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Welcome to the SFCC Student Employee Orientation! In this PowerPoint slide show, you’ll have an opportunity to learn important information about your job at SFCC as a student employee . Welcome!.
Welcome to the SFCC Student Employee Orientation! In this PowerPoint slide show, you’ll have an opportunity to learn important information about your job at SFCC as a student employee.
Welcome! As a student employee at SFCC, you're responsible for more than a job – you're also responsible for the college's public image. That's because an employee is often the first person a visitor to SFCC meets. The impression you make says a lot about you and your college. You have the power, and responsibility, to create an interesting, positive, service-oriented, energetic workplace for yourself, your co-workers, students and visitors you’ll be helping! You can do it.! Choose Your Attitude It’s about accepting full responsibility for all our choices, even our attitude at work. A positive attitude is a decision you make, moment to moment. Be There It’s about being totally focused on the moment and on the person or task with which you are engaged. Make Their Day It’s about doing something special for students and visitors and co-workers. A small amount of special attention can turn a routine encounter into a lasting, positive memory. Play It’s about enjoying yourself by being lighthearted and creative, even at work. Maintaining professionalism with an honest smile. (Fish philosophy borrowed from the Fish Mongers of Seattle.)
Eligibility Requirements • Submit a financial aid application (Completed FAFSA must be on file in the Financial Aid Office.) • Be registered for at least 6 credit hours (Student employees who drop or withdraw below 6 credit hours are immediately ineligible for employment. During the summertime, there may be exceptions. Please check with the Student Employment Director.) • Be pursuing a degree offered by SFCC (Student employees must have a degree officially declared.) • Be in good academic standing (Student employees must maintain a grade point average of a 2.0 or higher and may not be on Financial Aid suspension.) • Participate in a Student Employee Orientation session. • Possess a valid social security number. • Be at least 16 years of age. • Not be attending SFCC as a concurrent student of any high school. • Provide an official transcript for high school or GED graduation. If you are an International Students, your eligibility requirements may be different. Please check with an advisor and/or the Student Employment Director.
Student Employment as Financial Aid • Student employment is a form of Financial Assistance. • The program is governed by federal and state regulations. SFCC applies these regulations to all student employees, whether you are an SFCC-funded student worker or a government-funded work-study student. • And regardless of your status, all students working on campus are called student employees.
Philosophy and Purpose • Students are hired by SFCC to meet legitimate work demands, not simply to receive financial assistance. You are expected to be a working member of the department, receiving an hour's pay for an hour's work. • Whenever possible, students should work in their area of study, supplementing their academic knowledge with practical work. Employment gives you an opportunity to develop the personal qualities and work skills you will need to succeed in your chosen careers. Because student employment is for the purpose of training and enhancement of educational goals, SFCC maintains the philosophy that a student’s employment should be a learning experience and is secondary to the student’s academic endeavors.
Administration of Student Employment • The Financial Aid Office awards government-funded work-study monies, manages student timesheets, and provides this orientation. • The Student Employment Office keeps department job descriptions and posts job openings, provides student referrals, processes PANs and evaluations, and assists students and supervisors. • The Human Resources Office maintains all student employees’ official paperwork. • And the Payroll Office gets you paid!
Student and Employee As a student you have a student handbook. Included in that resource is a student code of conduct and information that serves and supports your academic success. As an employee you have access to an employee handbook that also includes a code of conduct for employees and resources for workers. As a student employee you have a Student Employee Policies and Procedures handbook that helps you navigate your responsibilities and opportunities as a student who works on campus. Know your resources and familiarize yourself with SFCC’s expectations of you in your various roles! And ask for help if you have questions or concerns about anything at all!
SFCC Policies Information Included in your HR packet • The Student Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook • Campus Emergency – phones and procedures • FERPA (Student Records confidentiality) • Sexual Harassment • Drug-Free Awareness
Rights and Responsibilities of Student Employees Rights of Student Employees1. The Right to be treated fairly and equitably. 2. The Right to know what is expected of you concerning your work schedule, actual duties, and any other requirements made by the supervisor. 3. The Right to be informed about your work performance.4. The Right to an explanation if you are terminated. 5. The Right to use your campus jobs as references for future employers and/or credit institutions. Responsibilities of Student Employees1. Take the job seriously. It is a real job and an important one. 2. Perform tasks in a professional manner.3. Know who your supervisor is and what he/she expects of you. 4. Inform your supervisor if you must be late or absent. 5. Keep an accurate account of the hours you work each day. 6. Do not be afraid to ask for help – there is no such thing as a stupid question! 7. Respect confidentiality, act accordingly. 8. Maintain eligibility requirements for work on-campus. 9. Assume responsibility for yourself as an employee. Remember, you are a representative of the Santa Fe Community College.
Successful Work Tips Always provide at least 30 minutes notice if you are ill and are not able to report for work. If you call in, be sure to speak directly to your supervisor. Do not let friends call in for you. A parent or spouse may call if you physically cannot call. Provide at least 2 days notice for any scheduled time off (i.e. exams, projects, vacation). Stick to your scheduled work times. Don’t change your schedule every week. Your employer relies on you more than you may realize. Dress appropriately for your work environment. Check with your supervisor to see if your department has a dress code for student employees. Remember that when you are at work, you represent not only your department, but also the College. When you leave a position, always give 2 weeks notice and write a letter of resignation. If you receive any additional training on the job, make sure to have a copy of the certification form placed in your personnel file. Please do not study while on the clock. You are paid to work, not study.
Timesheet Procedures Timesheets must be filled out completely, signed, and turned in to your supervisor on time. Your supervisor will supply you with blank timesheets and payroll deadline dates. Paychecks can be picked up at the Cashier’s window on the Friday of payday; or, fill out paperwork in the Payroll Office to have your paycheck automatically deposited in your bank account. Late timesheets will be included in the next scheduled payroll. No special checks will be cut and/or issued.
Resources On-Campus • Financial Aidwork-study, grants, loans and scholarships 428.1268 • Student Employmenton-campus employment 428.1285 • Human Resourcesworker’s compensation, employment verification, orientation and training 428.1228 • Payrolllate timesheets, special pay periods, schedule of pay periods, direct deposit, W2s 428.1208 • Career Servicesoff-campus work, resume writing, interviewing skills 428.1406 • Service Learningvolunteer community work, internships, credit for volunteer service 428.1702 • Career Counselinginterest inventory testing, talk sessions, transcript analysis, class scheduling 428.1331 • Special Servicesservices for special needs and/or disabled students 428.1711
And Finally… • Congratulations on your new student job! • Give yourself the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience. • Ask for help when you need it: from coworkers, from your supervisor, from the Student Employment Department staff.