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LHC ILC Interplay. Klaus Desch University of Bonn Fermilab, April 13, 2007. The Terascale. Very good reasons to explore the TeV-scale: Evidence for light Higgs SM without Higgs violates unitarity at ~1.3 TeV Hierarchy between m weak and m Planck to be protected at TeV scale
LHC ILC Interplay Klaus Desch University of Bonn Fermilab, April 13, 2007
The Terascale • Very good reasons to explore the TeV-scale: • Evidence for light Higgs • SM without Higgs violates unitarity at ~1.3 TeV • Hierarchy between mweak and mPlanck to be protected at TeV scale • Dark matter consistent with sub-TeV-scale WIMP (e.g. SUSY-LSP) • 2mtop = 350 GeV
Driving Physics Questions • Broad and rich spectrum of fundamental questions • are awaiting answers at the Terascale: • Electroweak Symmetry Breaking • New Symmetries and Unification of Forces • Space-Time Structure • + Connecting Cosmology and Particle Physics and surprises…
p e+ e- p Complementarity of tools • Electron positron collisions at high energy provide a powerful tool to explore TeV-scale physics complementary to the LHC • Due to their point-like structure and absence of strong interactions there are clear advantages of e+e- collisions: • known and tunable centre-of-mass energy • clean, fully reconstructable events • polarized beams • moderate backgrounds no trigger broad consensus for a Linear Collider with up to at least ~500 GeV
Complementarity of tools EPP2010 report
Interplay and Synergy LHC/ILC Study group Phys. Rept. 426 (2006) 47 LCWS Korea 2002
Getting excited Barish With first collisions at 14 TeV next year, it is obvious that we have to start understanding implications of LHC discoveries for the ILC in much more detail
Getting excited Basic (since 2001): Case for a 500 GeV Linear Collider upgradable to 1 TeV general physics case of the ILC does not depend on the LHC (no matter what LHC will see, ILC has an important additional value) Advanced (2002-2006): Explore the synergies if LHC and ILC both machines, if analyzed (and ideally running) simultaneously, will provide added value Facing the real thing (2007-): Optimizing the ILC choices in the light of LHC discoveries no reason to get nervous but a reason to get excited Abe Seiden @ SLAC : “It could be that the physics is not in the ILC reach” could that really be the case? under which circumstances? Burt Richter @ SLAC: “How interesting will 500 GeV be in 2020?” are there scenarios where the initial ILC parameters (energy,luminosity) need revisiting? Need good answers to this scepticism a.s.a.p.!
The LHC Early Phase for the ILC Workshop charge What could be the impact of early LHC results on the choice of the ultimate ILC energy range and the ILC upgrade path? Could there be issues that would need to be implemented into the ILC machine and detectors design from the start? Could there be cases that would change the consensus about the physics case for an ILC with an energy of about 500 GeV? What are the prospects for LHC/ILC interplay based on early LHC data?
Largely signal-driven (not so much model driven) 1. The detection of only one state with properties that are compatible with those of a Higgs boson 2. No experimental evidence for a Higgs boson at the early stage of LHC 3. The detection of new states of physics beyond the Standard Model. a. Missing Energy (+nothing, leptons, jets) signals b. Leptonic resonances c. Multi-Gauge-Boson signals d. Everything else. Strategy
From a maze to a decision tree Here, the artist might have failed: There is more than one path from the LHC to the ILC!
LHC start commision&understanddetectors WG1 WG4 WG4 WG2 WG3 WG3 Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonances Multi-gauge bosons Something Else No Higgs (yet?) Higgslike state
LHC start commision&understanddetectors WG1 WG4 WG4 WG2 WG3 WG3 Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonances Multi-gauge bosons Something Else No Higgs (yet?) Higgslike state When we talk about the first 10 fb-1 we have to account for additional time to get the detectors into a state where they are ready for discoveries. This time certainly depends on the complexity of the signal but ATLAS + CMS deserve some patience from the community Solid results are better than fast results
Charged particle density at = 0 Charged particle density LHC pred CDF UA5 LHC Before discovery: work hard The first three minutes of data taking… Energy dependence of dN/d ? Vital for tuning Underlying Event model, Important of Jet-Energy, Etmiss Only requires a few thousand events but needs to be accounted for in subsequent searches
ATLAS 150 pb-1 Before discovery: work hard Establish the major SM signals: Z, W, top example top: also: hadronic W-mass peak(jet E-scale) No one will believe in a discovery if Z+jets, W+jets, tt+jets are not observed in agreement with SM predictions and well modelled
Before discovery: work hard Understand and calibrate Jets & Etmiss To understand the major backgrounds at the LHC (Z+jets, W+jets, tt+jets,…) we need Monte Carlo simulations beyond the classical LO+ parton shower approach. Recent developments MC@NLO (1 additional jet at full NLO) ALPGEN, SHERPA, … (n additional jets as LO matrix element + „matching“ of ME and PS Here, the Tevatron is an important training camp…
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state mH preferred by prec. data <160 160-350 >350
Higgs at LHC SM Higgs discovery assured for ~10 fb-1 over full mass range if nothing goes wrong - rather easy (and fast) for mH > 140 GeV - more involved for light Higgs mH < 140 GeV
CMS 30 fb-1 H signalx10 Higgs signals at the LHC CMS HZZ4l ATLAS30 fb-1 WBF, H
300 fb-1 MSSM Higgs at LHC 30 fb-1 ATLAS preliminary With more luminosity heavier MSSM Higgses are accessible only for large tan, some indirect sensitivity from light h: Weak Boson Fusion can cover whole parameter space for lightest MSSM Higgs boson with 30 fb-1
ILC: if mH < 160 GeV Full program of Higgs precision measurements can (and must) be done • decay-mode-independent observation • mass (50 MeV) • absolute couplings (Z,W,t,b,c,) (1-5%) • total width (model-independent) • spin, CP • top Yukawa coupling (~5%) • self coupling (~20%, 120-140 GeV) • at photon collider (2%) Garcia-Abia fully establish Higgs mechanism!
Higgs/Radion mixing 2HDM/MSSM Many motivations for precise measurements… indirect mass determination of heavy Higgses, if there (MSSM): distinguish models Zivkovic et al mA = 30% for mA = 800 GeV also in parameter regions whereLHC is blind Yamashita
LHC-ILC interplay on Higgs couplings LHC+ mild model assumptions LHC+ILC model independent KD,Dührssen,Heinemyer,Logan,Rainwater,Weiglein,Zeppenfeld - preliminary
mH>~160 GeV Here we need more work for the ILC Shopping list: - couplings to WW, ZZ still measurable (but how much better than LHC?) improve precision (include hadronic Z?, more luminosity?) - fully explore WW-Fusion - Yukawa couplings hard to access BR(Hbb) measurable up to ~ 220 GeV Htt* below threshold ? ttH needs high energy (studied up to mH= 200 GeV so far…) - explore total width measurement from WWHWW! - total width from threshold scan? - selfcoupling from HHWWWW (energy, luminosity)? upper limit on sensitivity…
mH>~160 GeV: SM precision measurements • If there is a heavy SM-like Higgs we need precision measurements • to test quantum structure indication for new physics close by. • We will need: • precise mtop (100 MeV) from tt-threshold • precise mW (6 MeV) from WW threshold • precise sin2w from Giga-Z • e+e-ff, WW, … Heinemeyer,Kraml,Porod,Weiglein
Summary on Higgs-like state • excellent discovery prospects at the LHC • discovery of heavier SM-like Higgs (140, >160) may be very fast • light Higgs (<160) discovery calls for ILC precision Higgs program • immediately (even w/o further new physics observed yet) • heavier Higgs (>160) likely also calls for ILC precision Higgs program + SM precision program (needs more activity)!
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state + many jets, no leptons + many jets + leptons + few jets + few jets + leptons + jets + photons + no jets + 1,3leptons
Huge variety of possible models with large MET S.Asai in addition to model-driven searches, topology-driven searches required
SUSY at LHC 1 fb-1, m(squark,gluino) ~ 1 TeV OS dileptons SS dileptons
SUSY at LHC mSugra discovery reach with 10 fb-1
MET signal at LHC after observation of an excess: need estimate of thresholds at ILC Fast estimate of m(gluino),m(squark) is not enough! need to get estimates of masses of the cascading particles!
SUSY at LHC Dileptons: A sharp edge in the dilepton mass spectrum is a “go” for the ILC
`MET signal at LHC • what we need is a model-independent estimate • of the particle masses in cascade decays, which end in an • invisible massive particle (DM candidate) • Full kinematic reconstruction is tough • see e.g. Kawagoe,Nojiri,Polesello hep-ph/0410160 • Need more effort here… • Fully exploit • pT spectra of visible objects and MET • invariant masses • rates!
SUSY at ILC once a few thresholds are in reach, the ILC is the place to reveal SUSY precise masses of color-neutral states(50 MeV to 1 GeV) U.Martyn spin (angular distributions) ACFA study chiral quantum numbers (polarisation!) • prove that it is SUSY • no model assumptions • learn about SUSY breaking G.Moortgat-Pick
SUSY at ILC + LHC • ILC and LHC together can likely measure precisely • the parameters of constrained models (mSugra…) • determine the underlying SUSY parameters w/o model assumptions • determine the properties of the LSP dark matter density • test more complex realisations (e.g. NMSSM) Bechtle,KD,Wienemann also SFITTER: Plehn ea LHC-ILC report Hesselbach,Moortgat-Pick
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state mX >1000GeV <500 GeV <1000 GeV
Leptonic Resonances at LHC can possibly be seen very early… CMS CMS 100 pb-1 With initial (misaligned) detector SSM Z’ 1 TeV Discovery reach 3-4 TeV with 10 fb-1
Resonances: ILC consequences Godfrey et al, hep-ph/0511335 • Not very likely, that a <500 GeV ll-Resonance appears • (but ILC would of course study it in s-channel ) • A resonance within the direct reach of an upgraded ILC would probably call for a fast upgrade path (still would like to do the • precision Higgs (if there) and SM program) • A resonance beyond the direct ILC reach: ILC+LHC can determine coupling structure from interference • with /Z exchange to determine its nature 95% contours, MZ’= 1,2,3,4 TeV • E6 model • LR symmetric • Littelest Higgs (LH) • Simplest Little Higgs (SLH) • KK excitations in ED
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state
Multigauge bosons at LHC • Rich field • Measure TGCs in WW,WZ,ZZ • Measure QGCs in WWZ, WW • Crucial test of EWSB: Weak boson fusion at high mass: e.g. qq jjWWjjll • Needs more attention at LHC (did I miss something?) • Important for ILC planning! Mertens(Dipl thesis),Schumacher preliminary WHIZARD (Kilian,Reuter,Ohl) effective Lagrangian approach valid at m(WW)>1.2 TeV?? exclusion potential? see also Kilian,Reuter hep-ph/0507099
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state
Something else Grupen Not unlikely, but hard to prepare for Important that ATLAS+CMS are open-minded enough and perform broadband searches…
LHC start commision&understanddetectors Excess in missing ET (plus leptons?) Leptonic resonance(s) Multi-gauge bosons Something Else Nothing (yet) Higgslike state
Nothing yet… With 10-30 fb-1 analysed at the LHC, many of our favourite scenarios can be excluded: - SM Higgs - MSSM Higgs - MSSM indirect: absence of light Higgs, direct: up to ~1.5 TeV - … Major focus then: EWSB 1. has the LHC missed the Higgs(es)? (e.g. invisible, Higgs continuum, Hjets, …) ILC can discover the Higgs in these scenarios. 2. there is really no Higgs Technicolor/Higgsless models Signals might show up with higher luminosity (WW scattering at high masses crucial) if this scenario can be excluded at LHC, revisit option 1.
Conclusions The LHC Early Phase will be exciting! The LHC Early Phase will confront our ideas about Terascale physics with real data We will have to demonstrate that there is indeed a strong case for the ILC in the light of these data: that’s no free lunch! (but I’m not nervous…) Some possible signals at LHC (light Higgs, SUSY-like signals, leptonic resonances,…) are clear “go ahead” signs for ILC Others (e.g. heavier Higgs) need more studies to assess the ILC physics potential within the various physics scenarios Optimal ILC run plan and upgrade path have to be inferred from LHC data