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However, eye strain is a condition which is not so dangerous as it can be cured readily by changing one’s lifestyle. Eye strain is a common problem today, and the causes behind it are copious too.
# 1 TIP Takingregularbreakswhileinvolvedin useofdigitaldevicesorreadingbooks, etccanallowyoureyestorelaxandcalm theirmuscles. Also, catchingrestand blinkingthemwillhelpinlubricatingthe eyestoo. DEVELOPA HABITOF BREAKS 3 EASY WAYS TO REDUCE EYE STRAIN FOR OLDER PEOPLE #2 TIP Mostofthetimewhenweworkon computerscreensorwatchtelevisionfor longhoursourangleofvisualizing consistsofvitalimportance. Optimally thescreenshouldbe15-20degrees (4-5 inches) beloweyeleveland20-28inches awayfromtheeyes. SETYOUR SCREEN PERFECTLY NATURAL EYE HEALING 90 DAYS Screenemitslights, thisbluelight emittedbymonitorscancauseeyestrain andevendisruptcircadianrhythm. Ifyou cannotskipwatchingmovies, playing games, orworkingoncomputerscreens, youcanatleastinstallsomefiltersinthe devicetorestrictthebluelightofthe screenfromenteringyoureyes continually. SOURCE- HTTPS://WWW.HEALINGTHEEYE.COM UTILIZINGBLUE SETTARGETS LIGHT BLOCKERS