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Christmas in Slovakia . Vanessa Lujza Emríšková. . . . .
Christmas in Slovakia VanessaLujza Emríšková
. . . Christmas is for Christians a celebrationofJesus Christ Birth in Belteheme, a celebration of him who came to redeem the world. Grulla, cakecalled, štedrák, cabbage soup with mushrooms, lentil soup or fish, the chain around the table, no poultry on the table, becauseitissaidthatiftherewas a poultrythehappinesswouldflyawaynextyear.
Othercutsomiscutting applesintohalves, nut shellsswimming on the water or puttingmoney under the tablecloth. These allare superstitions connected with Christmasmagic and sorcery, derived from pagan traditions that our familes keep from generation to generation.
OurChristmas... • Christmas is not only three feast days. But itmeansthewholemonth of preparation. Itisthe feast of Christ - the Kingbirth, when new yearstarts. All Christmas days carry anamount of magical energy.
Slovak Christmaspoem. . . • Original Načo ľudia oddávna čakali, to im už anjeli zvestovali, radujme sa, plesajme a Bohu ďakujme, nemluvniatku, pacholiatku spievajme.
Somethingaboutit... ADVENT Advent means in Latinarrival, it is actually the expectation of coming Savior of the world. During the early Christianity began around the 11th century and began four weeks before Christmas Eve day. Advent has been dedicated to the spiritual exercises, meditation and fasting. Fun and games at that time are notverysuitable, social life center on prays, various concerts and charitable events.
An apple symbolizes health, wisdom, nuts, small ornaments for girls beauty and future happiness, and coinmeandsuccess. and it was a bad sign, if something needs to borrow. Lent ends when the first starenterssky. TheChristmas table isspecialtoo. Dinner is associated with many traditions that are adhered. Atfirstpeopleeat waffles with honey, a coinisputunderthe table cloth to haveenaghmoneyduringthewholeyear.The apples, legumes and nuts are on eachChristmas table. After dinner peopleexchange gifts to makeourrelatives happy. Christmas Eve - 24 December On Christmas Eve, 24 December, until the eveningpeopleusuallykeep fasting and magictraditionsrelateitissaidthat to health, success, future harvests and personal life. It is the Eve of the feast of Christ's Birth. Foreign woman could not enter the house because it would mean disaster, Atmidnight a lotofpeoplevisitthefamousChristmasMass.
25 December – Christmas day 25 december isthedaywhenwemeetourrelatives, thewholefamily and westaytogether. Main Christmas Mass was held on 25 December.
26 December 26 december – St. Stephen´sDaypeoplego and congratulatemarryChristmaseachother. Saint Stephen was an ardent follower of a herald of Christ's teaching, for which he was in 37 when the wall of Jerusalem crucified. He was also the patron of horses and carollers.
Advent Malacky... With the Advent, a series of related cultural and social events are held annually in towns and villages of our region. Some emphasize the spiritual meaning of Christmas, others have commercial importance. Every year in DecembereverywhereinMalacky, youcanhear Christmas carrolsand Christmas punchsmellseverywhere. Advent cycle events in Malacky traditionally opens the first Advent candle lighting in theFranciscan church. 6 December is dedicated to Santa Claus events, which are intended for children. In the castle park every year during this period thereis ice skating areamade. On a small square of Christmas begin to sound tones and open the Christmas markets.