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The Evolution of Curriculum: TMCs and Local Degrees. Julie Bruno, Facilitator Michelle Pilati , ASCCC Barry Russell, CCCCO. Overview. TMC and AA-T/AS-T Update Reciprocity Permissible “ Local Graduation Requirements ” BoG AA-T and AS-T Goals C-ID and TMC Issues Local Considerations.
The Evolution of Curriculum: TMCs and Local Degrees Julie Bruno, FacilitatorMichelle Pilati, ASCCCBarry Russell, CCCCO
Overview • TMC and AA-T/AS-T Update • Reciprocity • Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements” • BoG AA-T and AS-T Goals • C-ID and TMC Issues • Local Considerations
TMC Update • Disciplines now vetting: • Philosophy • Spanish • Disciplines recently convened
Recently Convened • Child and Adolescent Development* • Exercise Science* • Graphic Arts/Graphic Design • Health Science • Hospitality/Hotel Management • Nutrition/Food Science/Dietetics • Environmental Science/Studies * These are in addition to existing TMCs and descriptors. They are not intended to replace existing TMCs.
AA-T/AS-T Development • 501 TMC aligned degrees • Top 5 colleges: • Fullerton 17 • Pasadena 13 • American River/Golden West 12 • College of San Mateo, Citrus, and Ventura 11
Reciprocity • CEC section 66746. • Community colleges are encouraged to facilitate the acceptance of credits earned at other community colleges toward the associate degree for transfer pursuant to this section.
Reciprocity • C-ID ensures course-to-course reciprocity • 15.01 Reciprocity for TMC Courses in Associate Degrees for Transfer (Sp 2011) • ASCCC strongly urges community colleges to establish policies to allow and encourage acceptance of the courses students have taken at other colleges in a TMC-aligned degree.
Reciprocity - Example • List A of the XXX TMC • Choose 1 of red, green, or blue • List C of the XXX TMC • Any course not used in list A or B • College 1 requires red for List A • College 2 requires green for List A • Students takes red at College 1 and then moves to College 2 • What are College 2’s options?
Reciprocity - Example • Choices? • Ignore the law • Allow red to fill the List A requirement • Require the student to take green to fill List A and apply red to List C
Reciprocity - Considerations • Honoring the law • Preparing the student for the local CSU • Ensuring that the degree awarded is consistent with the TMC
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? • A CC district shall not impose any requirements in addition to the requirements of this section, including any local college or district requirements, for a student to be eligible for the associate degree for transfer and subsequent admission to the California State University pursuant to Section 66747.
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? • Complete 12 units “in residency”? • Require that 12 units “in residency” be major preparation? • Require completion of CSU AH&I requirement as part of GE? • Require a C in all courses for the major?
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? • Complete 15 units “in residency”? • Can limits be placed on earning a 2nd degree? • Require that a student complete x unique/unduplicated units in the major? • Can a CCC require that a student be “in good standing” before graduation? • Some CCCs require a GPA of 2.25 to get off of probation.
Degree Development Goals • May 22, 2012 CCCCO Memo • the CCC BoG has adopted a goal of each college having AA-T and AS-T degrees approved by Fall of 2013 in 80 percent of the majors they offer in which there is a TMC and in 100 percent by Fall of 2014.
C-ID and Associate Degrees for Transfer Update 90 CCCs have courses that have been granted C-ID designations 1299 CCC courses have received C-ID designations Top 3: Santa Rosa (102) American River (79) Hartnell (53) 11 CSU Campuses have identified 937 courses as comparable to C-ID descriptors 346 (140 AG) C-ID descriptors have been approved – in 30 disciplines 501 AA-T and AS-T degrees approved in the Chancellor’s Office
Definitions • Active ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer) • Associate Degree Proposal • Self-certified (C-ID exists) • Articulation (no C-ID exists) • C-ID Pending vs. C-ID Final
How to Compute 100% Goals? The number of AA-T and AS-T degrees that are active in the Chancellor’s Office Numerator Denominator The number of TMCs that match with your existing AA or AS degrees (as of 12/2012)
Associate Degree for Transfer Goal 2013 2014 Now June 1 June 1 January January 100% 80% • Replace self-certified C-ID with pending or final C-ID • Replace the use of articulation if C-ID exists New degree proposals must show that C-ID approval is pending or final if C-ID exists; use articulation only if C-ID does not exist * X *Articulation may not be used to bypass C-ID participation. All non-conforming degrees pulled
Degree Development Goals • What if we don’t/can’t offer all the courses? • What if students never complete that major, even though we’ve always had it on the books? • If we get rid of our existing degree, do we still have to create an AA-T or AS-T?
C-ID and TMC Issues • Colleges that provided evidence of articulation instead of comparability to a C-ID descriptor during the degree approval process. • Colleges that have self-certified that their courses are comparable to C-ID descriptors during the degree submission process: • …have claimed courses are comparable when they are not. • …are not submitting courses to C-ID.
So? • Will the Chancellor’s Office revoke degree approval? • What possible consequences might there be for: • misrepresenting courses in AA-T/AS-T degrees? • not submitting courses to C-ID?
Really? Legislation? • A poorly worded bill that would have imposed ill-defined and extensive portability of courses in TMC-aligned degrees was defeated, in part, due to the portability ensured by C-ID. • C-ID addresses the need for “portability”. • C-ID is our solution to prior legislation calling for common course numbers.
Really? Legislation? “Existing law requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to develop, maintain, and disseminate a general common course numbering system for use by community college districts.” SB 1415 (2004)
Really? Legislation? • But C-ID can only provide these benefits if colleges participate. • AND others who want to see SB 1440 work have noted the value/benefit/role of C-ID. • “Others” who like legislation….
SB 1440 • May 11, 2012 Reforming the State's Transfer Process: A Progress Report on Senate Bill SB 1440 • LAO Recommendations: • Statutorily endorse the TMC approach • Clarify in statute that community colleges are expected to create an associate degree for transfer in every major they offer that has an approved TMC
LAO Recommendations (continued) • Clarify in statute its expectation that—with limited exceptions—CSU campuses accept TMC–aligned associate degrees for transfer in each of the CSU degree options within a given major. • Begin to identify next steps if the segments fall short of meeting the above goals.
Local Considerations • Are degrees being created to protect programs or courses – degrees that no one ever expects a student to earn?
Resources and Contacts • www.SB1440.org • www.ASCCC.org • info@asccc.org (email) • www.C-ID.net • www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com.