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The Controversial Presidency of Taft and Progressives' Discontent

Learn how Taft's conservative approach and controversial decisions stirred anger among progressives, leading to the labeling of him as a traitor. Discover his policies, including Dollar Diplomacy, and the events that shaped his tumultuous presidency.

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The Controversial Presidency of Taft and Progressives' Discontent

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How does Taft anger progressives? Progressivism Under Taft

  2. Taft Becomes President • 1908: T. Roosevelt does not run for a 3rd term • TR picks his Sec. of War, William H. Taft, to run for Republicans, Taft beats Democrat William Jennings Bryan • When Taft takes office, he takes a cautious approach and consolidates many of TR’s programs instead of expanding them • Despite busting over 90 trusts, Taft gained little credit

  3. Taft Stumbles • Taft appoints Richard Ballinger as Sec. of Interior, removes 1 million acres of land from the reserved/conservation list • Taft promised to lower tariffs during election but as President signed Payne-Aldrich tariff, which slightly increased tariff rates • Progressives labeled Taft as a traitor • Taft can’t convince American public that his policies were right • Members of the Republican party criticize “their” President

  4. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy • Taft wants US businesses to expand in Latin America • US banks loan Latin Am. nations money to pay off prior debts, US banks gain the country’s tariff money & other assets • Ex: Niacarguan President Adolfo Diaz gives US banks control of Nicaragua’s RR & nat’l bank • Nicaraguan people protest, try to overthrow Diaz, so Taft sends in 2000 marines to keep Diaz in power (Roosevelt Corollary)

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