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L13_1 Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

Learn how to start Excel, enter text and numbers, calculate sums, format, add charts, save, print, and more in Microsoft Excel. Master Excel basics!

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L13_1 Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

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  1. L13_1Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet * Excel * Starting Excel and the Excel Window * Entering Text and Numbers * Calculating a Sum * Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells * Formatting the Worksheet * Using AutoFormat to Format the Worksheet * Adding a Chart to the Worksheet * Saving, Printing the Worksheet * Exiting Excel and Opening a Workbook * Excel Online Help * Planning a Worksheet Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  2. Excel * Excel Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize data, complete calculations, make decisions, graph data, and develop professional looking reports. * Three Major Parts of Excel - Worksheet: Worksheet allow you to enter, calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text. - Charts: Charts pictorially. - Database: Databases manage data. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  3. Starting Excel and the Excel Window (1) * To Start Excel - With the mouse pointer pointing to the Microsoft Excel button on the Office Manager toolbar, click the left mouse button. - Double-click the Microsoft Excel program-item icon in the Microsoft Office group window. - If the TipWizard box displays, Point to the TipWizard button on the Standard toolbar and click the left mouse button. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  4. Starting Excel and the Excel Window (2) * The Excel Window - Workbook and worksheets. - Worksheet window, sheet tab, and tab scrolling buttons. - Column, row, cell, cell reference (cell address). - Active cell, active cell reference, and reference area. - Mouse pointer(block plus sign): pointer is located in a cell. - Mouse pointer (block arrow): you move pointer outside of window or when you drag cell contents between rows and columns. - Title bar, Menu bar, Standard toolbar, Formatting toolbar, reference area and formula bar, and Status bar. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  5. Starting Excel and the Excel Window (3) * The Special Buttons on the Excel Window - Standard toolbar AutoSum Function Wizard Sort Ascending and Sort Descending Chart Wizard Text Box - Formatting toolbar Currency Style, Percent Style, and Comma Style Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal Color and Font Color Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  6. Entering Text and Numbers (1) (Q2) * Text In Excel, any set of characters containing a letter is considered text. * To Enter Text - Select cell that you want to enter text by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. - Type the text in the sell you selected. - Press the ENTER key or point to the Enter Box and click the left mouse button to complete the entry. * To Enter the Worksheet Title, Column Titles, and Row Titles Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  7. Entering Text and Numbers (2) (Q3, Q4) * Numbers - In Excel, numbers can include the digits zero through nine and any one of the following special characters: + - ( ) , / . $ % E e - If a cell entry contains any other character (including space) from the keyboard, Excel interprets the entry as text and treats it accordingly. * To Enter Numeric Data - Select cell that you want to enter numeric data by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. - Type the number (Excel stores numbers right-justified). Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  8. Calculating a Sum (1)(Q5, Q6) * Range - A range is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or a row, or a rectangular group of cells. - Many Excel operations, such as summing numbers, take place on cells with a range. - You can enter the correct range in the formula bar by typing the beginning cell reference, a colon (:), and the ending cell reference. (for example, B1:B5) * To Sum a Column of Numbers Using AutoSum Button - Select the cell (B6), in which the sum will be stored after it is calculated, by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. - Point to the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar and click the left mouse button. - Click the AutoSum button a second time. (or press the ENTER key) Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  9. Calculating a Sum (2) (Q7) * To Sum the Rows Using AutoSum Button - Select the cell (F3), in which the sum will be stored after it is calculated, by pointing to it and clicking the left mouse button. - With the muse pointer in cell (F3) and in the shape of a block plus sign, drag the mouse pointer down to the cell (F6), the ending cell of the range. - Point to the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar and click the left mouse button. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  10. Calculating a Sum (3) * To Sum the Columns and Rows Using AutoSum Button - Select the range, which include the numbers to sum plus an additional row and an additional column. - Click the AutoSum button. * To Sum using SUM function - Select the cell (B6), in which the sum will be stored after it is calculated. - Enter the SUN function in cell (B6) through the keyboard as =SUN(B3:B5) in the Formula bar. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  11. Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells (1) (Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11) * Copy Area The cell being copied is called the copy area. * Paste Area The range of cells receiving the copy is called the paste area. * Relative Reference and Absolute Reference - When you copy cell addresses, Excel adjusts them for each new position. Each adjusted cell reference is called a relative reference(B3). Otherwise called a absolute reference ($B$3) - B6 =SUM(B3:B5) copy area, B3 and B5 are references C6 =SUM(C3:C5) paste area, C3 and C5 are relative references Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  12. Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells (2) * Fill Handle - The Fill Handle is the small rectangular dot located in the lower right corner of the heavy border around the active cell. - When the pointer point to the fill handle, the pointer changes from the block plus sign to a cross (+). * To Copy One Cell to Adjacent Cells in a Row - Select the copy area cell (B6). - Point to the fill handle.(The pointer changes to a cross) - Drag the fill handle to select the paste area (C6:E6). - Release the left mouse button. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  13. Formatting the Worksheet (Q12) * To Apply the Bold Format to a Cell - Select cell (A1). - Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar. * To Increase the Font Size - Select cell (A1). - Click Font Size box arrow on the Formatting toolbar - Choose the font size (14) by click it in the drop-down list box. * To Center a Cell’s Contents Across Columns - With cell (A1) selected, drag the block plus sign to the rightmost cell (F1) in the range over which to center. - Click the Merge and Centerbutton on the Formatting toolbar. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  14. Using AutoFormat to Format the Worksheet (Q13) * Table Formats Excel has 15 customized format styles called table formats that allow you to format the body of worksheet. (Format -AutoFormat-Table Format- 15 format styles) * To Use the AutoFormat Command - Select the upper left corner cell (A2) of the rectangular range to format. - Drag the mouse pointer to cell (F6), the lower right corner of the range to format, and release the left mouse button. - Select the Format menu, choose the AutoFormat command. - Point to Accounting 2 (or other style) in the Table Format list box and click. - Choose the OK button in the AutoFormat dialog box. - Select any other cell (H6) to deselect the range (A2:F6). Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  15. Selecting a Cell * To Use the Reference Area to Select a Cell - Point to the reference area in the formula bar and click the left mouse button. - Type the cell reference (A2) in the reference area. - Press the ENTER key. * To Select the Adjacent Cell in the Direction of Arrow Key - use arrow keys. * To Select the Cell at the Beginning of the Row - use HOME key. * To Find and Select a Cell with Special Contents - Select Edit menu, choose Find command. - Enter the special contents in the Find dialog box, click Find Next button. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  16. Adding a Chart to the Worksheet (Q14) * To Draw an Embedded Column Chart - Highlight the range to chart. - Click the ChartWizard button on the Standard toolbar and move the mouse pointer (a cross hair with a chart symbol) into the window. - Move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the desired chard location, immediately below the worksheet. - Drag the mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the chart location and release the left mouse button . - In the ChartWizard dialog box, choose the Finish button. - Can also resize the chart by dragging on the handles. - Select a cell outside the chart location to remove the chart selection. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  17. Saving, Printing the Worksheet * To Save the Workbook - Use Save button on the Standard toolbar. * To Print the Worksheet - Select the File menu and choose the Page Setup command. - Click the Sheet tab in the Page Setup dialog box. - If the X appears in the Gridlines check box in the Print area of the Sheet tab, select the check box by clicking it so the X disappears. - Choose the OK button in the Page Setup dialog box. - Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  18. Exiting Excel and Opening a Workbook * To Exit Excel - Point to the Control-menu box in the title bar, and double- click the left mouse button. * To Open a Workbook - Point to the Open button on the Standard toolbar and click. - Select the drive and the file name in the Open dialog box. - Choose the OK button in the Open dialog box. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  19. Excel Online Help * Help Menu Select Help menu to gain access to the online Help. * Help Button Click the Help button on the Standard toolbar. Move the arrow and question mark pointer to any menu name, button, or cell, and click to get context-sensitive help. * Quick Preview Command on Help Menu The Quick Preview command on the Help menu steps you through four short tutorials. * Example and Demos Command on Help Menu * TipWizard Button and TipWizard Box Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

  20. Planning a Worksheet * Define the Problem - the purpose of the worksheet. - The results or output you want - Identify the data needed to determine the results. - List the required calculations to transform the data to the desired results. * Design the Worksheet Outline the worksheet on paper which includes the worksheet title, column title, row title, totals, and chart location if required. * Enter the Worksheet Start Excel and enter the worksheet. * Test the Worksheet Test the worksheet until it is error free. Microsoft Excel - Building a Worksheet

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