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Vocabulary Level 10-12F. http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/vocabulary/levels_a2h.cfm. Florid. reddish; showy/ornate. Gauche. tactless, uncouth; awkward, clumsy. Perceptive. insightful; having sympathetic insight. Disseminate. scatter, spread widely. Contingent.
Vocabulary Level 10-12F • http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/vocabulary/levels_a2h.cfm
Florid reddish; showy/ornate
Gauche tactless, uncouth; awkward, clumsy
Perceptive insightful; having sympathetic insight
Disseminate scatter, spread widely
Contingent representative group; possible
Salient notable, prominent; springing forth
Dowdy poorly dressed, shabby; frumpy
Palpable obvious; able to be seen or felt
Censurable deserving blame or correction
Caricature exaggerated depiction
Satiate satisfy completely; gratify
Sear char; become dry or withered
Foist impose by fraud; pass off as worthy
Discursive rambling, roving; nomadic
Abstemious moderate or sparing; temperate
Heresy opiniondifferent from accepted belief
Pernicious extremely harmful; deadly
Denizen inhabitant, resident
Inculcate teach, instill, implant; impress on the mind
Corroborate confirm or verify
Contiguous side by side, near in time; touching
Deleterious harmful/destructive
Redundant extra; wordyrepetitious
Enhance increase value; improve
Sanctimonious self-righteous; faking virtue
Winsome charmingattractive; pleasing,delightful
Absolve excuse; clear from blame or guilt
Bedlam chaos; state orscene of uproar
Specious deceptive; lacking real merit
Enthrall captivate/charm; enslave
Cupidity greed; eager desire
Clangor loud ringing; uproar
Prosaic dull, lacking in originality Did you hurt yourself when you fell from heaven? or Are your feet tired...because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
Debonair smooth, suave; courteous
Accrue grow or collect over time
Extenuate lessen the seriousness; downplay
Annotation explanatory or critical note
Incisive sharp, keen, acute; insightful,perceptive
Paraphrase restate in other words; reword
Ostentatious flashy, showy, overdone
Scintillating stimulating, lively; sparkling
Implicit unspoken; implied or understood but unexpressed
Paragon model of excellence or perfection; ideal Mr. Mennenoh
Politic wise, tactful; prudent
Sedentary stationary; remaining in one place
Dun demand (especially in payment;drab, dull
Reprobate a wicked scoundrel; corrupt; to condemn
Gratuitous not called for; freely given
Equanimity calmness, composure