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Welcome, Parents!

Welcome, Parents!. We are partners in your child’s education. Team Teachers:. Mrs. Sharon Drummond: ELA and Social Studies Mr. Allen Luther: Math and Science Mr. Alan Gillaspie: inclusion teacher Mrs. Michelle Gorring: para-professional. Classroom Policies.

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Welcome, Parents!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome, Parents! We are partners in your child’s education.

  2. Team Teachers: Mrs. Sharon Drummond:ELA and Social Studies Mr. Allen Luther:Math and Science Mr. Alan Gillaspie: inclusion teacher Mrs. Michelle Gorring: para-professional

  3. Classroom Policies • Expectations-- The Diley Way • Homework & Make-up Work • Enrichment & Intervention

  4. Weekly Tutoring • Wednesdays from 3:05-3:45 p.m. • Math and/or English Language Arts • Help with homework, new concepts, organization, AR, and more • Students must have transportation arranged ahead of time. • No phonecalls home on Wednesdays.

  5. Daily Schedule Math and ELA classes are 90 minutes each. Science and Social Studies classes are 45 minutes each. LUNCH will be from 12:00 to 12:35.

  6. 8:30-8:45 Homeroom 8:45-9:30 Mondays & Tuesdays: GIT Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: Innovation Time 9:30-10:15English Language Arts (ELA) OR Math 10:15-10:45 E & I (enrichment & intervention) 10:45-11:30 English Language Arts (ELA) OR Math 11:30-12:00CLASS SWITCH: Math OR ELA 12:00-12:35 LUNCH & RECESS 12:35-1:35 Math OR ELA 1:35-2:20 Science OR Social Studies 2:20-3:05 Science OR Social Studies 3:05 Announcements & Dismissal

  7. Class Rotation • Students travel with their homeroom for ELA, Math and GIT. • Students from both homerooms will be mixed for social studies and science. • Students will alternate weekly between Mr. Luther and Mrs. Drummond for E & I Time.

  8. GIT Schedule: • We have GIT on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. • We will start with Art and Technology.

  9. Innovation Time • Wednesday-Friday, 8:45-9:30. • Design challenges, team building activities, and student projects • Current activity: Habits of Learning

  10. Media Center Students will visit the Diley library every Friday during ELA. Class 1: 9:35-10:05 Class 2: 1:00-1:30 p.m.

  11. Curriculum ELA: Common Core & SpringBoard Math: Common Core & SpringBoard Social Studies: Geography, government, religion, and economics of the Eastern Hemisphere Science: Lab skills/sci.method,Cells,Rocks & minerals,matter,motion/energy-potential/kinetic For Ohio’s standards, go to http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Ohio-s-New-Learning-Standards

  12. SpringBoard • Developed by The College Board (AP/ACT) • Used this year in grades 6-12 math and ELA • Designed “to help students acquire the rigorous skills and knowledge needed for college and career success” • Online access for parents and students Access codes will be given to students.

  13. STAR & AR • STAR Reading: tested 8/18; reports handed back on 8/19. ZPD=range for AR books • Homework: 20-30 minutes reading per night • Reading log: record books and pages read • STAR Math: will test on Thursday, August 21.

  14. Outdoor Education • June 1-3, 2015 • Heartland Outdoor School • Great learning experience! • Transition to the Junior High • Sixth and seventh grade teachers will attend. • Parent meeting September 23, 2014 at Diley A-M 6:00 p.m. N-Z 7:30 p.m.

  15. Diley PTSO Please consider joining or volunteering for this terrific group of parents, students, and teachers. They support your child in many ways!

  16. Thank you all for coming! Mrs.Drummond, Mr.Luther, Mr. Gillaspie

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