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Tom downing

Climate Safeguard System: Screening projects in the African Development Bank. Tom downing. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP. Overview of CSS. Based on the project cycle.

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Tom downing

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  1. Climate Safeguard System: Screening projects in the African Development Bank Tom downing AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP

  2. Overview of CSS

  3. Based on the project cycle • Task Managers are faced with a well-defined project cycle and outputs. Projects must meet investment safeguarding standards. • Country planning is a scoping exercise that involves more than one stakeholder and bringing together a wealth of information for the Bank's planning but also for public use.

  4. Envelopes of climate change: Uncertain futures Climate context

  5. Knowledge base

  6. Knowledge base • With Climate Systems Analysis Group, University of Cape Town: • Agroecological zones • Downscaled climate envelopes at the station level • Templates for describing climate information for country strategy and at station-project level • Supporting documents & links

  7. Purpose: Determine what additional measures are required Outcome: Assignment of a project into one of three categories Method: Sectoral scorecards Climate Screening Tool

  8. Climate screening

  9. Principles behind the screening tool NOT dependent on projected climate impacts NOT lengthy all-risk assessment Designed with the Bank and for their portfolio in Africa Easy and quick to apply Highly transparent process Simple but not simplistic Additive scoring

  10. Scoring and project categories

  11. Project category definitions

  12. Purpose: Incorporate adaptation plans into project design Outcome: Selected measures for project documents Method: Filtering of purpose, components and activities based on simple criteria Adaptation procedures

  13. AREP

  14. principles NOT prescriptive: many possible adaptation plans for a project NOT driven by uncertain climate scenarios NOT forcing all projects to conduct full climate audits Highly transparent: Bank has control over the process Time spent in mainstreaming adaptation is proportionate to the project category Cost of adaptation activities is proportionate to financial risks Driven by planning outputs and robust decision-making despite climate uncertainties

  15. steps for the 3 categories

  16. Select purpose & components

  17. Select activities

  18. Complete the RLF

  19. Transparency: Fully managed by the Bank Accountability: Documents each step of the analysis as operational safeguard Results: Proactive management of projects to achieve climate resilience Tracking finance: Proportion assigned to ‘additional climate finance’ is relative to category of project CSS and tracking aid

  20. Thanks! • Partners: • CSAG, UCT • Atkins (water) • iSpace (tools) Tdowning@ClimateAdapttion.cc AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP

  21. Foundations • The Climate Risk Management and Adaptation Strategy sets a target to screen 80% of the Bank's projects by 2012 • Implemented through the Climate Change Action Plan 2010-2014

  22. Category thresholds The total score enables us to classify a project in one of the three categories.

  23. Use cases • Timothy works in the AfDB. He has received a project proposal and been assigned to… • Use cases are a formal method in software design • Actor + Decision environment + Outcome • We have run hundreds of use cases at every stage to ensure our methods provide solutions to specific tasks in the Bank's project cycle

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