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Real-Time D igital S ignal P rocessing Lab Development using Matlab, Simulink, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK David Rolando & Jonathan Kellerman Graduate Advisor: William Luh Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deepa Kundur. Purpose. Filtering 2.
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Lab Development using Matlab, Simulink, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK David Rolando & Jonathan Kellerman Graduate Advisor: William Luh Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deepa Kundur Purpose Filtering 2 • Development of a Real-Time DSP lab curriculum for ELEN 448 • Interface Matlab, Simulink, Code Composer Studio, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK • Develop all DSP algorithms at a high level in Simulink • Implement DSP algorithms in non-real-time, in real-time on the host computer, and in real-time on the C6711 board • Use host-to-target communication for immediate optimization Lab 3: On-board Filtering Lab 4: FFT Convolution • Introduction to Simulink’s Target for TI C6000 Blockset • Introduction to TI’s Code Composer Studio 3.1 • Linking Matlab and Code Composer Studio • Implementation of an IIR filter on the board’s hardware • Real-time control using manual switches on the board • Frequency domain implementation of long FIR filter kernels • Application of multiplication-convolution duality • Practical use of the Fast Fourier Transform • Frame-based Processing • Overlap-add algorithm • Overlap-save algorithm Figure 4: Overlap-Save Filtering Figure 3: IIR Noise Filtering Figure 5: Overlap-Add Filtering Objectives • Develop all of the models and code for each lab • Aid in writing the lab manual Audio Applications Image Processing Lab 10: Face Recognition Filtering 1 • Feature extraction using edge detection • Image registration through translation and rotation • Statistical comparison techniques Lab 1: Intro to DSP • Introduction to Matlab and Simulink environments • FIR filtersand Direct-form Realizations • Non-real-time simulations Figure 6: 5-band Equalizer Figure 7: Equalizer GUI Lab 5: Audio Equalizer Lab 6: Equalizer GUI • Design of 5-band audio equalizer • Real-time host-to-target communication using RTDX • 4 kHz total bandwidth • Introduction to Matlab’s Graphical User Interface Design Environment (GUIDE) • GUI Programming in Matlab • Real-time host-to-target communication using a GUI interface Figure 15: Face Recognition Algorithm Figure 16: Edge Detection of the Anchor Image (Left) and the Target Image (Right) Figure 1: Parallel FIR Filters Lab 7: Audio Effects Lab 8: Synthesizer Lab 9: Synthesizer GUI • Reverberation • Flanging effect • Chorus effect • Upsampling • Downsampling • Non-real-time testing and real-time implementation • Combination of audio effects into Synthesizer • Subsystem design • Modification of audio effect implementations for RTDX compatibility Lab 2: Filter Design • Matlab’s Filter Design and Analysis Tool • Real-time Simulation on host computer using Real-Time Target for Windows • Simple Wavelet Transform Figure 12: Reverberation Figure 8: Chorus Effect Figure 14: Synthesizer GUI • Programming a GUI to control the Lab 8 Synthesizer • Advanced Button Panel Implementation Figure 9: Non-Integer Upsampling (“Darth Vader voice”) Figure 13: Synthesizer Figure 10: Downsampling Figure 11: Flanging Effect Figure 2: 1-D Haar Wavelet Transform Acknowledgements: Matlhworks Help Page- http://www.mathworks.com/products/product_listing/index.html