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UG.net. Lab Chief Eng. Ilana David Supervisor: Viktor Kulikov Submitters: Darina Klots Shallev Kellerman. Project Goals. Establishing UG portal in .NET 3.5 environment Enhanced database management based on optimized data structures Improving data presentation for better user experience

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  1. UG.net Lab Chief Eng. Ilana David Supervisor: Viktor Kulikov Submitters: Darina Klots Shallev Kellerman

  2. Project Goals • Establishing UG portal in .NET 3.5 environment • Enhanced database management based on optimized data structures • Improving data presentation for better user experience • Utilizing Microsoft’s latest technologies

  3. Bibliography • Books: • Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Apress • Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008, Apress • Pro SQL Server 2005, Apress • SQL Server Integration Services • Internet sites: • The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site http://www.asp.net • N-Layered Web Applications with ASP.NET 3.5 http://imar.spaanjaars.com

  4. Technologies • Languages • ASP.NET • C# • SQL • .NET 3.5 Framework • Visual Studio 2008 • SQL Server 2005 • Stored Procedures • Transactions • ADO.NET • AJAX • Master Pages • CSS, Themes & Skins

  5. Project Data Flow • Tables & Views • Stored Procedures ADO.NET Business Objects

  6. Database - General • Data Organization • Optimized data distribution. • Building tables relations based on primary and foreign keys (unique identifiers). • Eliminating data duplications. • Reducing tables number by using global data. • Sharing tables and data. • Stored Procedures • Safe access to data controlled by the procedures. • Safe data manipulation using transactions.

  7. Database - Diagram

  8. Application Description • Layered web application • Data Access Layer • Business Logic Layer • Presentation Layer • Object oriented methodologies • Modeling objects according to tables structure • User oriented GUI design • Using Master Pages for consistent look • Using CSS to enable design modularity

  9. Object Oriented Methodologies • Design of the main classes that make up the application, based on the project layout. • Basic objects classes definitions according to the application requirements and database structure. • Utilizing C# language capabilities like inheritance, accessibility and generic collections for component–based implementation.

  10. Data Access Layer • Singleton DAL – for multiple users access synchronization. • Modeling real world objects • Strong types definitions • Objects’ state and behavior definition • Data access implementations • Safe connection to the database • Transactional manner for inserts and updates • Writing stored procedures based on possible data analysis and flows.

  11. Data Access Layer

  12. Business Logic Layer • Database provider independent layer. • Enforces security and carries out validation when extra precautions is needed. • Functions as the bridge between the web site and the data access layer. Gets instructions from the presentation layer and sends changed objects back into this layer.

  13. Business Logic Layer

  14. Presentation Layer • Supporting all data scenarios using various data source controls and views with insert and update capabilities. • Using AJAX technology for effective data access and page loading. • User oriented GUI design. • Providing consistent page layout that supports all use cases.

  15. Presentation Layer – Screen Shots

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