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JOURNALISM. Gabby & Darian. What is it….?. Reporting of a variety of events Gathering of information through research and interviews that are later published into reading material, T.V or radio broadcasts. When and Where. Magazines (fashion, sports) Newspaper T.V Advertisement Radio
JOURNALISM Gabby & Darian
What is it….? • Reporting of a variety of events • Gathering of information through research and interviews that are later published into reading material, T.V or radio broadcasts
When and Where • Magazines (fashion, sports) • Newspaper • T.V • Advertisement • Radio • Cell Phone • Yearbooks • Online Journals • Blogs • Newsletters • Networking Websites • Movies • Broadcasts • Photo journalism • Books
Fashion Magazines or sports magazines that come out usually in monthly issues that contain pictures and stories and articles of interest. Its journalism because someone is finding and writing this information to entertain the readers. Society The benefit is that its informative and entertaining Magazines
Its kind of like the magazine but it talks about more serious things and more recent things and usually local not nationwide. Its journalism because there interviews and from real life people on an everyday basis. Everyone uses it, usually older because it talks about the latest happenings in the area. The user is informed of what’s going on locally and world wide Newspaper
Broadcast system where journalist don’t only get the information they help with editing the video material for their piece and work on the visual narrative of the story. Its journalism because they examine, interpret, and broadcast news received from various sources of information. Anybody who owns a T.V uses this form because why read it when you can watch it? Its convenient information because you can get a more clear visual of what’s going on. T.V
A public promotion of some product or service. A form of communication that persuades customers to consume more of a particular brand. Businesses, salesmen, Informs the buyer or seller about the product. Advertisement
Personalities on the radio talk about a variety of different topics that are serious or completely random. They find things worth talking about, not just music but informative news that wouldn’t necessarily be put on T.V so they’re kind of like paparazzi. People who are on the go benefit from this because they can just listen and not slow down to read or watch it. Radio
A way of getting the news you’d see on T.V, listen to on the radio, and read about. Also sense you can access the internet or use your camera, it’s a way of doing journalism yourself. People with cell phones and internet access. It benefits the user because its news at hand. Cell Phone
A book to record, highlight, and commemorate the past year of the school, or a book published annually. Recording events about the whole year and its full of interviews about people and activities. Schools use them. Benefits because it turns into a memory bank. Yearbooks
Reporting facts produced and distributed by the internet. Its accessible at all times and updated daily. Web surfers It’s a lot easier to find and you don’t have to waut on it. Online Journalism
A shard on line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences, opinions and hobbies with regular entries of commentary. Journalism because its an open discussion recorded. Bloggers - a person that keeps and updates a blog. Its open to everyone and everyone can respond freely. Blogs
Report or open letter giving an informal or confidential news of interest to a special group, regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic. Journalism because they’re informing you deeply about one topic. Schools, work places Benefit is just knowing what’s going on. Newsletters
We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, have a list of other users that share a connection, and view their list of connections and those within the system. Used on a daily basis for entertainment of the user. People of all ages use this to be ‘connected’. Benefits user because it helps them stay in the loop and wastes some free time. Social Networking
A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. Documents things that have happened or things that possibly could happen. Producers, and actor/actresses use this as a lifestyle. Benefits user purely for entertainment. Movies
Factually objective, real-world video presentation. It’s based on fact from reality and presented in a entertaining format. Many people use this source mainly those in the working of being a director. Benefits user by teaching. Documentary
Journalism that presents a story primarily through the use of pictures. Telling a true story through pictures. National Geography. You have a visual on the subject. Photo Journalism
Biographies and autobiographies are journalism because the writer has to research and gather the information on a person and the events that happened. Any author can use this type of journalism if its in their interest. It benefits us because were able to learn more about certain topics easier then if we had to look at a newspaper, and you get more in depth with a certain topic in one spot. Books
Research Pages: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalism#Television • http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=51191 • http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=define%3A+movie&aq=0&aql=&aqi=l1g10&oq=define+movie