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12th forum of asian graphic arts technology

Japan. Japan Federation of Printing Industries. 12th forum of asian graphic arts technology. FAGAT. WEDNESDAY 4 – FRIDAY 6 MAY 2011 | SYDNEY AUSTRALIA. 1. Economic Trend in Japan.

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12th forum of asian graphic arts technology

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  1. Japan Japan Federation of Printing Industries 12th forum of asian graphic arts technology FAGAT WEDNESDAY 4 – FRIDAY 6 MAY 2011 | SYDNEY AUSTRALIA 1
  2. Economic Trend in Japan After world economic crisis started in 2007, Japanese economy finally showing pick up in 2010. But the recovery started getting weaker in latter half of 2010 and devastating Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 blown out hope for recovery. Many concerns / Power & energy shortage / Huge government deficit / Jobless among young student / Excess valuation of Yen / Aging population etc GDP indicated slow but continued growth till 2007 but printing market has been in constant shrinkage. Fig1 GDP and Printing Market Data: JFPI & METI
  3. Status of Publishing & Advertisement Market Publishing Segment Publishing market continues to decline in both amount and volume. Number of new titles decreased 4.9% from previous year to 74,714 titles. Number of new magazine decreased 25 titles to 110 titles.(smallest number in past 40 years) Number of magazines discontinued 216 titles(increase 27 titles) which is 2nd largest discontinue. Facing with decrease in readership and reduction for advertisement(magazine) influenced by internet, mobile handset and e-book. There is strong interest in e-book but actual business volume is still marginal. (In 2009, entire book/magazine market was Yen1,875B vs Yen57.4B or 3% of the market) Table 2 Publishing market Data: SyuppanGeppou Jan 2011 (Publishing Monthly)
  4. Status of Publishing & Advertisement Market Advertisement Segment Entire advertisement market size in 2010: $64.92B(-1.3% from 2009, -14.4% from 2005) Comparing with 2005, largest shrinkage was Tel Directory with 55.5% followed by Magazine with 56.4%. The largest increase was Internet with 205.1%, followed by Satellite TV with 161%. From the stand point of the amount, TV is still far largest with $19.25B followed by Internet with $8.61B and Newspaper with $7.11B. Free Paper indicated healthy growth till 2007 but since then it faltered. DM and POP are doing well among print media but all other print advertisements are affected with economic slowdown and wide spread of internet.
  5. Status of Publishing & Advertisement Market Advertisement Segment Table 3 Advertising market Data: Dentsu Japanese Advertisement 2009
  6. Industry Survey 2010 by AJFPIA Status of SME (1) Management status report from All Japan Federation of Printing Industry Association (AJFPIA) which is major federation for small to mid size commercial printers. Survey conducted in July 2010 to 2,000 members with response from 360 companies. Summary of the Survey: 1. Average company size of respondents: 65.4 people 2. Per head sale amount: Yen 17,601,000.-($195,600.- $1.00=Yen 90) 9.9% decrease from previous year 3. Operating income1.4% (-0.6% fm previous yr) Lehman crisis & paper price hike impacted profitability
  7. Industry Survey 2010 by AJFPIA Status of SME (2) Table 4 Business Segments 4. Business Segments Commercial printing consists of 44.5% of entire business and it decreased 6.1% from previous year due to recession. Publishing increased due to decrease in other business Software/Service decreased 0.5% from previous 3% of entire business. Data: AJFPIA Table 5 Sales % of Press Type 5. Sales proportion based on press type Offset printing remain the dominant type but web has decreased significantly. On-demand still small in proportion. Data: AJFPIA
  8. Industry Survey 2010 by AJFPIA Status of SME (3) Table 6 Operating Income by company size 6. Operating income with company size Smaller company indicated better profitability followed by largest category. Data: AJFPIA
  9. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 1. Continued Decline in Printing Market Continued Decline in Printing Market In the past, Printing Market tends to show similar growth as GDP. In the lastdecade, Printing Market continued to decline even at the time of GDP growth. Data: JFPI Marketing Data Book
  10. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 2. Web Presses Capacity Adjustment Web presses capacity adjustment Rotary web press capacity has increased 4 times during past 20 years due to increase of the number of presses and performance improvement of each press. This overcapacity is now in adjustment stage to show decrease in the number of presses since 2008. Data: Nihon InsatsuShinbun (Japan Printing Newspaper)
  11. Digital printing market size in 2008 was 214.7 Billion Yen ($2.39B based on $1.00=Yen 90) (7% increase from previous year) Due to economic depression, the growth rate was in single digit but it still maintain the growth and expected to maintain 7% growth rate for 2009 and after. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 3. Growth of Digital Printing Market (1) 3. Digital Press 107% 113% 116% Fig8 Digital Print Market (Data :Yano Economic Research Institutes 2009/9/17)
  12. Number of Digital Press in 2008 was 4,437units(98.5% of previous year) Due to depressed economy, capital expenditure was reduced and the industry experienced first decrease in the number of installation. 13% increase is expected after 2009. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 3. Growth of Digital Printing Market (2) Color Monochrome Fig9 Number of Digital Press (Data :Yano Economic Research Institutes)
  13. Japan(year 2008) Entire printing market :$ 76.7 B(6,904 Billion Yen) Digital printing :$ 2.4 B( 215 Billion Yen) ※ $1.00 = Yen 90 USA(Year 2008) Entire printing market : $166.6 B Digital printing :$ 20.0 B Summary Entire printing :Japan is 46% of USA Digital : Japan is 12% of USA Ratio of digital: USA:12%Japan:3% Market Size of Digital Printing(comparison with USA) Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 3. Growth of Digital Printing Market (3)
  14. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 4. Attention to e-Book e-Book Market ・e-Book has been paid attention since year 2002. But the market size at that time was mere Yen 1 Billion(approx $10M) ・ Since initial implementation of 3G mobile in 2001, Japanese mobile handset has come up with large screen and many advanced features much before Smart Phones show up in the market. It provide market for e-books for mobile. ・ The e-book for mobile expand the market rapidly but the contents are mostly comics and “light novels”. ・ In addition to conventional 3G phones, wide varieties of reading devices are now available in 2010, such as Smart Phone, dedicated readers and tablet PCs. ・The market for e-reader & tablet PC is expected to be 650(Yen 100M) from 6 in 2009. Fig 10 e-Book Market Data: Impress R&D
  15. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 4. Attention to e-Book e-Books Business 1. Business Model USA: All-in-one(Winner-takes-all) Model? Applei-Bookstore i-Phone/i-Pad Amazon Amazon Bookstore Kindle B&N B&N Nook Japan: Alliance(following the crowds) Model? 2. Participation of Printing Companies Large printing companies are trying to establish “platform” for e-Book. Many SME are also trying to enter e-Book market. 3. Unique technical issues associated with Japanese Vertical writing, “furigana”, character codes etc. 4. Resale Price MaintenanceNot much price discount for books, thus there are no or very small price difference between e-book and physical paper book.(Book, magazine, news paper & music CD are under resale price maintenance in Japan. Video, software, game and downloaded products are excluded.)
  16. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 4. Attention to e-Book JFPI Survey on e-Book Status Table 11 Status of e-Book Business ・JFPI conducted a survey on e-Book. Questionnaire were sent to 136 companies and 63 responded. ・54% of companies are already implemented e-Book business with high percentage in medium size company.(100-299 people) ・Area of interest book, practical book, magazine and news letter. For non-book application, catalog and manual are most interested area. Data: JFPI Fig 12 Area of Interest Data: JFPI
  17. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries E-Book Reader 4. Attention to e-Book E-Book Platform Players Sony Reader Sony Book Store Fig 13 Major e-Book Players Toppan Printing Asahi-Shinbun News Sony KDDI(Mobile Operator) KDDI Biblio leaf KDDI Lismo Book Store Tsutaya(Video Rental & Book Store)Sharp Sharp Galapagos DoCoMo SH-07C DoCoMo Galaxy Tab Dai Nippon Printing CHI Group(Book Store) DoCoMo(Mobile Operator) Apple i-Pad i-Book Store Apple
  18. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 4. Attention to e-Book Issues to be solved Fig 14 Ex of “Furigana” Technical Issues a) Japanese text required vertical expression and also “furigama” which show the reading of a Chinese character by writing [printing] small “kana” at its side. b) There are JIS(Japan Industrial Standard) based sets of Kanji(Chinese Characters) but much larger number of Kanji is used in books and magazine which are prepared by each printing company with its own “code assignment”.(i.e. the same character may be assigned with different code number among different printing companies, thus no interoperability.) 2. Business issues a) Too many “platforms” with certain limitation in interoperability. b) e-Book do not have much price advantage vs physical book 石橋 邦夫 いしばし くにお
  19. Recent Trends in Japanese Printing Industries 5. Looking for new business opportunities Facing with declining printing market, All Japan Federation of Printing Industry Association (AJFPIA)is encouraging its members to be “One-Stop-Service” and “Solution Provider”. Web-to-Print is getting certain recognition from the market.(But the number of printer which provide such service is still rather small, i.e. only 4%)
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