB London WC1E 6BT Office: 7.08 Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 3699 (Direct Dial) Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 1397 Email: C.Fitzgerald (at) cs.ucl.ac.uk Web: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/C.Fitzgerald/ Supervisors: Emmanuel Letier & Anthony Finkelstein Camilo Fitzgerald

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