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ALC 64 Hoy es martes el 13 de marzo de 2012

ALC 64 Hoy es martes el 13 de marzo de 2012. Hagan una nueva a la campana por favor. ALC 64 Hoy es martes el 13 de marzo de 2012. 1. Write the nouns from the sentence below. The girl buys three magazines at the store. ALC 64 Hoy es martes el 13 de marzo de 2012.

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ALC 64 Hoy es martes el 13 de marzo de 2012

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  1. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 • Hagan unanueva a la campanapor favor.

  2. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 1. Write the nouns from the sentence below. • The girl buys three magazines at the store.

  3. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 2. Write the verb from the sentence below. • The girl buys three magazines at the store.

  4. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 3. Write the direct object from the sentence below. • The girl buys three magazines at the store.

  5. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 4. Write the preposition from the sentence below. • The girl buys three magazines at the store.

  6. ALC 64Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 5. Write the adjective from the sentence below. • The girl buys three magazines at the store.

  7. Respuestas • girl, magazine, store • Buys • Magazine • At • Three

  8. Objetivo Hoy esmartes el 13 de marzo de 2012 • Yopuedoentendermandatos y puedocrearunalista de mandatosparadecirle a una persona o la clasequedebenhacer.

  9. Asignación- Los mandatos

  10. Numbered partners

  11. 1 • Find a partner. • Sit by them. • Write their name down.

  12. 2 • If you did not move you must move this time. • Find a partner. • Sit by them. • Write their name down.

  13. 3 • Find a partner. • Sit by them. • Write their name down.

  14. 4 • If you did not move last time you must move this time. • Find a partner. • Sit by them. • Write their name down.

  15. Notas/Partner 4 • Commands, mandatos, are used to tell someone to do something. Some examples are: • Buy the candy. • Write your name. • Sit down, please.

  16. Write three commands of your own in English on your notes that your partner can do.

  17. Tell your partner your commands and see if they can follow them.

  18. Spanish has a formal way to make a command for a group. • You can tell a group to do something • Stand up. Levántense • Notice the ustedes form, the form that ends with an n is used. • Also notice if it is an ar verb you just have it end with an en. • What do you think would happen with an er or ir verb • Write how you would tell a group of people to eat and write and talk. • Comer • Escribir • hablar

  19. Did you come up with the following? • Coman • Escriban • Hablen

  20. Please write the following verbs down on your paper. • Por favor escriban los verbos en tupapel.

  21. Español Inglés To write To walk To jump To skip/jump To run To roll To sing To shout To listen • Escribir • Caminar • Saltar • Brincar • Correr • Rodar • Cantar • Gritar • Escuchar

  22. Work with your partner and write the command form as if you were talking to a group.

  23. Español Inglés Escriban Caminen Salten Brinquen Corran Roden Canten Griten Escuchen • Escribir • Caminar • Saltar • Brincar • Correr • Rodar • Cantar • Gritar • Escuchar

  24. Compañero 1

  25. Spanish has a formal way to make a command for talking to an older person or someone you don’t know. • Stand up. Levántese • Notice the usted form, the form that ends with an a or e is used. • Also notice if it is an ar verb you just have it end with an e. • What do you think would happen with an er or ir verb • Write how you would tell a apersonto eat and write and talk. • Comer • Escribir • hablar

  26. Did you come up with the following? • Coma • Escriba • Hable

  27. Write the following verbs on your paper. Español Inglés To throw To kick To bounce To chew To blow To take (a picture) To take off • Tirar • Patear • Botar • Masticar • Soplar • Sacar • Quitar

  28. Now make them into formal commands, for someone you don’t know or an older person.

  29. Write the following verbs on your paper. Español Inglés Tire Patee Bote Mastique Sople Saque Quite • Tirar • Patear • Botar • Masticar • Soplar • Sacar • Quitar

  30. The real rule • Use the first person form and change the ending. • This is especially helpful with irregular verbs • Tener – tengo – tengan, tenga • Poner – pongo – pongan, ponga • Hacer – hago– salgan, salga

  31. Compañero 3

  32. Familiar commands • Most of the time you are being told what to do. • That means the command is familiar • There are two ways to remember • 1 Use the third person form of the verb • 2 Just drop the r. • Try it with our three verbs of comer, escribir and hablar.

  33. Answers • Come • Escribe • Habla

  34. Commands with reflexives • Just change the reflexive pronoun to te for familiar se for formal. • Notice you do have to add an accent. • Levántate • Levántese • Levántense

  35. Try bañarte in all three forms.

  36. Báñate • Báñese • Báñense

  37. Stem changers still change in the command form. • Cerrar (ie) – to close • Cierra la puerta • Cierre la puerta • Cierren la puerta

  38. Escribanlaspalabraspor favor.

  39. Español Inglés To get up, rise To lay down To open To close To touch To sit To dance To eat • Levantarse • Acostarse (ue) • Abrir • Cerrar (ie) • Tocar • Sentarse (ie) • Bailar • Comer

  40. Write the familiar commands for the new list.

  41. Español Inglés Levántate Acuéstate Abre Cierra Toca Siéntate Baila Come • Levantarse • Acostarse (ue) • Abrir • Cerrar (ie) • Tocar • Sentarse (ie) • Bailar • Comer

  42. Compañero 2

  43. The irregulars • There is a pattern or you can just memorize them.

  44. Verbosirregularesto memorize Español Inglés To have To put To come To leave To give To make To hear To be To say/tell To go • Tener • Poner • Venir • Salir • Dar • Hacer • Oír • Ser • Decir • Ir

  45. Verbosirregularesto memorize Español Inglés Ten Pon Ven Sal Da Haz Oye Se Di Ve • Tener • Poner • Venir • Salir • Dar • Hacer • Oír • Ser • Decir • Ir

  46. Verbosirregularesto memorize Español Inglés Tenga(n) Ponga(n) Venga(n) Salga(n) De (n) Haga(n) Oiga(n) Sea(n) Diga(n) Vaya(n) • Tener • Poner • Venir • Salir • Dar • Hacer • Oír • Ser • Decir • Ir

  47. Now you have a list of verbs. You will need to make commands for someone to do. • Ex. • Jump three times. • How would you write that?

  48. Salta tresveces.

  49. Work with your partner to make a list of 12 commands for someone to do. • 2 must be reflexive.

  50. Compañero 1 • Try out your commands on your partner. • Put a smiley face if they follow your directions or a frowny face if they don’t.

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