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Ludo W. van Meeuwen 1,3 , Saskia Brand-Gruwel 1 , Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer 1,2 , & Jeano J.P.R. de Bock 3 1 Open University of the Netherlands, 2 Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 3 Air Traffic Control The Netherlands Lund, May 7 2010.
Ludo W. van Meeuwen1,3, Saskia Brand-Gruwel1, Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer1,2, & Jeano J.P.R. de Bock31Open University of the Netherlands, 2Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 3Air Traffic Control The Netherlands Lund, May 7 2010 Self-directed Learning Skills in Air-traffic control
Presentation • Introduction • ATC • ATC-training • Self-directed Learning • Experiment • Future experiments
Casus Workload Management Tom ATC-Trainee
1:Safe (5 NM or 1000 Ft.) 2:Efficient 3:Environmentally aware 1:Flight level (FL) 2:Heading 3:Speed
Mental picture Chuncking
7 Mental picture Chuncking Decision of order 6 3 1 2 5 4
7 Mental picture Chuncking Decision of order R/T, Labeling… 6 3 1 2 5 4
Adaptive training • Need, adaptive training ATC Current situation Cognitive complex Drop-out Individual Task selection Individual learning need Tehnological change
Problems/Questions • Offline measurement • Thinking aloud • CRR • Can we measure SRL with use of CRR? • Does CRR to foster SRL/self assessment?
Eye-tracking SRL Recording of eye-movements. And performance measure for level of ATC competences by experts Measure for quality influence of CRR on self-assessment Measure for influence of CRR on quality of task selection Prepare for task, information for self-efficacy judgment Measure for quality of self-assessment Measure for quality of task selection Questionnaire, self-efficacy Measure for level of SRL skills • Visual and audio cue • 75 % speed • Recording of CRR Cued Retrospective Report Task Instruction List of Questions Self-Assessment Task Selection Adjust Self-Assessment Adjust Task-Selection ATC Task
Results • CRR-utterances • “Here, you see how I monitor this cluster of traffic” (task level) • “I could have chosen to decelerate this plane, but I used an other strategy…” (meta-level/monitor). • “Here I should have decided to change the arrival order since…”(meta-level/adjustment) • “This performance of me was terrible” (meta-level)
Results (prelim.) Regulation (task level): especially monitoring SRL (learning level): especially assessment Self-assessment 1: -4,2 (of 100) Self-assessment 2: -3,3 (of 100)
Conclusion • CRR is very suitable for measurement of SRL • CRR seems to foster self-assessment • Increase number of participants
Extension of this study Expect: increase of SRL and performance
Visual expertise Scanning strategies: - Experts, - Intermediates - Novices
Thank you for your attention Questions? Remarks?!
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