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Jenifer Scasino CSC-101-03 11/27/12. Societal Topics weeks 7&8. Internet Regulation
Societal Topics weeks 7&8 • Internet Regulation • Some people think that Internet Regulations and Business exchange are the same. That is why many consider this a controversial topic. It is used to red, update blogs, or to research. I don’t think this is a bad thing all it is, is another source for someone to use if needed • Internet governance • Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. I think this is a good application because it helps you with decision making which is also something that can be tough. • EDX • Edx is a non- profit enterprise. EdX is building an open source online learning platform. EdX currently offers classes online for free. Along with offering online courses, the three universities undertake research on how students learn and how technology can transform learning – both on-campus and online throughout the world. This is good for students that don’t have money for this program. Having it free for students is a good idea. • IP • Internet Protocol is used for relaying datagrams across an. IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite and has the task of delivering datagrams from the source hostto the destination host solely based on the addresses. Each datagram has two components- a header and a payload
Societal Topics week 9&10 • IPv6 CSC • “IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol address standard intended to supplement, and eventually replace, the IPv4 protocol”. Ipv6 is the same thing of the Internet Protocol addressing but it is the newest version of it. They keep making new programs to make the internet systems better and easier for everyone to use. • Net Neutrality • Net Neutrality is also known as Open Internet. It protects our right to use any equipment, content, application or service without interference from the network provider. It moves data. I think this is a good thing that it protects your equipment for you, it makes sure that everything is there and did not get lost. • Window 8 • Windows 8 currently opened Windows 8 is the current release of the Windows, produced by Microsoftfor use on personal computers, including home and business desktops. You can open up this on any computer and anywhere you would like. It is convenient for anyone who is out a lot and can’t sit on a desk top all day. • Routing Autonomous Systems • Is connected Internet Protocol. It is a very large organization with links to many other networks. If you have this program is also connects you to other web pages. It makes you easier to do more than one thing at a time, this is a good program to have.
Societal Topics Weeks 11,12&13 • Privacy • Privacy Is not sharing your information. When on the internet nothing is really private. People should try to make everything they do private so that someone else can not just go on and take your information. People are not carful enough about what goes on the internet and don’t realize that it is not private. • Border Gateway Protocol • Is a set of rules how servers communicate from one to another. Servers share information and this is a easy way for them to do so. With this program they can send what they need to too each computer. This makes it easy for people to get information. • Spam • Spam is emails that people receive. When someone sends an email that is not considered appropriate or okay to be sent it the email will not be sent to your inbox it will be spent to you spam mail. Having spam mail is a good idea. This is good so that people don’t have bad emails sent to them • MOOC • This is free courses from places like Yale, Harvard and MIT. You register online and take free classes. The class sizes are huge and always full. this gives people a chance to take good, free classes at really good schools. This is a good chance for anyone who wants to take a class for free. • Security • Security is making sure that all your stuff us safe. You want to make sure all your stuff you do is secure. Security is good to have to make sure nothing happened to you or something. Security is everywhere now for peoples safety. • Standardization • Standardization is the process of developing and implementing technical standards.This helps single suppliers with the things they need. This helps fixes problems and gives you a good solution. Standardization is defined as best technical application. This says a lot about how good the program is.
2nd Half Home Page • http://home.southernct.edu/~Scasinoj1/2nd%20half/IndexNews2.html
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