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Excel Lesson 6 Enhancing a Worksheet

Learn how to sort and filter data, apply conditional formatting, hide columns and rows, insert shapes, SmartArt graphics, pictures, and screenshots, use templates, insert hyperlinks, save in different file formats, and work with comments and the Research task pane in Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Excel Lesson 6 Enhancing a Worksheet

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  1. Excel Lesson 6Enhancing a Worksheet Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark

  2. Objectives • Sort and filter data in a worksheet. • Apply conditional formatting to highlight data. • Hide worksheet columns and rows. • Insert a shape, SmartArt graphic, picture, and screenshot in a worksheet. • Use a template to create a new workbook. • Insert a hyperlink in a worksheet. • Save a workbook in a different file format. • Insert, edit, and delete comments in a worksheet. • Use the Research task pane. 2 2

  3. Sorting Data • Sorting rearranges data in a more meaningful order. • In an ascending sort, data with letters is arranged in alphabetical order (A to Z), numbers are arranged from smallest to largest. The reverse order occurs in a descending sort. • You can sort by more than one column of data. 3 3

  4. Sorting Data (continued) • Sort dialog box

  5. Filtering Data • Filtering displays a subset of data that meets certain criteria. You can filter by value, by criteria, or by color. • On the Data tab of the Ribbon, click the Filter button. Filter arrows appear in the lower-right corners of the cells with column labels. When you click a filter arrow, the AutoFilter menu for that column appears. 5 5

  6. Filtering Data (continued) • AutoFilter menu

  7. Applying Conditional Formatting • Conditional formatting changes the appearance of cells that meet a specified condition. • The Highlight Cells Rules format cells based on comparison operators such as greater than, less than, between, and equal to. • The Top/Bottom Rules format cells based on their rank, such as the top 10 items. 7 7

  8. Hiding a row or column temporarily removes it from view. Hiding rows and columns enables you to use the same worksheet to view different data. To hide data, select the rows or columns you want to hide, and then right-click the selection. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Hide. Hiding Columns and Rows 8 8

  9. Shapes, such as rectangles, circles, and arrows can help make a worksheet more informative. To open the Shapes gallery, click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, and then click the Shapes button. Shapes are inserted in the worksheet as objects. An object is anything that appears on the screen that you can select and work with as a whole. Adding a Shape to a Worksheet 9 9

  10. Adding a Shape to a Worksheet (continued) • Shapes gallery

  11. SmartArt graphics enhance worksheets by providing a visual representation of information and ideas. To insert a SmartArt graphic, click the SmartArt button in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab. When the SmartArt graphic is selected, SmartArt Tools appear on the Ribbon. Adding a SmartArt Graphic to a Worksheet 11 11

  12. Adding a SmartArt Graphic to a Worksheet (continued) • Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box

  13. A picture is a digital photograph or other image file. You can insert a picture in a worksheet by using a picture file, by using the Clip Art task pane, or from Office.com. A picture is inserted in the workbook as an object. As with shapes, you can move, resize, or format the picture to fit your needs. Adding a Picture to a Worksheet 13 13

  14. A screenshot is a picture of all or part of something you see on your monitor. When you take a screenshot, you can include everything visible on your monitor or a screen clipping, which is the area you choose to include. Adding a Screenshot or Screen Clipping to a Worksheet 14 14

  15. Adding a Screenshot or Screen Clipping to a Worksheet (continued) • Screen clipping inserted in the worksheet

  16. Templates are predesigned workbook files that you can use as the basis or model for new workbooks. The template includes all the parts of a workbook that will not change, such as text labels, formulas, and formatting. Excel includes a variety of templates, which you access from the New tab in Backstage view. Using a Template 16 16

  17. Using a Template (continued) • New tab in Backstage view

  18. A hyperlink is a reference that opens a Web page, a file, a specific location in the current workbook, a new document, or an e-mail address when you click it. To create or edit a hyperlink, you use the Hyperlink button on the Insert tab of the Ribbon. To use the hyperlink, click the cell or object. Inserting a Hyperlink 18 18

  19. Excel workbooks can be saved in different file formats so that they can be opened in other programs. Saving a Workbook in a Different Format 19 19

  20. A comment is a note attached to a cell that you can use to explain or identify information contained in the cell. All of the comments tools are located on the Review tab of the Ribbon. To edit a comment, click the cell that contains the comment. Then click the Edit Comment button on the Review tab. Working with Comments 20 20

  21. The Research task pane provides access to information typically found in references such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. In Excel, the Research task pane also provides numerical data typically used in a worksheet, such as statistics or corporate financial data. To open the Research task pane, click the Review tab on the Ribbon, and then, in the Proofing group, click the Research button. Using the Research Task Pane 21 21

  22. Excel Lesson 8Working with Charts Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark

  23. Objectives • Identify the types of charts you can create in Excel. • Create an embedded chart in a worksheet and move a chart to a chart sheet. • Update a data source. • Choose a chart layout and style. • Create a 3-D chart. • Display and hide chart elements. • Format and modify a chart. 23 23

  24. Comparing Chart Types • A chart is a graphical representation of data. • The four most commonly used charts are a column chart, a line chart, a pie chart, and a scatter chart. • These charts as well as several other types of charts are available in the Charts group on the Insert tab on the Ribbon. 24 24

  25. Comparing Chart Types (continued) • A column chart uses bars of varying heights to illustrate data in a worksheet. It is useful for showing relationships among categories of data. Column chart 25 25

  26. Comparing Chart Types (continued) • A line chart uses points connected by a line to show data, and is ideal for illustrating trends over time. Line chart 26 26

  27. Comparing Chart Types (continued) • A pie chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole. Each part is shown as a “slice” of the pie. Pie chart 27 27

  28. Comparing Chart Types (continued) • A scatter chart, sometimes called an XY chart, shows the relationship between two categories of data, such as a person’s height and weight. Scatter chart 28 28

  29. Creating a Chart • The process for creating a chart is similar no matter which chart type you want to create. • First, you select the data you want to use for the chart. • Second, you select a chart type. • Finally, you select the chart location. 29 29

  30. Creating a Chart (continued) • Selecting the data to chart is the first step. • The chart data, called the data source, is stored in a range of cells in the worksheet. • You can also choose whether to chart more than one series of data. • A data series is a group of related information in a column or row of a worksheet that is plotted on the chart. 30 30

  31. Creating a Chart (continued) • Selecting the chart type is the second step. • The next step is to select the type of chart you want to create, such as a column, pie, or line chart. • Each chart type has a variety of subtypes you can choose from. • The chart types are available on the Insert tab in the Charts group. 31 31

  32. Creating a Chart (continued) • Insert chart dialog box

  33. Creating a Chart (continued) • Choosing the chart location is the third step. • After you select a chart type and subtype, the chart is inserted in the center of the worksheet. • This is called an embedded chart. You can move an embedded chart to a chart sheet, which is a separate sheet in a workbook that stores a chart. 33 33

  34. Charts are based on the data stored in a worksheet. If you need to change the data in the worksheet, the chart is automatically updated to reflect the new data. You switch between a chart sheet and a worksheet by clicking the appropriate sheet tabs. Updating a Data Source 34 34

  35. Most charts include some basic elements, such as a title and legend, which you can choose to include or hide. Charts are made up of different parts, or elements. The chart on the next slide identifies some common chart elements. Designing a Chart 35 35

  36. Designing a Chart (continued) • Chart elements

  37. A chart layout specifies which elements are included in a chart and where they are placed. A chart style formats the chart based on the colors, fonts, and effects associated with the workbook’s theme. You can modify a chart’s appearance by displaying or rearranging the chart title, axis titles, legend, data labels, data table, axes, gridlines, and the plot area. Designing a Chart (continued) 37 37

  38. In a pie chart, the slices are different colors to distinguish each data marker. Pie charts can be 2-D or 3-D. To create a 3-D chart, choose one of the 3-D chart styles, such as “Pie in 3-D.” Creating a 3-D Chart 38 38

  39. The Chart Tools provide a simple way to create professional-looking charts. To make changes to an element’s fill, border color, and border style, and so forth, you need to open its Format dialog box. Select the chart element. Then, on the Format tab, click the Format Selection button to open the Format dialog box. Formatting and Modifying a Chart 39 39

  40. Formatting and Modifying a Chart (continued) • Format Axis dialog box for the horizontal (value) axis

  41. You use the standard text formatting tools to make changes to the fonts used in the chart. You can change the chart type or subtype. Select the chart, and then on the Design tab, click the Change Chart Type button. Formatting and Modifying a Chart (continued) 41 41

  42. Sparklines are mini charts that you can insert into a cell. A line sparkline is a line chart that appears within one cell. A column sparkline is a column chart that appears within one cell. A win/loss sparkline inserts a win/loss chart, which tracks gains and losses, within one cell. Inserting Sparklines 42 42

  43. Inserting Sparklines (continued) • Examples of line, column, and win/loss sparklines

  44. To create a sparkline, first select the range where you want to insert the sparkline. In the Sparklines group on the Insert tab, click the button corresponding to the type of sparkline you want to create. Inserting Sparklines (continued) 44 44

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