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Dr. Oz: GET IN SHAPE!!!. Meet Jillian-How old does she look?.

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  1. Dr. Oz: GET IN SHAPE!!!

  2. Meet Jillian-How old does she look? • Jillian was once a popular cheerleader, star athlete and sorority sister. In college, she started drinking and began to put on weight. After her marriage, her weight continued to climb. When she was pregnant, Jillian put on 75 pounds and tipped the scale at more than 200 pounds. Now, nine years after her son was born, Jillian admits to being 50 pounds overweight.

  3. Jillian says a typical day includes eating a grilled Reuben sandwich with french fries for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and red meat for dinner. She also says she snacks all day long. "You know the bags you buy for Halloween? I can eat that in a day," Jillian says. • By her own admission, Jillian drinks an astonishing 300 ounces of diet soda a day. That's four six packs! • Her problems extend far beyond just looking bad. Jillian says she has so little energy she rarely does much of anything. She goes to a drive-thru bank and dry-cleaner, and has even rigged up a way to drag her trash cans to the curb in her SUV rather than walking. Jillian says she has trouble staying awake, and often sleeps for 18 hours a day. "It's called hibernation," Dr Oz says. • Jillian says her life is out of control and she's ready for a serious lifestyle change. "I feel like I'm just watching life go by instead of participating in it," she says.

  4. To help her turn her life around, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen make a surprise visit to Jillian's house. To find out exactly what Jillian is putting in her body, the "You Docs" perform a surprise inspection of the food in her kitchen. • Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen separate the food in Jillian's kitchen into two piles—food that's good for you and food that's not.

  5. The first items were all of Jillian's drinks, including soda and bottled iced tea. They're both just sugar and water, so they go on "the bad table." "If one of the first four or five ingredients is high fructose corn syrup—that's another word for sugar, and it's another word for aging your arteries and your immune system," Dr. Roizen says. • Anything made with enriched flour is also on "the bad table." Seemingly healthy items like apple juice and yogurt often have additional sugar and salt.

  6. Having survived Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen's surprise house call, Jillian had a complete physical exam at Dr. Roizen's center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. She underwent a stress test and met with a dermatologist and an allergy specialist. • When Jillian gets her test results, she's shocked. "Your calendar age is 42, as you know," Dr. Roizen says. "But your Real Age is 56." • "When he said I was 56, that was harsh," Jillian says. "It's like someone walking up to you and asking you when the baby's due and you're not pregnant."

  7. Now that Jillian knows just how bad her health is, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen are ready to start her on the "90-day Live Longer, Feel Younger Plan". • First up for Jillian is a yoga lesson from Dr. Oz. "The key to yoga is a deep breath," he says. According to Dr. Oz, yoga helps improve strength and flexibility and can also help control blood pressure, and regulate breathing and heart rate. • Regular movement is crucial, so Jillian must ensure she walks for at least 30 minutes every day. "No matter what," Dr. Roizen says. "There's a hurricane? You walk 30 minutes a day. Earthquake—30 minutes a day. Tornado—30 minutes a day. Snowstorm—30 minutes a day."

  8. Jillian meets with a personal trainer who helps her with stretching, weight lifting and crunches. • She even gets a lesson in healthy cooking because, as Dr. Roizen says, "food is medicine." First Dr. Roizen teaches her a recipe for whole-wheat pizza dough with tomato paste, which can help dramatically reduce cancer risk. The next recipe he shows Jillian is for salmon, which he says is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can stabilize your heartbeat, lower blood pressure and help you to live longer. "I can't believe I like salmon," she says.

  9. After 90 days on Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen's plan, Jillian has lost 43 pounds! "That walk out here felt so much better than every Reuben I have ever eaten," Jillian says. "I feel so much lighter and I feel so much healthier and I have ambition!" she says.

  10. So what does this mean to you and me? • "We're the fattest [country] and we have the highest incidence of suffering from obesity," Dr. Oz says. • How did we become so fat? Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen say the cause of our expanded waistlines is our larger portion sizes. For example, the typical cheeseburger now is four times the size it was in the early 1980s. You can get an order of french fries that is nearly three times as large as an order from 20 years ago. At the movies, you used to get five cups of popcorn. Now you can get a tub that holds a whopping 11 cups.

  11. Even our plates are bigger! The typical plate from the 1970s was nine inches across. Now they're anywhere from 11 to 13 inches across. • Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are the leading causes of premature aging, but it's not too late to turn your health around. Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen say you can start to reverse your bad health in just four weeks.

  12. Read the food label!!!! One of the most important things to do is read the list of ingredients. If partially hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, or enriched flour are in the first 4-5 ingredients, IT IS NOT HEALTHY FOR YOU! Also read the food label to see what kind of fat you are taking in, if there is any cholesterol, and also read for the amount of sodium.

  13. What is this????? • Dr. Oz says there's an organ inside all of us that plays a key role in making us fat—the omentum. "This organ literally pumps chemicals into your body and it holds the secrets … to losing weight." • The omentum is the fat organ connected to your stomach that's only purpose is to catch and store fat. When the fat is stored in your stomach, your body has easy access to it. The fat then creates an inflammatory process that irritates your arteries and puts you at risk for blocked arteries.

  14. A healthy omentum, like the one Oprah's holding, should be "lacy, like stockings," Dr. Oz says. "The omentum, you'll notice, is transparent and thin." • An unhealthy omentum, like the one Dr. Oz holds, is heavy with fat. While the omentum he's holding is thick and fatty, Dr. Oz says the person it once belonged to—who died of heart disease—was just 30 to 40 pounds overweight. • "When someone's beer bellied, you know how it gets that tense, big look? That's this," he says. "That's [the omentum] pushing up against your stomach, and it coils up in there."

  15. Ever wonder how food turns to fat in your body? Dr. Oz describes the long journey! • Food in the stomach is first pushed slowly past the stomach lining into the small bowel. There the food is mixed, like soap, with bile. "It washes the fat," Dr. Oz explains. "It makes it so you can absorb it. As that bile mixes with the food that you've taken in, it begins to get absorbed across the wall. As it gets absorbed, if it's healthy oils, for example, it makes your liver very happy. But if this is full of trans fats and hydrogenated fats and foods that aren't good for you, it's very toxic to the liver."

  16. In the picture you can see the liver has turned from rich red to white, signaling an unhealthy, fatty liver. You can also see an expanding omentum, leaving a big belly. • Next food moves through the small intestine and into the large bowel. A valve between the two can slow this movement. "That [valve] is stimulated by fiber," Dr. Oz says. "The reason people who have breakfast lose weight is because they have fiber in their diet. Food doesn't come through quite as quickly so you don't feel hungry as quickly."

  17. Here's a surprise—the most powerful muscle in your body could be making you fat. Here's another—that muscle is your tongue! • "First of all, the tongue makes us incredibly good at eating," Dr. Oz says. "Human beings don't waste any calories. We put food in our mouth and we get the calories out because the tongue moves the food around a lot and our teeth embed against each other. … Now, because we're efficient like that, we extract all the calories. Our tongue also tells us what kinds of food to eat."

  18. Dr. Oz says that you can learn a lot about your body by knowing if you're an "undertaster," a "supertaster," or someplace in the middle. To find out which you are, stir a packet of Sweet 'n Low into about four ounces of water. Taste it. Is it sweet or bitter? • "If it tastes bitter it means that saccharin overpowered your taste buds, which means you're a supertaster," he says. "Supertasters don't like vegetables and fruits. They taste too pungent, too strong, for them. They need to take a multivitamin because if you don't like to eat those foods, you need to get that nutrition somewhere else." • "If the mixture tastes sweet, you're an undertaster," Dr. Oz says. "It means that you're going to crave a lot of foods because you can never satisfy your palate." • "Our taste buds behave differently," he says. "About the only thing we can really alter is our craving of fat, which is acquired. The rest of our traits tend to be inherited."

  19. And finally…..FOOD OR MOOD? • The foods you crave, and when you crave them, might just depend on your mood. "Our bodies are designed to fulfill our needs," Dr. Oz says. "The gut and the brain are the two most closely related organs. So it makes perfect sense that the foods we eat change the way our brains function."Dr. Oz says the following cravings could mean you are feeling these moods: • Meat could mean you're angry • Sweets might be a sign of depression • Ice cream might mean you're anxious • Salty snacks could mean you're stressed • Pasta might signal loneliness • All of the above might mean you're just a little bit jealous • And the intersection of food and mood doesn't stop at cravings. It also involves how we can proactively affect our emotions. "If you're depressed, you should take omega-3 fatty acids, especially women who are having babies," Dr. Oz says. "That baby sucks all that healthy fat out of your body and you get depressed after you have this beautiful, brilliant wonderful baby."

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