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Understanding the New World Order & Islamic Eschatology. with Omar Zaid, M.D. & Shaykh I mran Hosein 7 April 2012, KL , Malaysia - The Ancient Crusade - From Prophet Adam to the return of Prophet I sa. Pentagram. Cyclops, Bull (Baal), Madonna & Child. Right Hand. Left Hand.
Understanding the New World Order & Islamic Eschatology with Omar Zaid, M.D. &Shaykh Imran Hosein 7 April 2012, KL , Malaysia - The Ancient Crusade - From Prophet Adam to the return of Prophet Isa
Pentagram Cyclops, Bull (Baal), Madonna & Child Right Hand Left Hand Eye of Horus
Cain: Sociopathor First Crusader The ancient Crusade Final Crusaders Ponerocrats 0r ‘Sons of Cain’ “This Crusade -- this war against terror – is gonna take a while.” - G. W. Bush “Catholic Action”
Anti-Fitrah Fitrah
Prophet Muhammad was passing by a date palm orchard, and he observed the way that people were going to pollinate the plants and said, “Well I don’t think that’s going to work.” The people then stopped what they were doing. When the trees did not yield any harvest later, the prophet said, “Well, what do I know about worldly affairs? I’m a prophet!”’ - Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Religious leader gives an ‘uninformed opinion’ People deny the truth of their own knowledge and experience! Of significance here is that the prophet (pbh) admitted his ignorance and error. Today’s religious and political leaders do not. Like so many doctors (we all know), they prefer to pretend to ‘know it all’. Authoritarianism or Fascism or Neo-Patriarchy or Romanism
WORLDLY AFFAIRS As administered the Sociopathsof CAIN’S CREED Ancient Mystery Religionsbased on Astro-Theology or Occult Knowledge = InstitutionalizedGnosticism or Esotericism For selfish control of others hence, ancient Conspiracy comprising Networks of Socoiopaths = NWO (ponerocrats) Globalist Movement = New Imperialism Crusade of the Fourth Reich of romanism Result = Permanent WAR Against non-sociopathsseeking to follow fitrah Right HandPath of Satanism LeftHand Path of Satanism
Three Basic Satanic Tenets of the • Current CRUSADE • Moral Relativism • Social Darwinism • Survival of the Most Ruthless • or “The Ends Justify the Means” = Jesuit Principle • Eugenics • = death for the unworthy or useless prosecuted by the elite = Luciferianism (Satanism)
RESULT: (Left Hand Path Conspiracy of Magi) Total Control based on Hidden Knowledge (esotericism) used against the ignorant How Achieved? via(Right Hand Path) DIALECTICS (Dialogues) using propaganda = mental control of the khassa (1%) vs. amma (99%) , mainly via religious, philosophical & political ideations (using symbols , iconography / semiotics) through the media and educational institutions: ideations that deviate from prophetic norms of Revelatory Knowledge and appeal to vanity. Creates (repression via Neo-Patriarchy) ‘boxed in’ mentality’in all spheres of thought, which is why Al’Qur’an warns against sectarianism and reformers Authoritarianism Fascism
Example: [Officer’s Christian Fellowship] According to the group’s executive director, retiredAir Force Lt. Gen. Bruce L. Fister, the “globalwar on terror” • Is a spiritual battle of the highest magnitude… • continually confronting an implacable, • powerful foe who hates us and eagerly seeksto destroy us.” Hence: Bush’s CHRISTIAN CRUSADE or • “CATHOLIC ACTION” Muslims Trigger Word Palestinians
The First CrusadeY asin: 60; 05; & Al’Maidah: 27 – 30 Did I not charge ye, O ye sons of Adam, that ye worship not the devil. Lo, he is your open foe. “Recite to them the truthof the story of the two sonsof Adam. Behold! They each presented a sacrifice (to Allah): it was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: “Be sure I will slay you.” The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones.
Cain’s Creed Principles Corollaries • Human nature is unredeemable • Absolute Hierarchy of Masters & Slaves or the Initiates & Profane • Profane People (masses) aresheep to be led by Masters for slaughter and/or sheering • Law of the jungle or Social Darwinism : leads to • Tyranny : one must learn to control [dominate] -- hence, imperialism or competition to win at all costs -- leads to waror the easier path via the • Eradication of ‘Free Choice’ for the masses; hence, conspiracy = join us and become a slave master; leads to mind control via Manufactured Consensus
Methodology Path of Patriotic & Religious Conformity Left hand Path of Initiation • Exoteric Cults Right Hand Path • Religion • Sectarianism • Universalism (Eumenicism) • Peace Movements • Dialogues • Political Parties , Clubs (country, golf), Foundations, Media, Sports,Bohemian, Bilderbergers, etc. • Education Policies • Outcome Based • Fabian Socialism • Consensus Building • Fellowship • Brotherhoods, Masons, Rotary, Knights of Columbus, Boy & Girl Scouts, etc… • Esoteric Cults • For the elite only Magi or Initiates
Dick Cheney Knight of Malta One of the greatest Liars and criminal sociopaths on the face of the earth granted Honor Mentally Conditioned Pawns Psychological Enablers Red Carpet even on discharge from Hospital Kissinger stated, "Yes, many people will die when the New World Order is established, but it will be a much better world for those who survive". Malcolm X said: "Watch the media, they will have you hating the oppressed, and loving the oppressor..“
Mohammad's letter to Khosrau II, the Persian Shah: He has sent me for the guidance of all people so that I may warn them all of His wrath and may present the unbelievers with an ultimatum. Embrace Islam so that you may remain safe. And if you refuse to accept Islam You will be responsible for the sins of the Magi
“Corrupt States arise mostly from the following: (a) sinfulness of the Gnostics, (b) betrayal of the lovers[ DESTROYS AMANA ] (c)the lying of the initiates[ Magi ] .” Stated by: Iman Abu Hafs al Bukhari, Founder of the HanafiMasab to Central Asia, Uzbekistan Principles of Sufism (11 Cent.) by al- Qushari; translated by BR von Schlegell, Intro by Hans Algar; Mizan Press, Berkley, 1990
WHO & HOW Right Hand Path – e.g. Kings (Arthur) Left Hand Path - e.g. Merlin (Druids) Gnostics . . . . . . . . are not all Seen (public) Exoteric Masters Initiates . . . . . are all Gnostics Unseen (private) Esoteric Masters or MAGI • Religious leaders • Cult leaders • New Age • Theosophy • Socialism, Atheism, Humanism • Doctrine • Ritual • Socialization • Hard Core Satanists at the top of the Pyramid: Magi • Top Dogs who control from behind the closed doorsof inner circles or “Rings” • Reward & Intimidation, which is Pavlovian conditioning of sub-human nature, called condign governance by :
John Kenneth Galbraith, in his book, The Anatomy of Power (Boston, 1983), suggests three historical and effective means of wielding power over such polities, regardless of their metaphysical orientation, so that injustice is certain to triumph: Condign: meaning the ability of the khassa to impose sufficiently unpleasant or painful alternatives; 2. Compensatory: win submission by offering affirmative rewards something of value to those submitted) i.e. cronyism or apartheid systems of reward (e.g. large numbers of government employees); 3. Conditioned: exercised by changing beliefs via persuasion, education, and social commitment to what seems natural, proper, or right. Is Most Applicable to the civilized “developed” world.
Conditioning Tools Poppy (Bush, Sr. ) Boy Scout Badges
MAGI Success • Depends upon the public’s incredulity i.e., disbelief that such wickedness exists across the broad spectrum of governance at the very top … • They understand the positive aspects of this system of knowledge (Gnosticism) but willfully choose to manipulate it for selfish gain and absolute power over others • => Nimrud’s response to Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)
Some Lesser Known Facts about Jews, Rome & Christianity
Synagogue of Satan & The Genesis of ChristianityYe who say you are Jews, but are not Jews, the serpent is your father. Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. - Gospel of JohnPhiloof Alexandria had a nephew who was adopted by Titus which brought the richest Jewish and Roman families of the time together [elite]. This nephew aided Titus in the destruction of Jerusalem and his legions supported Vespasian as Emperor (69-79 AD). Vespasianand Basiledes, an initiate of the cult of Serapis, laid the plans for a new religion to follow the destruction of King Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem. Josephus, the defending Jewish General, surrendered and become a leading Roman Historian. Dec 25th Gnostics … Initiate or Magus … Freemasonic Pawns … Modern Priests of Baal
Serapis& Christus The Imperial cult was inseparable from that of Rome's official deities. Cults to emperors were not so much abolished or abandoned as they were transformed out of recognition for political expediency. providing a common focus of identity for the Empire or Imperialism. -- We now have Neo-Imperialism or the Fourth Roman Reich --
The Emperor Hadrian in a letter to the Consul Servianus (A.D. 134), asserts that the worshippers of the sun-god, Serapis, in Egypt, were Christians, and that these sun-worshippers called themselves "Bishops of Christ." The worship of Serapis was imported into Egypt from Pontus, a province bordering on Bithynia. The Christians mentioned by Pliny the Younger4 were in all probability worshippers of Serapis. Hadrian says further that there are none of these [rulers of Jewish synagogues, Samaritans & Presbyters] "who is not either an astrologer, a soothsayer, or a minister to obscene pleasures," and though they proclaim allegiance to either Serapis or Christ, their only real god is money. High Clerk in the Cult of Serapis, Altes Museum, Berlin
Cornelius Tacitus, the Roman historian, in his celebrated Annals,2 refers to the burning of Rome in 64 A.D. and the Neroian persecution of the Christians. He describes them as a "vast multitude" and says that the cult was founded by Christus, who was punished as a criminal by the Procurator Pontius Pilate. Cornelius Tacitus (ca 56—ca 120), Roman historians Annals, trans. Arthur Murphy (London; Jones & Co., 1830).
American god-man cult Apotheosis of George Washington, representing an American Republican Cult
Emperor Cultsof Rome: Julio-Claudian Flavian – Antinine(Antoninus - Gnostiism) restored the Imperial stamp of approval for homosexuality Severan represents a reversion to the Ancient human sacrificial cult of the Latins or Etruscans along with a more active goddess worship (Cybele) Constantine’s Cult which continued to the 8th century or so, despite Christianity
Cain’s Connection to the ‘One Eyed’ Babylonian Cult or “Kings of the Earth” The priests of Nimrod or Baal were necessarily required to eat of the human sacrifices; and thus it came to pass that "Cahna-Bal," [khan-baal] the "Priest of Baal," is the established word in our own tongue for a devourer of human flesh. Mystery Religions by Charles Butler Nimrod (Great Grandson of Noah & grandson of Ham) ruled in Babylonia as the last representative of Cain's dynasty… Ham, took as his wife Naamah, Cain's descendant As we have seen, "Enmerkar" (History of Egypt, Birch, p. 25) to whom they ascribe the building of Erech, is Sargon, also known as Cain who built that city . Amonwas mythological Ham, and anthropological discoveries show that a ruling race went down into Egypt from Syria or Armenia at the very beginning of history. We may reasonably assume that human sacrifice and cannibalism … were instituted there by Ham, for from all we gather about him from the Bible and ancient records, he "went in the way of Cain... And Cain was most probably the instigator of "cannibalism… Human sacrifices, were known as far back as the Acadian era, as shown by a bilingual text (K 5139) which enjoins the abgal, or 'chief prophet', to declare that “the father must give the life of his child for the sin of his own soul, the child's head for his head, the child's neck for his neck, the child's breast for his breast." Professor Archibald Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, p. 78, 1887, Oxford
Everyone knows that the classical story of Kronos was just this, that "he devoured his sons as soon as they were born." … This legend has a further and deeper meaning; but, as applied to Nimrod, or "the Horned One," it just refers to the fact, that, as the representative of Moloch or Baal, infants were the most acceptable offerings at his altar. • - Mystery Religions by Charles Butler The historian Castor tells us that it was under Baal, that the Cyclops lived. … he states that these Cyclops were the brethren of Kronos, who was also Baal, as we have elsewhere seen [chapter II, section II, The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for in that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity. The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that god—in other words, priests of Bel or Baal. We also find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, ReferreritusCyclopum, "tobring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. - Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132.
Tower of Babel promotes Euro Union Tritz or Crown for King of Jerusalem Cain . . . Baal Cronus . . . Nimrud Dajahl
Gnostics are people ‘In the Know’ who execute the orders of magi who fund them and protect them with the power of money and the many gauntlets it buys: The diplomatic letter is a clear example of a Muslim Leader (pseudo-gostic) asking for monetary help for his home based Political Party – begging with hat in hand for financial help to sustain his ‘rule of lies, liars and thieves by making partners with the Judeo-Christian Alliance -- the very people who actively prosecute (as I speak) unspeakable crimes that constitute a continuum of the Ancient Crusade against Muslims, against truth, against decency, against justice, against all that is held sacred by sincere human beings who fear heaven’s gaze according to fitrah. -- Where are the Initiates ? The Magi Initiates of this Left Hand Path of Satan ? They are behind the closed doors of history books much like Basiledes. Their executives are protected by façades of historical revision; by religious, cultural and political impositions that are contrived for this purpose and funded by those who have succumbed to The Right Hand Path of Satan … the tax payers, the zakat payers, the laborers, The Shopkeepers, the Academics who laud and attend their conferences, the men & Women who don their patriotic colors and salute the many flags of Dishonoring Idolatry they dare call “Islamic”, as they sweep the streets clean of justifiable criticism and popular revulsion. -- May Allah have mercy on us all. This will continue until Prophet Isa’s return
The End Syria Today