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Consideration of human factors during the construction or modernization of a line. I- A Very Challenging Line to O perate Environmental Features Specific Installations Bellegarde remote control centre Catenary switching device Catenary power supply feeder
Consideration of human factors during the construction or modernization of a line
I-A VeryChallenging Line to Operate EnvironmentalFeatures Specific Installations Bellegarde remote control centre Catenaryswitchingdevice Catenary power supply feeder II-ProvidingHumanFactors Support Lot 1 Bellegarde remote control centre Catenaryswitchingdevice Lot 2 Summary IRSC 2012 - London
I- A Very Challenging Line to Operate Renovated Built Closed 1876 1990 2007- 2010 IRSC 2012 - London
A- Environmental Features • Several curves of radius below 300 m • Risksof runaway Source: Dossier de sécurité - Rénovation de la ligne du Haut Bugey V3 du 10/11/2011– Annexe 02 IRSC 2012 - London
A- Environmental Features • Difficult climatic conditions : • 120 rainy days per year, • 65 days of frost, • 27 days of thunder, • heavy snow, • ice formation in tunnels • Large rock walls along platforms • Large numberof detectors and protection nets from rock falls • Risks of wheel-slip, wheel-lock, track shift. • High risks of false alarms due to weather conditions IRSC 2012 - London
A- Environmental Features • Numerous and imposing structures : • 10 tunnels of different lengths, • 49 railroad bridges, • 5 viaducts, • Presence along the line of 42 level crossings located in : • high traffic areas, • tourist zones, • areas of difficulttrackgeometry IRSC 2012 - London
A- Environmental Features • Central platforms including one : • located just at the end of a tunnel, • at a gradient of 22 ‰ • and of a curve of 300 m making access to TGVs difficult, • Boarded track crossings • High passenger number in winter • Numerous tourists during summer • Risk of unauthorized presence on tracks IRSC 2012 - London
B- Specific Installations • A remote control centre in Bellegarde station • A unique type on the French national railway network of catenary switching device from 1500 V dc to 25 kV ac linked to the route in Bellegarde station • A rare 25 kV ac catenary power supply feeder to be used in case of emergency If each of these features taken individually can be easily handled ; once gathered together they lead to real and important operation and maintenance risks including some which are linked to human factors. IRSC 2012 - London
B-Specific Installations 1-Bellegarde Remote Control Centre • Necessity to adapt to a new mode of rail traffic control and to a new technology IRSC 2012 - London
B-Specific Installations 1-Bellegarde Remote Control Centre An inadequate adaptation of staff to new technologies could lead to incorrect application of procedures in case of disruption, to immobilization of trains and to the presence of passengers on tracks. Source: translated from Dossier de sécurité - Rénovation de la ligne du Haut Bugey V3 du 10/11/2011– Annexe 29 IRSC 2012 - London
B- Specific Installations 2-Catenary Switching Device • Linked to the route • Remote controlled by Bellegarde remote control centre • Voltage monitored by a programmable controller • Condition the clearing of the controlled protecting signal Source: translated from Dossier de sécurité - Rénovation de la ligne du Haut Bugey V3 du 10/11/2011 IRSC 2012 - London
To Geneva Area 1500 V dc Area 25000 V ac Switching area to Bourg en Bresse Area 1500 V dc Area 25000 V ac Switching area Source: inspired from http://www.ligneduhautbugey.fr/ IRSC 2012 - London
B- Specific Installations 2-Catenary Switching Device • Control / command incidents at the remote control centre could lead to : • command and control failures for the route to Haut Bugey • prolonged immobilization of trains before station platforms • passengers on tracks • train running on sight and power trip • stress for remote control centre staff • Requires : • training to the particular characteristics of the installation • ability to work with many people from different disciplines and remote Communications dysfunctions in rail traffic control predominate in the majority of incidents. IRSC 2012 - London
After setting a route, the signal does not clear and the corresponding voltage indication (« KT 1500 » or « KT 25000 ») is not displayed Bellegarde TC SSR Verbaly ask the SSR if voltage indication corresponding to the established route is displayed on his terminal Verify voltage indication on his terminal Voltage indication is displayed Voltage indication is not displayed Inform Bellegarde TC by numbered message SSR to Bellegarde TC: voltage indication « TK …(1500 ou 25000) displayed on my terminal » Receive numbered message from SSR After having verified all other conditions for clearing the signal, authorises the passing of the stop signal under the usual regulatory conditions. Verbally inform Bellgarde traffic controller Receive verbal information from SSR Source: translated from Dossier de sécurité - Rénovation de la ligne du Haut Bugey – Annexe 29
B- Specific Installations 3-Catenary Power Supply Feeder Presents serious electrical hazards Requires the acquisition of essential job skills • To be used only in emergencies cases • Of delicate use in case of • accidents on the catenary • intervention of maintenance staff IRSC 2012 - London
B- Specific Installations • Operation of the renovated line is complicated • train traffic controller in charge of the remote control center, • operators, • maintenance staff, • central substation staff • drivers ... • Risks of incidents derive from • technical components • organizational and human factors IM decided to launcha dedicated study based on human factors IRSC 2012 - London
II- Providing Human Factors Support IRSC 2012 - London
II- Providing Human Factors Support IRSC 2012 - London
II- Providing Human Factors Support Lot 1 Lot 2 Assessing the robustness of Bellegarde remote control centre’splanned organization By identifying in literature and at similar sites, elements that could contribute to the reflection on the organization of Bellegarde remote control centre • Control risks associated with the catenary switching device and catenary power supply feeder • By working in collaboration with staff at the design stage • To ensure that they had identified and understood all risks of dysfunctions and their corresponding procedures IRSC 2012 - London
A- Lot 11. Catenary Switching Device Issues IRSC 2012 - London
A- Lot 11. Catenary Switching Device Actions Decisions Write a special operating procedure for the management of train distress scenarii under the catenary switching section, Include relevant data in driver training, Produce documents on the conditions of intervention on the catenary switching device for maintenance staff Incorporate simulation exercises in staff training Check the consistency of the documents Monitor the operation of the catenary switching device / care about feedbacks • Study behaviourof a single or multiple unit vehicle in case of accidental immobilisationunder the catenary switching device • Study how staff would deal with programmable controller malfunctions IRSC 2012 - London
A- Lot 12. Catenary Power Supply Feeder Issues IRSC 2012 - London
A- Lot 11. Catenary Switching Device Actions Decisions Organizing knowledge sharing on the basis of catenary power supply feeder instructions Organizing exercises to test its use in conditions close to real operations. • Clarify the synchronisation of maintainers local interventions and the repowering of the feeder to rescue a train on the line IRSC 2012 - London
B- Lot 2Assessing the robustness of Bellegarde remote control center planned organization Issues IRSC 2012 - London
B- Lot 2Assessing the robustness of Bellegarde remote control centre planned organization Attention particularly paid on : • Operation of novel installations • Clarity and readability of procedures, • Documents accessibility • Procedure consistency • Remote control center ergonomics • Alarm management, • tools and installations maintenance • Competency profile • Training • Management • Workload • Team composition IRSC 2012 - London
B- Lot 2Assessing the robustness of Bellegarde remote control centre planned organization Actions Decisions Adapt Bellegardetraffic controllers’ training to their specific situation, Organize meetings between train traffic controllers and players with whom they will have to work, Regularly ensure rotation between the old and the new control centre, Adapt the ergonomics of Bellegarde remote control centre. • Identify in literature and in the field, elements that could contribute to the reflection on the organization of Bellegarde remote control centre. IRSC 2012 - London
Conclusion • Since 2010 no accident related to : • specific installations • new technologies • communications dysfunctions IRSC 2012 - London