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Chapter 7 (F): Learning By Observation

Explore the concept of observational learning in psychology, including modeling, mirror neurons, and the impact of media on behavior. Learn how observing others influences our actions and behaviors.

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Chapter 7 (F): Learning By Observation

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  1. Chapter 7 (F):Learning By Observation A.P. Psychology

  2. Do-Now • What is a behavior that you possess that you may have learned through observation? • Who did you learn it from? • Why do you think it became reinforced?

  3. Learning By Observation • Observational Learning: • Learning by observing others • Also called Social Learning • Albert Bandura • Modeling: • The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior

  4. Learning By Observation Higher animals, especially humans, learn through observing and imitating others. The monkey on the right imitates the monkey on the left in touching the pictures in a certain order to obtain a reward.

  5. Observational Learning and Language How do you pronounce the word “orange?”

  6. Observational Learning and Language

  7. Observational Learning and Language Have you ever traveled to another country, or another region of the US, and found yourself speaking and/or actingsimilar to the people of that region? Why do you think your speech and/or behaviorchanged?

  8. Mirror Neurons • Mirror Neurons: • Frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing another doing so • The brain’s mirroring of another’s action may enable imitation and empathy

  9. Imitation Onset Learning by observation begins early in life. This 14-month-old child imitates the adult on TV, in pulling a toy apart.

  10. Imitation in Children Can you remember any ways that you imitated others (parents, older siblings, cousins, etc.) as a child? Can you remember any ways that your younger siblings, cousins, etc. imitatedyou? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6OsVUlp7Y0 Interesting that even “fairness” is an element that is “learned”

  11. Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Experiment Bandura's “Bobo Doll” Experiment(1961) indicated that individuals (children) learn through imitatingothers who receive rewards and punishments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=128Ts5r9NRE

  12. Applications ofObservational Learning Unfortunately, Bandura’s studies show that antisocial models (family, neighborhood, or TV) may have antisocial effects.

  13. Applications ofObservational Learning Gentile et al., (2004) shows that children in elementary school who are exposed to violent television, videos, and video games express increasedaggression.

  14. Applications ofObservational Learning What are some TV shows, video games, or movies that you were exposed to as a child that modeledaggressive behavior?

  15. Applications ofObservational Learning Research shows that viewing media violence leads to an increased expression of aggression. Children modeling after pro wrestlers

  16. Applications ofObservational Learning Fortunately, prosocial(positive, helpful)models may have prosocial effects.

  17. Applications ofObservational Learning • Prosocial Behavior: • Positive, constructive, helpful behavior • The opposite of antisocial behavior

  18. Review What is Observational Learning? How does it differ from Classical and Operant Conditioning? What are mirror neurons and how do they enableempathy and imitation? What did Albert Banduraconclude about observational learning through his “Bobo Doll” Experiment? What are prosocial and antisocial behavior and what are some ways that they are modeled?

  19. Homework • Chapter 7 Test: “Learning” Wednesday, Feb 1 • Chapter 8 Outline: “Memory”

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