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Evaluating the IY Teacher Classroom Management TCM Programme

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Evaluating the IY Teacher Classroom Management TCM Programme

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    1. Evaluating the IY Teacher Classroom Management (TCM) Programme Pam Martin Co-funded by Gwynedd Education Authority and The Economic & Social Research Council Supervised by Prof Judy Hutchings and Dr David Daley Working title: How to Make Friends and Influence Pupils. Working title: How to Make Friends and Influence Pupils.

    2. Teacher Classroom Management (TCM) Training Five sessions One day per month Fully certified trainers run groups Collaborative approach

    3. Some TCM principles Clear commands Lots of praise Ignoring minor misbehaviour Interacting with ‘Invisible Kids’ Proximal Praise Encouragement Time-Out

    4. How does TCM help? Less disruptive behaviour More on-task behaviour Modelling appropriate social behaviour Reducing teacher and pupil stress Fostering structure

    5. It’s a first! This research is the first to evaluate the IY TCM as a stand-alone programme. Previously been evaluated alongside Dino School and/or Parenting Programme. Previously been evaluated alongside Dino School and/or Parenting Programme.

    6. Pilot study Twenty-one classrooms Primary schools Recorded classroom and teacher interactions 10 Teachers were TCM trained, 11 teachers were not Observers blind to training

    7. Pilot study findings TCM trained teachers and Classrooms: More compliance and less non-compliance Less negative More positive More Praise Less vague commands More positive Children

    8. How did we measure Classroom behaviour? The Teacher-Pupil Observation Tool (T-POT) Teacher behaviour Classroom Specific child (Index)

    9. The Main Event! 12 Classrooms in 11 Primary Schools 16 Teachers (some were job-sharing) Classroom Interactions Children interacting with each other Pupils interacting with the teacher The teacher interacting with the class Observed specific children too….

    10. Observed 107 specific children (referred to as the Index child) 9 children from each class (bar 1!) Recruited on Teacher-completed SDQ 3 Low Difficulties Score 3 High Difficulties Score 3 Children with scores around the mean

    11. TCM Teachers: More Positive Clearer Commands TCM classrooms: More On-Task More Compliance Less negatives in general (less deviance and less negative behaviours aimed at the teacher)

    12. Teacher Positives

    13. Non-Compliance

    14. High Difficulties Score Off-Task behaviour

    15. High TD Score Negative Behaviours aimed at the Teacher

    16. Conclusions….? The TCM is successful at changing Teacher Behaviours TCM improves child behaviour too Improvements in Low Difficulties AND High Difficulties Children Effective without any other intervention

    17. What Next? Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) are funding TCM training Small-Scale Classroom Dina Evaluation Using TCM evaluation data to assess if classroom changes extend to the home environment Investigate whether the TCM reduces Teacher Stress All Gwynedd Primary Schools (Key Stage 1) Fourteen authorities have accessed TCM training All Gwynedd Primary Schools (Key Stage 1) Fourteen authorities have accessed TCM training

    18. Thanks for listening!

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