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GRAMMAR BOOKLET ANSWER KEY. Review of: Verb Agreement and Special Problems Irregular Verbs List , and Correctness Active vrs . Passive voice. Chapter 1: Agreement : Special Problems , pgs . 5-12.
GRAMMAR BOOKLET ANSWER KEY Review of: VerbAgreement and SpecialProblems Irregular VerbsList, and Correctness Active vrs. Passivevoice
Chapter 1: Agreement: SpecialProblems, pgs. 5-12 • This chapter is of general knowledge, you WILL NOT be specifically tested on this. • It will always help you to know what agreement is and which are the special cases listed in this chapter.
Chapter 2: Irregular Verbs, pages 13 to 16 • Practice 5: 2. Go 3. send 4. leave 5. Do 6. win 7. get 8. Give 9.meet 10. eat 11.become
Chapter 2: Irregular Verbs, pages 13 to 16 • Practice 6: 1. Stood 2. sang 3. drove 4. Put 5. didn`tfinish 6. didn`t do 7. Found 8. cut 9. had 10. Ate 11. took 12. drove • Practice 7: 1. Was 2. had 3. caught 4. caused 5. Lived 6. taught 7. hung 8. painted 9. Married 10.went 11.had 12.went 13. Divorced 14. remarried 15. died
Practice 8: Be carefulwhenasking a question in past tense 2. she/catch polio? DID she CATCH polio? Yes, shedid. Shecaught polio whenyoung. WRONG: Didshecaughtpolio? 3. Car/accident/cause/herpain? DID a car accident CAUSE herpain? Yes, itdid. Itcausedher a lot of pain.
4. What did she teach herself? She taught… 5. What did she hang above her bed? She hung 6. Whom did she marry? She married… 7. When did they go to S. Francisco? They went.. 8.Why did they go to S. Francisco? They went… 9. Why did they divorce? They (got) divorced… 10. When did she die? She died… Practice 9: YOUR ANSWERS MAY VARY
CROSSWORD OF I. VERBS • ACROSS Sprang-lost-rose-got-eaten-swung-blew-was-hung-caught-lay-broke-went-awoke-told-tore-stood. • DOWN drove-swore-ran-pled-grown-sat-knew-ground-shook-threw-ate-led-wept-fallen-sank-lent.
UNIT 4. THE PASSIVE VOICE, pgs.32 to 39Study note: Learntodistinguishthe Simple tenses fromthePerfect tenses. • Practice 1: A for Active/ P forPassive 1. A 2. A 3. P 4. A 5. A 6. P 7. A 8. A 9. P 10. P
Practice 3.A: (Time phrasesgoafterthebyphraseoragent) 2. Itwaslookedbyhimlastweek. 3. Theoilwillbechangedbyhimtomorrow. 4. Itwillbepicked up by me tomorrow. 5. I shouldbefinishedbyhimbythen. 6. Thegarage has beenownedbyJordan and hisbrotherforsevenyears. • Practice 3.B: 1. Thehousewillbefinishedbytheworkerstomorrow. 2. Ithasn`tbeenpaintedbythemyetbecausethepaintwasstolenbysomeone. 3. Thewindows and carpetinghavebeenalreadyinstalledbythem. 4. Ithasn`tbeenboughtbyanyone. 5. Itwillbeshowntothepublicbytheagents. 6. Itcan`tbeseenbyusuntilthen.
Practice 3.C: Noticethebyphraseoragentisunnecessaryherebecausethedaughter has done itall! 2. Haveyour chores beenfinished? (by me.) 3. Thedisheshavebeenwashed. 4. My bed has beenmade. 5. My homework has beenfinished. 6. Thegarbage has alreadybeentakenout. 7. My cleanclotheshavebeenputaway. 8. Everythingthatyouhaveasked me to do has been done.
Practice 3.D: • Noticethebyphraseoragentisnecessaryherebecauseeveryone in the office isdoingsomethingdifferent! 1. Thecoffee has alreadybeen done by me. 2. The cookies havebeenputoutby me. 3. Thechairswere set up by Joseph. 4. Thepaperwillbehandedoutby me. 5. Themoneywillbecollectedby Larry. 6. ThechairswillbeputawaybyStephanie. 7. The cups willbewashedbyJackie. 8. Theintroductionwillbereadby Paulo. 9. Thetrashcanswillbeemptiedby me. 10. The new peoplewillbegreetedby Sarah.
Practice 3.E: • Noticethebyphraseoragentisunnecessary in this dialogue becausethehusbanddoesn`twanttobeblamedfortherepairmess! Well, thefaucetwasn`tturned off (by me) A plumberwascalled, butitwasn`tfixedbyhim. A new partisneeded.
Practice 3.F: • Notice the by phrase or agent is unnecessary in these game instructions because no one knows for sure who will be playing. How is the game played? Some money is given to each person, and then, the dice are rolled. Then, the pieces are moved around the board. The cards are dealt. When the end is reached, the game is over.
Practice 4: In newsarticles, thepassivevoiceisgenerallyused. • A. 1. were destroyed Passive 2. escaped Active 3. was caused Passive 4. were killed Passive 5. were Active 6. were found Passive 7. changed Active 8. thought Active 9. Was put out Passive
Practice 4. B: • B. 1. is Active 2. isservedPassive 3. are offeredPassive 4. are knownPassive 5. is Active 6. ismadePassive 7. are recommendedPassive 8. offer Active 9. is Active 10.is Active • Practice 5: YOUR ANSWERS MAY VARY.
Practice 6: TheByphrase 1. Unnecessary 2. Necessary 3. Unnecessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Necessary 6. Necessary 7. Necessary 8. Unnecessary 9. Unnecessary 10. Unnecessary S T U D Y B R E A K NO. 1
Practice 7: Addanylogicalbyphraseoragentaccordingtoeachsentence. 2. (People, parents, students) mademistakes. 3. Thecompanybuilttheapartmentbuilding in the 1960`s. 4. Darío willtakeourclassphotographtomorrow. 5. Alexander Graham Bell inventedthetelephone. 6. (I, My parents) painted my room. 7. Cacao beansmake chocolate. 8. Someonehadalreadyturnedonthe T.V. 9. Thatleadingcompanyexportsmanyelectronicsfrom Asia. 10. The Nobel PeacePrize (president, committee) awarded Martin L. King, Jr.thisaward in 1964. 11. Thecollectorswill pick up thegarbagetomorrowmorning. 12. France gavetheStatue of LibertytotheUnitedStates.
Practice 8: Use onlynecessaryagents. 1. The first zoo was built by Queen H. of ancient Egypt. 2. Animals were given to pharaohs as gifts. 3. The Garden of Intelligence was created by W.W. around 1000 B.C. 4. The first public zoos to study plants and animals were built by the Greeks. 5. Many small zoos were created in N. Africa, China, and India between 1000 B.C. and 400 B.C. 6. The first elephant was brought to England by K. Henry III in the 13th century. 7. It was given to him as a present. 8. The Vienna zoo is considered the oldest zoo in the world. 9. It was opened in 1752.
PRACTICE 9: Use only the necessary agents. 1. The Matrix was written and directed by Andy and Larry W. 2. It was seen by thousands of people. 3. The movie was made in 1999. 4. The first week it was opened, $ 22.2 million were made. 5. The human environment was controlled by computers in the movie. 6. Neo, the hero, is discovered by one of the characters, Morpheus. 7. The world is saved by Neo. PRACTICE 10: YOUR ANSWERS MAY VARY.
Practice 11: (Unnecessary agent) 2. Pizzas are being made. 3. Reservations are being taken. 4. Tables are being cleaned off. 5. Dishes are being washed. 6. People are being seated. 7. Customers are being served. 8. Bills are being paid. 9. Tips are being left. 10. Jokes are being told. Who is doing these tasks? 2. Cook 3. server 4. server 5. dishwasher 6. customers 7. server 8. cashier 9. customers 10. host Practice 12: One car is being towed and the other car is being photographed. Some people are being taken away and some are being interviewed by the police. One driver is being given a ticket.
Practice 13: (Active or Passive) 1. Was getting 2. was planning 3. Were happening 4. were flying in 5. Was being rented 6. was being catered 7. Was being spent 8. was getting Practice 14: 2. A magazine writer was interviewing the supermodels at 4 p.m. 3. When I called the shop, the mechanic was repairing the computer. 4. Someone is testing us on Monday. 5. When they left, they were assembling the new furniture. 6. Someone is washing your clothes right now.
Practice 15: (Passive with modal auxiliaries) 1. Should be served 2. must be put 3. Can be eaten 4. has to be washed 5. Must be made 6. can be popped 7. Shouldn´t be kept 8. has to be put 9. can be kept 10. ought to be eaten Practice 16: 2. Your car can be registered on the Internet. 3. Your car must be insured. 4. Your driver license must be kept with you all the time. 5. The fees must be paid by the due date. 6. Your registration will be cancelled by the D.M.V. 7. Your car might be ticketed if it´s parked on the street. 8. Your money will not be refunded by the D.M.V. 9. The D.M.V. can be contacted for information.
Practice 17: (Active or Passive) 1. A 2. P 3. P 4. P 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. P 9. A 10. A Practice 18: YOUR ANSWERS MAY VARY Practice 19: 2. The electricity is being checked. 3. The roof is being fixed. 4. New windows are being put in. 5. The old stove is being replaced. 6. The rooms are being painted. 7. The grass is being cut. S T U D Y B R E A K NO. 2
FINAL OVERVIEW OF PASSIVE V.Page 45 3. (P) Several employees were fired... 4. (P) An article about China was published... 5. (A) Al Baker wrote the article. 6. (A) The newspaper hires new editors... 7. (P) Marla Jacobson was interviewed by ... 8. (A) They gave Marla an assignment ... 9. (P) The article was researched thoroughly. 10.(A) The information fascinated the readers.
FINAL OVERVIEW OF PASSIVE V.Page 46 3. The Philippines were named... 4. The islands were called... 5. The country is known... 6. The nation is made up ... 7. Only 11 are considered ... 8. The Philippines were born ... 9. Many of the tiny islands weren´t given... 10.The second largest island is named...
FINAL OVERVIEW PASSIVE OR ACTIVE VOICE, Page 46 3. Even the mountains are inhabited. 4. Large rivers are found ... 5. Floods often damage ... 6. Windstorms cause ... 7. Most of the land was covered ... 8. Forests cover ... 9. They contain ... 10. Wild hogs are found... 11. Water buffalos are used ... 12. Bird and fish species inhabit the Philippines.
The passive with or without an agent, page 47 3. were followed by groups... 4. are spoken 5. are understood by speakers... 6. was declared 7. is spoken by... 8. is taught ... 9. is spoken ... 10. is used...
Questions and short answers with the passive voice, pages 48-49 3. Where are fruits and nuts grown? 4. Where is logging done? 5. What animals are raised? 6. Are llamas found in the East? 7. Where are potatoes grown? 8. Where is rubber produced? 9. Where is oil found? 10. Is wheat grown in the North? 11. Is cattle raised in the East?