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Welcome to Year 10 Information Evening

Welcome to Year 10 Information Evening. Mr M Smith Headteacher. Mr I Hunt Year 10 Leader. This evening is about …. The keys to success with GCSEs and BTECs Ways parents can support What parents should expect What effective learning and revision looks like

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Welcome to Year 10 Information Evening

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  1. Welcome to Year 10 Information Evening

  2. Mr M SmithHeadteacher

  3. Mr I HuntYear 10 Leader

  4. This evening is about … • The keys to success with GCSEs and BTECs • Ways parents can support • What parents should expect • What effective learning and revision looks like • What makes a good learner • A survival guide to Key Stage 4 and beyond • A briefing on work experience

  5. a 2-year slog(and beyond). . .you have to keep your sights on that gold medal” “You may have the talent to win a race, but if you haven't thought it through properly, you won't win”

  6. Students that do well • Excellent attendance throughout. • Attend extra revision seminars • Revise actively and use variety of methods • Clear and well thought through revision plan • Good awareness of exam requirements

  7. Year 10 Revision Booklet These contain: • Advice on revision and exam skills • Detailed breakdown of topics • Links to resources

  8. Assessment Calendar 2012-2013

  9. September 2012 • English – Creative writing responding to a ‘Still Image’. Completed. 8% of final G.C.S.E Grade

  10. October 2012 • History – Impact of War 1914 – 1951 • 25% of final G.C.S.E Grade • 22nd October Instruction booklet issued week beginning. Preparation work on ‘Historical Skills’ and ‘Research of Evidence’. • Students planning completed by November 4th. • Students will write their actual assessment in the week beginning November 5th • ‘Source Evaluation’ and ‘Comparison and Evaluation’ work will follow on from the completion of the first task

  11. November 2012 • Maths – Internal Assessment -12th Nov • 50 minute exam based on topics currently covered • German – Oral Written Preparation 15% • German - Oral Presentation 15%

  12. December 2012 • French – Oral Written Preparation 15% • French - Oral Presentation 15%

  13. January 2013 Science G.C.S.E Modular Exams 9th Jan • All year 10s B1 You and your Genes C1 Air Quality P1 The Earth in the Universe Science G.C.S.E Modular Exams 17th Jan B2 Keeping Healthy C2 Material Choices P2 Radiation and Life Students on the A.L.P B1,C1,P1 only

  14. February 2013 • Double Science Controlled Assessment • Case Study 25/02 to 01/03 12.5%

  15. March 2013 • Double Science Controlled Assessment • Data Analysis – 04/03 to 08/03 12.5%

  16. April 2013 • Catering G.C.S.E Controlled Assessment • 15 hour overall duration end of April/early May. • Three hour practical session during ‘Challenge Day’ 30th April • 20% of final G.C.S.E

  17. May 2013 • Triple Science • Biology Investigation – 13th May to 17th May 25% • Food and Nutrition • Unit 2 Controlled Assessment – 8hrs • Start Date 20th May 15%

  18. May 2013 • Science (A.L.P) Modular Examination17th May • B2 Keeping Healthy • C2 Material Choices • P2 Radiation and Life • Science Modular Examination 23rd May • B3 Life on Earth • C3 Chemicals in our Lives. Risks and Benefits • P3 Chemical Synthesis

  19. How are we going to maximise performance? • We - a three pronged strategy • Students • School • Parents

  20. What should you as parents expect from your child? • 2x40 minute sessions on a college night • 4x 40 minute sessions on Saturdays and Sundays and in the holidays • Evidence of revision e.g. mind maps, study cards, knowledge of key words, completed exam questions

  21. Students - The decision to succeed Students need to … • make their own decision to succeed • prioritize their own learning • want the opportunities that arise from success

  22. What should you as parents expect from the college? • Revision sessions at lunch and after college • Active revision lessons in class • Support from Mr Ian Hunt Head of Year 10 Tuesday Evening Enrichment and Support • Exam information support from Sue Higgs our exams officer (01297) 630152 • Pep-talks from heads of department 15 minutes before exam starts

  23. Parents Get Involved. What can you do to help? • Encourage-take an Interest –discuss work with your children • Help with homework • Monitor through the planner • Praise - tell them how proud you are of their achievements. Help them to feel good abut themselves and their work

  24. Encourage Revision • Never underestimate the power of revision • John Wooden U.C.L.A Coach 80’s/90s • Coached Team to 13 All American Championships • 11 of them consecutive

  25. The 8 Laws of Learning • Explanation • Demonstration • Imitation • Repetition • Repetition • Repetition • Repetition • Repetition

  26. Mr D PerksAssistant Headteacher What makes a good learner?

  27. Revision / learning at home • Quiet place to work • Storage for revision materials • Notice board for revision plan and exam times • Turn off TV / games etc • Drink water

  28. Getting involved • Encouraging • Testing • Monitoring • Planning • Adding perspective

  29. What does good revision and good learning look like? • Active! Active! Active! • Transformation-diagrams into words, photos into diagrams, words into mind maps • Tested on their knowledge • Uses a variety of techniques

  30. What does good revision / learning look like? How do you create a Mind Map? • Start in the centre of a piece of landscape A3. • Draw an image that represents the topic for you. • Draw lines radiating out from your central image, with key words for your main themes on each line. Don't clutter up the lines with phrases - just use single words. • Then draw sub-branches from these main lines, again with key words. Use colour to identify groupings, images to make them stand out, and arrows to denote associations between themes.

  31. What should you as parents expect from your child? • 2x40 minute sessions on a college night • 4x 40 minute sessions on Saturdays and Sundays and in the holidays • Evidence of revision e.g. mind maps, study cards, knowledge of key words, completed exam questions

  32. What does good revision / learning look like? Uses a variety of techniques Visual Learners prefer to: • Draw pictures and diagrams • Colour code their work • Use different coloured paper, pens etc • Use their own system of symbols etc • Create images and scenes in their minds

  33. What does good revision / learning look like? Auditory learners prefer to: • Say their work aloud • Give presentations to an imaginary audience • Record notes on a tape recorder • Use silly noises to remember things • Hear the information in their mind • Play instrumental music

  34. What does good revision / learning look like? Kinaesthetic learners prefer to: • Do actions when learning key facts • Walk about when learning • Find it harder to sit at a desk • Add emotions and textures to exaggerate information • Try to experience what they are learning

  35. Mr D HollandAssistant Headteacher with Annalene Salter and Marcus Wood Beyond Key Stage 4 And Surviving in Key Stage 4

  36. Why is thinking about the Sixth Form important? • Your choices, your performances and your results at Key Stage 4 matter • GCSE’s and BTEC level 2’s are the stepping stones to Sixth Form and then on University/work

  37. Why Our Sixth Form? Positive ethos Improving results Close Support from dedicated team Personalised Advice and Guidance Effective Intervention Opportunities/Enrichment Acting on feedback, e.g. AXEUS

  38. Results • At A2 results are good and improving: • 2010 – Average Points Score = 604 • 2011 – APS = 707 • 2012 – APS = 712 with 65% A* to C and 100% A* to E Pass Rates APS 2010 2011 2012

  39. Annalene Salter • Deadlines • Organisation • Getting help from teachers/older students • Managing time • Revision

  40. Marcus Wood • Coursework • Relationships and priorities • Jobs • Stress

  41. Looking forward • Consider your options for POST 16 study….. • Where can I study? What can I study? • What type of support do I need to achieve? • What grades do I need to progress to my chosen subjects? • For University, what grades do I need at the end of Year 11 and Year 13? What POST 16 choices would be best?

  42. Ms N GriblerSubject Leader for English What does good learning look like in English?

  43. How to Succeed in English SPAG Ambition Revise, Revise, Revise Handwriting Reading Log Perceptive Controlled Assessment Confident and assured Media Savvy

  44. Mrs R HawkesSubject Leader for PSHE & Geography Work Experience

  45. Work Experience – The Law! • You have a legal right to undertake work experience during KS4. This should provide you with the opportunity to: • learn through work, from direct experience of it (in addition to a part-time job) • learn about work, by developing knowledge and understanding of work and enterprise • learn for work by developing skills for enterprise and employability

  46. When will Work Experience be launched? • In July of year 10 in 2013. • You may use the Summer holidays to research or apply for work experience placements. • All work experience placements require employer liability and public liability insurance.

  47. Work Experience – What next? • Think about what your interests are. • Consider the skills you have. • Consider the qualities you have. • Do you have a career plan that you would like to investigate? • What do you personally want to get out of work experience?

  48. Who can help? Mrs Hawkes (Room C7) Mr Hunt Your form tutor Mrs Steggall (Student Office)

  49. Mr I Hunt Closing thoughts and any questions

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