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Country Coordination. A Case Study On Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project (LEEMP) in Nigeria Protected Areas & Biodiversity Management Component Presented By: Mr. Ozo Chidindu Eze mni GEF Operational Focal Point, Nigeria at the
Country Coordination A Case Study On Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project (LEEMP) in Nigeria Protected Areas & Biodiversity Management ComponentPresented By:Mr. OzoChidinduEzemniGEF Operational Focal Point, Nigeria at the Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in West & Central Africa, Douala, Cameroon,19 – 21 June, 2008
Background • Nigeria is the most populous Country in Africa • There are 36 States including the Federal Capital Territory Abuja • GEF projects are scattered almost all over the States of Nigeria • There are a number of in-country, regional and global GEF projects
Steps taken for effective coordination • Creation of GEF National Steering Committee whose membership cuts across Technical Departments and Specialized Units of the Ministry as well as relevant line Ministries. • Holding regular meetings to ensure effective coordination • Collating update report on GEF projects with a view to having a comprehensive database
Some Key Projects/Status/Challenges • Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project (LEEMP) - On-going; • National FADAMA Development Program II: Critical Ecosystem Management (On-going); • National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Country Report to the Conference of Parties (COP) - Completed; • Enabling Activity Project for the Implementation of the United Nation Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): - - Preparation of First National Communication (Completed) - Nigeria’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (Ongoing) • National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Environmental Management (Completed)
Projects Cont. • Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action on the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - completed; • Ecosystem Integrated Management of Trans-boundary Areas between Niger and Nigeria (On-going); • Capacity building for improving Green House Gas Inventories; • Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Capacity Building (On-going); etc
Protected Areas & Biodiversity Management Component (Case Study) This project is implemented in four Protected Areas (PAs) of the Federation as follows: • Yankari Game Reserve; • Lame Burra Game Reserve; • Malla-Dumba Lake and Forest Reserve; and • Kainji Lake National Park. • GEF grant for the above is US$8.0M. • In addition, both the Federal, State, Local Governments and Communities are also contributing to the Project in the form of Counterpart funds. • The LEEMP-GEF component is for a period of five years, March 2004 – June, 2009.
Goals of GEF financed component: • Improving Protected Area infrastructures and facilities. • Promote sound partnerships for effective Protected Area management • Identify and promote incentives for wildlife and biodiversity conservation in the Protected Areas and in the support zones, by creating alternative means of income generation activities to reduce pressure on the selected Protected Areas. • Provide technical assistance and capacity building for biodiversity and Protected Areas management in key public agencies and NGOs. • Promote awareness of the benefits of conserving biodiversity and habitats.
Case Study Sub-Component i) Improving protected areas management; ii) Institutional strengthening; iii) Sustainable livelihood for communities within support zones; iv) Conservation outreach; v) Project management
Achievements Strengthened capacities of Protected Areas (PAs) staff and some Support Zone people; Improved PAs infrastructures - 7 Ranger Posts, 5 Watering Points; Rehabilitation of three earth-roads (totaling 99.65km) in the 3 PAs completed; A total of 100 Sustainable Livelihood Plans (SLPs) have been formulated for 100 Support Zone Communities and implemented. Fifty SLPs implemented (508 micro-projects) and in use;
Achievements Contd. 80 Support zone people from the four PAs trained on Turning Waste to Wealth-the art of converting maize husk to craft materials like hand bags, shopping baskets, etc. Skill is now being circulated to secondary schools and more people are being trained; Baseline data of the PAs and support zones established, with a monitoring and evaluation framework in place; Participatory Management Plans (PMP) for the four PAs have been produced; Five Outreach or Eco-centres have been constructed. These centres are equipped with facilities for training, information dissemination and market outlet for arts/crafts etc products from the support zone communities of the protected areas
Project Outcomes: Heightened awareness of communities on conservation issues and improved quality of life due to adoption of alternative livelihood activities- a total of 308 micro-projects have been implemented and in use. Increased protection activities and effective patrolling due to provision of vehicles, rehabilitation of infrastructure and staff training. Social positive impacts – women feel empowered through ownership of income generation activities; Improved cooperation between communities, PAs Managements, NGOs and State Agencies on PAs management.
Project Outcomes Contd. Sensitization programs have been conducted for communities resulting in greater awareness of the benefits of biodiversity conservation. Communities are now reporting on poaching. Rehabilitation of a feeder roads has had positive social benefits as well as a better access for tourists. Equipment provided to the Colleges of Wildlife and Fisheries in New Bussa have improved research activities both for students and staff. Consultancy reports have provided the PAs management with better information for improved protection; improved relations with communities and other stakeholders.
The Conservator-General, Project staff, rep. of Fed Ministry of Finance, & community members with the Zimbabwean Minister of Environment, while on a study tour
Water Projects Community Water project at Ibbi Water packaging in Yalo
Training Session Waste to wealth Skill acquisition for Men and Women
Wood saving Stove Wood saving stove
Youths Association – Motor Cycle Transport & Spare Parts business
Project Implementation Challenges The non-release of counterpart funds from the Federal Government of Nigeria. This is now a major problem in meeting up expenditure contributions as contained in the grant agreement. There is strong desire for income generating activities rather than promoting green alternatives at the community level. Inadequate support from other arms of the Government to compliment GEF support in the Support Zone Communities.
Achievements of OFP Successfully hosted the GEF Headquarters' Mission for the Establishment of SGP Programme in Nigeria; Nigeria has sent RAF Allocation on SGP to New York; The recruitment of SGP National Coordinator is ongoing
Challenges for OFP The non-release of counterpart funds. This is having a negative effect on the entire project activities. Projects are scattered in different locations and there is no logistic provisions for monitoring by the GEF HQ; Inadequate monitoring visits to the GEF Projects cetres by the OFP;
The Way Forward • Need for exchange visits of GEF Focal Officers in the Region; • Need for GEF Regional Coordination Unit to visit Member Countries regularly; • The FGN to meet up its Counterpart contribution as contained in the Grant Agreement.