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A comprehensive guide to community safety initiatives, tasking strategies, estate improvement, partner programs, and regulatory services in Cardiff. Contact key personnel for research, analysis, and neighborhood management.
Council Estate Congregating in communal areas of council blocks. Task and finish initiatives relating to ‘problem blocks’ and graffiti Estate Improvement and Alleygating Co-located Victim Support Services Community Safety Hotspots & Trends Analytical Work Cardiff Partnership And Programmes Housing & Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships, Neighbourhoods & Citizen Focus Co-located Substance Misuse Seconded to Health Council Wide Community Safety Neighbour Nuisance (Council Tenant/Leaseholder) Neighbourhood Management, Community Safety Tasking & Non Council Tenant ASB Trading Standards Fair trading laws, doorstep crime. Roadside car sales Age restricted sales Loan Sharks CONTEST Prepare Protect Prevent Pursue Youth Offending Service (Age 10-17, ASB, Stay Safe, Offending/Re-offending Neigh. Resolution Panels) Motor Cycle Annoyance Regulatory & Supporting Services Pollution Control Noise Nuisance City Management Social Care Community Safety CCTV Housing Enforcement Including Student Liaison & unkempt properties Night Time Economy City Ambassadors/ Taxi Marshalls. Busy Night Operations (eg, Halloween and Christmas) Licensing Safeguarding Including Domestic Homicide Multi Agency Review, Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding and Human Trafficking Licensing
Policy, Partnerships & Citizen Focus CARDIFF PARTNERSHIP AND PROGRAMMES • Cardiff has brought together the key public and voluntary sector organisations to work collaboratively to address the big issues facing the city and ensure key services are delivered more effectively to meet the needs of citizens. • The Cardiff Partnership consists of the Council, Police, Health, Fire & Rescue Service, Probation Service and the Third Sector and is responsible for overseeing the performance of city-wide programmes and workstreams to address major issues in Cardiff. • These issues have been identified through business intelligence as priorities and include reducing domestic & sexual abuse, human trafficking, ASB, community cohesion, early intervention and reducing young people who are NEET Contact Details: Rachel Jones, Operational Manager Policy, Partnerships & Citizen Focus 029 2087 2678 RacJones@Cardiff.gov.uk RESEARCH & ANALYSIS • Cardiff Research Centre is responsible for delivering effective research and consultation for the Council and the Cardiff Partnership – including the analysis and interpretation of a wide range of secondary demographic and socio-economic statistical data including the Census and in-depth economic impact assessments. • Cardiff Research Centre is also responsible for providing the main business intelligence function for the partnership to ensure that services are targeted to address identified need. This can include analysis and mapping to identify trends and ‘hot spots’ for crime and antisocial behaviour. • CRC deliver approximately 50 consultation projects a year including supporting the Cardiff Citizen Panel and undertaking the Ask Cardiff Resident Survey which is shared with over 50,000 households and recipients in Cardiff to understand citizen views and satisfaction levels. Contact Details: Sion Ward, Principal Research Officer- Research & Information, 029 2087 3205 s.ward@cardiff.gov.uk Claire Griffiths, Principal Research Officer – Consultation, 029 2087 3217 c.griffiths@cardiff.gov.uk
Policy, Partnerships & Citizen Focus NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT • The Cardiff Partnership’s neighbourhood management model enables multi-agency teams based in six localities across Cardiff to share local intelligence to solve problems for their particular neighbourhood. • Each Neighbourhood Management area has an action plan which identifies key priorities for the area and task groups have been established tor address local issues/ Contact Details: Louise Bassett, Locality Delivery Officer 029 2087 3898 LBasset@cardiff.gov.uk COMMUNITY SAFETY TASKING & NON-COUNCIL TENANT ASB • The Policy & Partnerships Team is responsible for coordinating a partnership response to many of the statutory requirements associated with community safety. • Through analysis of business intelligence and data the Neighbourhood Management Teams and Partnership Programmes can respond to local issues and help ensure that right partner organisation or services are ‘tasked’ to address priorities impacting on people’s quality of life. • Many of these issues include responding to non-council tenant anti-social behaviour issues which can include issues such as motor-cycle annoyance, fear of crime or environmental crime. Contact Details: Sheena Lawson, Partnership Delivery Team Manager 029 2087 2673, Slawson@cardiff.gov.uk Peter King, Senior Partnership Analyst 029 2087 3883, PeKing@cardiff.gov.uk
Neighbourhood Nuisance (Council Tenant/Leaseholder) Council tenancy-related anti social behaviour and landlord responsibilities within council housing stock. Examples of anti social behaviour and nuisance: Uncontrolled pets and animals Slamming door-entry doors Gathering of young people Criminal behaviour Using and selling drugs Intimidation/assault Damage to property (including graffiti and vandalism) Prostitution (including commercial sex workers and kerb crawlers) Breach of Court Orders Harassment Acts or threats of violence Contact Details: Ellen Curtis Tenant & Leaseholder Services Manager 029 20537416 E.Curtis@cardiff.gov.uk Co-located Substance Misuse All matters relating to substance misuse service development, support and service user and carer engagement Contact Details: Ben Davies, Substance Misuse 029 20537196 BenDavies@cardff.gov.uk Housing & Neighbourhood Renewal Co-located Victim Support Services • Support and provide emotional and practical support plus advocacy and advice to victims and witnesses of anti social behaviour Contact Details: Cara Thomas, Victims Champion for ASB 029 20537270 (07772 690639) Cara.Thomas@cardiff.gov.uk
Estate Improvement & Alley Gating The Housing Development team deliver estate regeneration work on housing estates across the city. The schemes are designed and implemented to reduce ASB & Crime associated with lanes, alleyways garage sites and other housing land. Schemes include: Alley gating Gully closures Removal of problematic open spaces Improvements to garage sites Courtyard improvements Defensible space & improvements to communal parking areas. Contact Details: Kelly Jacka Senior Land & Asset Officer 029 20537499 kjacka@cardiff.gov.uk Council Estate Communal Areas Caretaking Services provide fortnightly cleaning for communal areas. Court yards will be jet cleaned annually including bin bays, also bulky items are removed and cleared regularly. Graffiti removal is completed within 24 hours if its racist or foul language/images all other graffiti we aim to remove within 10 days. Caretaking Services deal with responsive cleaning requests for example when paint has been spilt. Tenancy Officers carry out regular proactive visits to check on property and garden conditions. Contact Details: Housing Enquiries 029 20 537111 HousingEnquiries@cardiff.gov.uk Housing & Neighbourhood Renewal
TRADING STANDARDS - Doorstep Crime Respond to calls relating to doorstep crime incidents and provide, where appropriate, a rapid response to such calls. Provide assistance, advice and support for victims of doorstep crime and liaise with other support agencies to provide a wrap around service. Investigate complaints and incidents relating to doorstep crime where there have been breaches of consumer protection laws. Part of this work also includes educating and advising legitimate traders on the applicable laws TRADING STANDARDS - Age Restricted Carry out a programme of routine test purchasing for a variety of age restricted products throughout the year. This includes but is not limited to: knives, tobacco, alcohol, sunbeds and fireworks. We also look to proactively educate and assist retailers with their due diligence systems in order to prevent sales from taking place, and have trader guidance packs to give out to retailers. Take positive action where persistent and repeated breaches of the law are found, including requesting alcohol licence reviews and applying for restricted premises orders for tobacco. Regulatory Services TRADING STANDARDS - Roadside Car Sales Monitor and inspect locations around the city that are prevalent to roadside vehicle sales. Provide information to sellers on the offences and legal provisions contained within the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act, and look To investigate complaints and cases with a view to ceasing the behaviour or taking punitive action. Contact Details Sarah Smith 029 20872798 Sarah.Smith@cardiff.gov.uk
TRADING STANDARDS Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit (Loan Sharks) Actively identify cases of Illegal Money lending through a number of different channels Undertake detailed Investigations into Illegal Money Lending and prepare cases for prosecution Assist the victims of Illegal Lenders Educate the public about the dangers of illegal Money lending and work with partners to promote affordable and legal lending alternatives. Contact Details: 24 Hour Hotline Calling 0300 123 3311 imlu@cardiff.gov.uk Text 'loan shark' to 60003 Stephen Grey 2087 1099 Stephen.Grey@cardiff.gov.uk TRADING STANDARDS Enforcement of Fair Trading Laws Trading Standards inspect, educate, advise and regulate businesses across a wide spectrum of sectors within Cardiff. Routine risk rated inspections are carried out to ascertain compliance with consumer protection laws. We respond to trader enquiries for advice and provide information to new businesses either by inspections or in response to queries. Proactive checks on legal compliance are made via routine sampling, surveys or test purchases, designed to check product safety, food safety or standards, or a business' due diligence defence. We regularly take part in joint operations designed to identify breaches of consumer protection laws with other external partners and agencies. Contact Details: Sarah Smith (Commercial) Jackie James (Technical/Projects) 029 20872798 029 202069 Sarah.Smith@cardiff.gov.ukJJames@cardiff.gov.uk Regulatory Services
HOUSING ENFORCEMENT Complaints about housing conditions Housing Enforcement deals mostly with issues concerning private rented accommodation that affect tenants, landlords and agents. The main elements of the service includes: Complaints from tenants concerning hazards including damp mould, heating, disrepair/nuisance & many other matters. High Hedge disputes between neighbours concerning evergreen hedges, can be resolved by the team Dissemination of information to landlords on best practice in property management and changing legislation is a key element of the service, this includes supporting landlord for a and quarterly newsletters Empty Homes re-occupation is a key objective achieved by ensuring that any owners are actively encouraged to maintain and re-occupy empty property. Interest free loans are also available. Contact Details: Steve Palmer Tel: 029 2087 1762 privatesectorhousing@cardiff.gov.uk HOUSING ENFORCEMENT Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a property occupied by persons who are not members of the same family. HMO Licensing is a mechanism for controlling, managing and improving standards in certain types of private rented accommodation. There are currently two licensing schemes operating in Cardiff: Mandatory Licensing applies to larger HMOs across the City Additional Licensing applies to all HMOs in Cathays Licenses are valid for a maximum of 5 years. An application form to apply for a licence can be downloaded from the internet.. Licence conditions require a landlord to undertake work to improve conditions within the rented property and to ensure that the licence holder adheres to management standards these can relate to an array of issues including refuse storage, tidiness of gardens & maintenance of records Services to support landlords and tenants: We have a dedicated Student Liaison Officer to deal with matters of concern to students and communities housing a high number of students, Landlord Accreditation Wales is a scheme to recognise good landlords run in partnership between all 22 Unitary Authorities in Wales. It plays an important part in ensuring that landlords manage property well. Contact Details: Steve Tudball, Tel: 029 2087 1762 privatesectorhousing@cardiff.gov.uk Regulatory Services
POLLUTION CONTROL Noise Pollution The team respond to requests for service in respect of pollution incidents, including nuisance from noise, smoke, dust, odour and other illegal burning. For noise complaints we operate a reactive out of hours noise service at peak hours Thursday to Sunday to deal with noise complaints as they happen. We have a network of air quality monitoring stations around the city for chemicals which can harm human health. We develop statutory reports and action plans for improving air quality We regulate emissions to air from industrial processes within the city Contact Details: 24 Hour Hotline Tel: 029 2087 1650 Sian James 029 20871893 SEJames@cardiff.gov.uk STRAY DOGS Cardiff Dogs Home and Dog Warden Service provides a service in respect of straying dogs which includes the apprehension of stray or dangerous dogs in the street, receiving dogs from the public and kennelling dogs. The service combines enforcement, educational and advisory elements. Contact Details: 029 20711243 Maria Bailie Sarah Brown MBailie@cardiff.gov.ukSBrown@cardiff.gov.uk Regulatory Services POLLUTION CONTROL The Pest Control Service provides a comprehensive service in respect of the control of pests which includes treatments for rats, mice and other public health pests. We respond to requests from domestic and commercial premises as well as undertaking proactive treatments to keep rodent numbers under control through contracts with Welsh Water and other businesses. Contact Details: Sarah Brown – 029 20872934/5 PestControl@cardiff.gov,uk
LICENSING Licensing Act 2003 & Gambling Act 2005 The Licensing Section processes applications for licences under the Licensing Act 2003. This includes Premises Licences which covers the sale/supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and provision of late night refreshment, and Personal licences which are required to supervise the sale of alcohol. The Licensing Section processes applications for licences and permits under the Gambling Act 2005, which includes Betting premises, Casinos, Bingo Halls, Adult Entertainment Centres, prize gaming permits. Temporary Event Notices under the Licensing Act 2003 are processed in relation to small events of up to 499 people. Licensing Enforcement Officers undertake proactive inspections of licensed premises to ensure compliance with the licence conditions The Licensing Section aim to educate the licensed trade with regards to compliance and legislative changes Enforcement Officers investigate complaints and incidents in connection with unauthorised activities. from industrial processes within the city Contact Details: Claire Hartrey 029 20871651 licensing@cardiff.gov.uk LICENSING Taxis The Licensing Section process and issues licences in respect of hackney carriage vehicles, private hire vehicle, private hire operators and hackney carriage/private hire drivers. The licensing procedure ensures that licensed drivers are ‘fit and proper’ persons to be transporting members of the public, and that licensed vehicles are suitable and roadworthy. Enforcement Officers complete proactive inspections of licensed vehicles and check driver’s credentials. Officers also perform joint enforcement exercises with other agencies such as South Wales Police, and VOSA, to ensure vehicles continue to be roadworthy. The team investigate all relevant complaints concerning licensed drivers, vehicles and operators and will respond to complaints of unlicensed activity Contact Details: Claire Hartrey 029 20871651 licensing@cardiff.gov.uk Regulatory Services
LICENSING - Street Trading The Licensing Section issue street trading consents to allow trading on specially selected pitches in the city centre on occasions when there are major events taking place in the Millennium Stadium. Enforcement Officers undertake proactive monitoring to identify cases of unauthorised street trading in the city. Legal proceedings will be initiated against any trader found to be street trading illegally within Cardiff. LICENSING – Animal Related Licenses The Licensing Section administer and issue licences in respect of pet shops, animal boarding establishments, dog breeding establishments, performing animal, riding establishments and dangerous wild animals. Enforcement officers accompany a vet on annual inspections of licensed premises to certify compliance with licence conditions and ensure animal welfare standards are met. Regulatory Services LICENSING - Miscellaneous The licensing Section is also responsible for administering and issuing licences/permits in respect of the following: 1. Scrap metal dealers/itinerant collectors 2. Skin piercing (Premises & person) 3. Sex Establishments 4. Charitable collections (house to house and street collections) 5. Small society lottery registrations 6. Hypnotism Contact Details: Claire Hartrey 029 20871651 licensing@cardiff.gov.uk
CONTEST Contest is broken down into four principal strands, as follows:- PREVENT: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist acts. PROTECT: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack. PREPARE: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack. PURSUE: to stop terrorist acts Contact Details: Carl Davies (PREVENT) 029 20873281 carl.davies@cardiff.gov.uk Gavin Macho (PROTECT & PREPARE) 029 20871831 GMacho@cardiff.gov.uk Chief Inspector Steve Murray (PURSUE) 029 20338497Stephen.Murray@south-wales.pnn.co.uk City Management COMMUNITY SAFETY CCTV • Management of Community Safety CCTV team • Management of Redeployable Cameras (Arrange installation store and Maintain units) • Providing reports and performance indicators and feedback Contact Details: Steve Harrhy Principal Engineer Control Centre 029 203312 s.harrhy@cardiff.gov.uk CCTV Control Room 029 2087 3575
NIGHT TIME ECONOMY Night Time Economy Ambassadors address issues relating to: Wellbeing - Welcoming , clean & safe environment Movement - A secure pattern of arrival circulation and departure In addition, City Centre Management support, encourage and facilitate: Broad Appeal - a vibrant choice and rich mix of entertainment and activity. Place - A stimulating destination and vital place. Contact Details: Paul Williams, City Centre & Events Manager 2087 2811 PaulWilliams@cardiff.gov.uk City Management PARKS & SPORT MOTOR CYCLE ANNOYANCE The Service works closely with South Wales Police in carrying out targeted joint operations aimed at reducing off road motorcycle nuisance throughout the Council's Parks & Public Open Space provision. Contact Details: Office hours:- Heath Park Reception 2068 4000 or parks@cardiff.gov.uk Jon Maidment, Operational Manager, Parks & Sport 2068 4020 jmaidment@cardiff.gov.uk
YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICES Youth Offending Service is a multi-agency organisation with statutory responsibility for providing intervention, challenge and support for young people and their families with the primary aim of preventing ASB, offending and re-offending. The YOS offers support to victims of youth crime and ASB and a range of restorative interventions are offered. The YOS has developed three prevention projects which aim to intervene with young people at an earlier stage in order to prevent entry into the criminal justice systems. Social Care YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICES – ASB • Working with young people who have been issued warnings under ASB legislation. • Referrals to the team are automatically generated by SW Police ASB Co-ordinator or Police staff when young person reaches stage 2 of the 4-stage process • 5 Project workers specialist in geographical area. • Links with Problems Solving Groups and Neighbourhood Policing Teams. • Behaviour is challenged and young people are encouraged to think about the impact of their behaviour, victims and communities. • Engagement with education, training, health & substance misuse and family support services. YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICES Neighbourhood Resolution Panels • Neighbourhood resolution panels (NRP) is a form of restorative justice conferencing, facilitated by trained community volunteers and supported by Stakeholders. • NRP’s can be used to problem solve with young people and adults to address harmful behaviours that are not serious enough to prosecute, or that should be subject to more formal out of court disposal. • Panels are one of a number of options for dealing with re-offending and nuisance behaviour out of court. • YOS piloting NRPs and will be monitoring outcomes for repeat problematic behaviour.
Stay Safe Stay Safe is a Cardiff YOS and South Wales Police project run by intelligence from Police, A&E, SARC, Wales Ambulance Trust, Street Pastors, Cardiff Youth Service and Trading Standards. The project is demand lead and runs in specific geographical areas where there are reported incidences of youth ASB, alcohol consumption, assault, sexual assault or rape incidents, youth crime or young people as victims of crime. Anonymous data is gathered so that interventions are targeted to where they are most needed. Social Care Operational Aims: • Protect vulnerable children and young people. • Protect children and young people from consuming alcohol/substances. • Reduce number of young people in A&E for alcohol/substance misuse. • Reduce number of young people referred to SARC. • Tackle crime and ASB in hotspots. • Work with parents/guardians to improve responsible parental care. • Signposting children and young people to partner agencies to divert from harmful behaviour. • Gather evidence that will support criminal prosecutions and ASBOs. • Reassure local communities. • Identify young people who would benefit from referral to Intake & Assessment. Contact Details: Ingrid Masmeyer 029 20560839 IMasmeyer@cardiff.gov.uk