Slovakia is a very diverse country. The Slovak Republic is alandlocked country in Central Europe. It has an area of 49,035square kilometers and are home to approximately 5.43 millioninhabitants. It borders with the Czech Republic (251.8 km), Austria (107.1 km), Poland (541.1 km), Ukraine (97.8 km) and Hungary(654.8 km) [7]. The main and most populous city is Bratislava.
Thisis Bratislava and .........Dunaj Thisis Bratislava and Dunaj
Bratislava is a city rich in monuments, many of which are located inOld Town. Town Conservation Reserve is one of the largest in Slovakia. It is dominated by four tower, Bratislava Castle, which is located next to the building of the Slovak National Council, and nearSt. Martin's Cathedral.The most striking modern building is the new bridge on the Danube, the largest suspension bridge in the world with one hinge pillar andone plane. In 2001 the building was declared a century in Slovakia in the category of bridge construction. Bratislava is a city rich in monuments, many of which are located inOld Town. Town Conservation Reserve is one of the largest in Slovakia. It is dominated by four tower, Bratislava Castle, which is located next to the building of the Slovak National Council, and nearSt. Martin's Cathedral.The most striking modern building is the new bridge on the Danube, the largest suspension bridge in the world with one hinge pillar andone plane. In 2001 the building was declared a century in Slovakia in the category of bridge construction.
The region of Bratislava (Bratislava) Slovak is the richest region inthe new European Union ranks second (after Prague) in order ofGDP per capita expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS),where it reaches 167% of the EU average (in 2007 ), which is 9place in all regions of the European Union. There are traditionally the lowest unemployment rate in Slovakia and many people from other regions of Slovakia traveling here for work.The average wage in the Bratislava Region was the first to the fourth quarter of 2008 amounting to € 1015.47 The region of Bratislava (Bratislava) Slovak is the richest region inthe new European Union ranks second (after Prague) in order ofGDP per capita expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS),where it reaches 167% of the EU average (in 2007 ), which is 9place in all regions of the European Union. There are traditionally the lowest unemployment rate in Slovakia and many people from other regions of Slovakia traveling here for work.The average wage in the Bratislava Region was the first to the fourth quarter of 2008 amounting to € 1015.47
The only place in Slovakia where I wanted to go to the High Tatras • The High Tatras are the highest mountains in Slovakia and Polandand are also the only mountain range in these countries, with an alpine character. They are part of the High TatrasgeomorphologicwestKopskéhosedla that separates them from BelianskeTatras. In the south, bordering Podtatranská valley. They have an area of 341 km ².
The High Tatras we find 29 peaks exceeding 2,500 meters height. A total of eight peaks in the Slovak High Tatras is open to tourists on marked trails. Here is a video how to ski in the Tatras.
The High Tatras are the Tatra National Park (TANAP). Park was declared in the 1948th Tatra National Park area is 73,300 hectares and surface protection zone a further 39 800 ha. In Poland itTatrzańskiNarodowy Park with an area 212 km ². Purposes of thepark was to protect the unique flora and fauna and significant profile of alpine and glacial terrain. This is especially characterized by steeppeaks and ridges, cirques, moraines and the like. Protection hereincludes numerous karst (limestone in the soil component of the Tatra Mountains) such as. holes, gaps, Karren and caves. In February 1993, Tatra National Park was declared as Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in the program.
The High Tatras are the most popular in Slovakia. There is a largetourism. The High Tatras are the best for relaxation and fun.
The End Thanksforwatching