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CMAS PARCC Accommodations. SAL Training 2014. Today’s Agenda. CMAS PARCC Science Social Studies ELA/L Math. CMAS PARCC Overview CMAS PARCC Testing Windows Resources: Accommodations Manuals State Policy for Accommodations CMAS PARCC – Science, SS, ELA/L, Math Accessibility Features
CMAS PARCC Accommodations SAL Training 2014
Today’s Agenda CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath CMAS PARCC Overview CMAS PARCC Testing Windows Resources: Accommodations Manuals State Policy for Accommodations CMAS PARCC – Science, SS, ELA/L, Math • Accessibility Features • Accommodations English Language Learners Next Steps
With new standards come new assessments…. CMASPARCCOverview Denver Public Schools has implemented the Colorado Academic and Common Core State Standards to ensure students are prepared for college and career in the 21st century. The new standards are clear and consistent expectations of what all students need to learn at every grade level—serving as a roadmap to high-quality education. As part of this transition, there are new assessments aligned to these new standards. The assessments are known as CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success). • Assessments in Science, Social Studies, Math and English Language Arts/Literacy. • Assessments are completed online
CMAS Science & Social Studies CMAS Science Social StudiesOverview New state science and social studies assessments measuring the Colorado Academic Standards were administered online in Colorado for the first time in the Spring of 2014. Colorado-developed assessments Administered to the following grades in 2014-15: Science: 5th, 8th, and 12th Social Studies: 4th, 7th, and 12th
CMAS PARCC ELA/L & Math CMAS PARCCELA/LMathOverview CMAS PARCC replaces TCAP in Reading, Writing and Math Developed by PARCC (Partnership for Readiness of College & Career) Reading/Writing are now combined into English Language Arts/Literacy assessments, referred to as ELA/L. Grades 3-11 CMAS PARCC ELA/L & Math occurs in 2 parts: Part I: Performance Based Assessment (PBA) • March 9-March 27 Part II: End of Year Assessment (EOY) • April 27-May 22 The results of Part I & Part II will be combined to produce a student’s total assessment score.
CMAS PARCC Testing Windows 2014-15 CMAS PARCCScience Social StudiesELA/LMath • Content-Specific: • CMAS Science &Social Studies • CMAS PARCC ELA/L & Math
Assessment Participation CMAS PARCCPOLICY All students enrolled in a Colorado Public School in the grades assessed must be accounted for in either the general summative assessment or the alternate summative assessment.
CMAS PARCC Accommodation Manuals CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMathPosted on www.onlineassesment.dpsk12.org Colorado Instructional Accommodations Manual • http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/Accommodations CMAS Accommodations Supplement • http://www.cde.state.co.us/assessment/cmasaccoms PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual* • http://parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCAccessibilityFeaturesandAccommodationsManualNovember2013.pdf*an updated manual will be published in Nov.2014 Accessibility Manual for the Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment 2014-15 http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/sites/default/files/accessiblity_manual.pdf Colorado Alternate Assessment Examiner’s Manual • http://www.cde.state.co.us/assessment/2014coaltexamman
Moving Target! CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath As we receive new or updated information from the state we will let you know!
What are accommodations? CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMathPolicy Accommodations are practices and procedures that provide equitable access during instruction and assessment for students who have a documented need, including students with a disability. Accommodations are intended to remove barriers that may exist due to a student’s disability or level of English proficiency. Accommodations must be listed in the student’s approved IEP or 504 Plan. However, there are new “Accessibility Features” available to all that do not require documentation.
Students who receive Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMathPolicy Students with disabilities who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP); Students with a Section 504 plan who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity; Students who are English learners; and Students who are English learners and with disabilities who have an IEP or 504 plan. These students are eligible for both accommodations for students with disabilities and English learners.
Alternate Assessment Participation Colorado Alternate Assessment ParticipationPOLICY It is the existence of the significant cognitive disability, regardless of special education eligibility category, that allows the IEP Team to consider the option of alternate standards and assessment. Only a small number of students who have a significant cognitive disability meet the participation guidelines to receive instruction based on the EEOs and take alternate district/state assessments based on alternate academic achievement standards.
CDE Alternate Assessments Eligibility CMAS CoAlt: ScienceSocial StudiesDLM :ELA/LMathARE Contact: Karen Lutz • CMAS Science & Social Studies Alternate Assessment (CoAlt): • Testing Windows: April 13-May 1 • Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) is the ELA/Math Alternate Assessment: • Testing Window: April 13-May 15 http://testing.dpsk12.org/resources/csapa/EligibilityCriteriaWorksheet_AlternateAssessment-1.pdf
Assessment accommodations must be: CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMathPolicy In use at least 90 days prior to testing • Used regularly and with fidelity during classroom instruction Based on a documented educational need • Individual, not based on program or teaching style Documented in an IEP/504 plan and/or an ELL student within the 3 year window of continuous enrollment • Team includes educators, parents and student • Parent signatures Accommodation must NOT be used only for assessments.
Exceptions to the 90-day rule CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMathPolicy New Student to the District: Contact the student’s former school for all relevant documentation (IEP,504,or ELP) If no documentation can be obtained, consult the student and parent to discuss any accommodations that have been provided over the past three months Student may have access to accessibility features or accommodations listed in their IEP, 504 plan or ELL plan Unforeseeable Circumstances: If a student suffers from an unforeseeable (not predicted or scheduled) circumstance less than three months prior to the start of testing and requires an accommodation to access the state test, he/she may be provided with it • Example: Student with a concussion needs breaks
Accessibility Features and Accommodations CMAS PARCC
Accessibility Features and Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Accessibility Features for ALL students: Embedded features available within the test itself Accessibility Features for SOME students: Embedded features that must be requested ahead of time. Additional embedded and non-embedded accommodations available to students consistent with their IEP, 504, or English Learner plans
Accessibility Features for All All students have access to these features
Accessibility Features and Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Accessibility Features for ALL students: Embedded features available within the test itself Accessibility Features for SOME students: Embedded features that must be requested ahead of time. Additional embedded and non-embedded accommodations available to students consistent with their IEP, 504, or English Learner plans
Accessibility Features for All Students CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Navigation forward, back flag for review Highlighter Enlargement Magnifier, Zoom Ruler Calculator Periodic Table Eliminate answer choices Teacher Read Directions Notepad may be available Blank Paper Up to 2 sheets per section Must be treated as secure test materials Audio Amplification Headphones / Noise buffers Redirect Students to Test Writing Tools Keyboard shortcut keys Extended Time Setting Considerations CMAS PARCC ONLY Line Reader Answer Masking These tools are embedded in TestNav8 so students can access them at any time during the test (content specific)
Accessibility Features for ALL Students CMAS PARCCScienceSSELA/LMath
Accessibility Features for ALL Students (cont.) CMAS PARCCScienceSSELA/LMath
Accessibility Features for ALL Students (cont.) CMAS PARCCScienceSSELA/LMathFeatures + Descriptions
Test out the accessibility features! CMAS & PARCC ePAT Practice Tests
Practice Testing Environments (ePATs) CMAS Science Social Studies Expose students and staff to the content and format of the test Familiarize students with online test engine, TestNav 8, and embedded supports Available on PearsonAccess.com www.pearsonaccess.com/co click on “ePAT”
Practice Testing Environments (ePATs) CMAS PARCCELA/L Math Expose students and staff to the content and format of the test Familiarize students with online test engine and embedded supports Available through PARCC http://practice.parcc.testnav.com/# click on Practice Tests
Accessibility Features for Some Assigned to Individual Students
Accessibility Features and Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Accessibility Features for ALL students: Embedded features available within the test itself Accessibility Features for SOME students: Embedded features that must be requested ahead of time. Additional embedded and non-embedded accommodations available to students consistent with their IEP, 504, or English Learner plans
Accessibility Features: Text-to-Speech CMAS PARCCScienceSSELA/LMath Embedded within TestNav8 are accessibility features available to a student who needs it to access the test. These are unique test forms that are assigned to a student prior to testing. TTS is the only accessibility feature that is embedded; all others embedded features are accommodations
Who can receive Text-to-Speech? CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathNot ELA/L Text-to-Speech takes the place of an oral script read by the Test Administrator for most students who under TCAP relied on oral scripts. It is an accessibility feature that does not require an IEP or 504 for Science, Social Studies and Math: Text-to-Speech in English is available to students who receive audio/oral presentation of text during instruction and classroom-based assessment. Text-to-Speech in Spanish is available to students who receive instruction in Spanish and meet the continuous enrollment guidelines of 3 years or less. ELA/L: Text-to-Speech is considered an accommodations and is not available without an IEP or 504….More to come in upcoming slides
Text-to-Speech CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathNOT ELA/L While Text-to-Speech (TTS) is available to all students, it may not be appropriate for all students. Student should be using similar access strategies during instruction. Generally speaking, students who used an Oral Script on TCAP should be considered for Text-to-Speech on computer based assessments It is strongly encouraged that students using text-to-speech as an accessibility feature access it in the ePAT environment to ensure they are familiar with it, and that they will use it.
Issues to consider before assigning TTS: • Training: Students must know how to use it before testing • Security: There is only one form for text-to-speech • Network Performance: File sizes for items with TTS are 4-10 times larger than regular item files. Network and computer performance estimates are based on the standard file size • *Students using TTS in a group setting must use headphones Text-to-Speech with Caution CMAS PARCC ScienceSocial StudiesMath Not ELA/L
Text-to-Speech (cont.) CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathNot ELA/L
Accessibility Features and Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Accessibility Features for ALL students: Embedded features available within the test itself Accessibility Features for SOME students: Embedded features that must be requested ahead of time. Additional embedded and non-embedded accommodations available to students consistent with their IEP, 504, or English Learner plans
Accommodations CMASPARCC ScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath Assessment accommodations are about accessing the assessment without changing the construct. Accommodations must be based on an individual student’s academic need documented in the student’s approved IEP, 504, or ELP. Accommodations are available for computer-based and paper-based administration. SALs: You will work with your school Case Manager/SPED team/Staffing Chair to identify and track all students and their accommodations on a master list.
Accommodation Resources CMASPARCC ScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath CMAS Accommodations Guide – a 1-page overview of all available accommodations Available at onlineassessment.dpsk12.org
Accommodation Resources CMAS Accommodations Supplement is available on the CDE Website: http://cde.state.co.us/assessment/cmasaccoms PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodation Manual is available on the PARCC website: http://parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCAccessibilityFeaturesandAccommodationsManualNovember2013.pdf Both manuals are also posted on: www.onlineassessment.dpsk12.org CMASPARCC ScienceSocial StudiesELA/LMath
Quick Glance at Accommodations for Computer-BasedAdministration *It is recommended that Oral Script for Social Studies is provided 1:1 **Compatibility must be established for all AT devices: www.pearsononlinetesting.com/at
Quick Glance at Accommodations for Paper-Based Administration *It is recommended that Oral Script for Social Studies is provided 1:1 **Compatibility must be established for all AT devices: www.pearsononlinetesting.com/at
Presentation Accommodation CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathELA/L
The paper-based versions of the CMAS assessments are considered accommodated forms available for a small number of students with disabilities and/or English learners. • Use of the paper-based assessments is only available to a student with specific needs or conditions. • A student is unable to use a computer due to the impact of his or her disability. • A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder, or other complex disability, and/or cannot meet the demands of a computer-based test administration; • student with an emotional, behavioral, or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in a computer-based test administration, even with test accommodations; • The assistive technology required by the student is not compatible with the testing platform. • Writes responses in a language other than English or Spanish CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathELA/L 1. Paper-based Administration
3. Color Contrast CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathELA/L Embedded color contrast Check with vision specialist/SPED team Must indicate color contrast form prior to testing When the color contrast setting is selected only the background and text are adjusted Graphics are presented in full color on a white background External color overlays May be used on paper or computer
6. Oral Presentation CMASPARCCScienceSocial StudiesMathELA/L Oral Presentation allows students to hear all test questions, passages/sources, and answer choices aloud. • The online version of oral presentation is called Text-To-Speech (computer reader). • The paper/pencil version of oral presentation is called Oral Script (human reader). Availability is dependent on the content being tested: • Text-To-Speech is an accessibility feature available for Math, Science and Social Studies. • Oral Script is an accommodation available for Math, Science and Social Studies • Oral Presentation/Text-To-Speech is notan available accommodation for ELA/L(reading/writing) except in unique situations This is a change from TCAP, which allowed oral presentation for writing, but not reading.
6. Oral Presentation – Unique Circumstance CMAS PARCCELA/L ONLYAppendix D is posted to onlineassessment.dpsk12.org Only students with a unique accommodation will receive a Text-to-Speech accommodation on the ELA/L assessment. Refer to Appendix D for guidelines on who can receive this accommodation. Complete the form in Appendix D to request an Oral Presentation accommodation on ELA/L. Scan and email to ARE at onlineassess@dpsk12.org by December 15th!
Oral Presentation on ELA/L CMAS PARCCELA/L ONLYAppendix D is posted to onlineassessment.dpsk12.org Colorado guidance/clarification: Students must be at the basal/foundational reading level AND Students must receive printed instructional materials fro all subjects in an audio format the majority of instructional time. Basal/foundational readers are: At the beginning stages of sound/symbol relationship, Able to decode consonant-vowel-consonant words, as well as some high-frequency words.
Oral Presentation on ELA/L CMAS PARCCELA/L ONLY For students using an Oral Presentation on the ELA assessment, a notation will be provided on all confidential score reports to the school and to parents stating that the student was given a reading access accommodation on the PARCC ELA/Literacy assessment and therefore, no claims should be inferred regarding the student’s ability to demonstrate foundational reading skills (i.e., decoding and fluency).
Response Accommodations CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/L Math
Assistive Technology CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/L Math Assistive technology includes but is not limited to: Computers Keyboards Communication devices Adaptive computer input/output devices Check for compatibility: www.pearsononlinetesting.com/at Speech – to – Text Separate Machine Printed and transcribed into test Word Prediction Separate Machine Printed and transcribed into test
Assistive Technology (cont.) CMAS PARCCScienceSocial StudiesELA/L Math Additional considerations for test security must be applied when students are using assistive technology, including speech-to-text and word prediction software. Students must be seated in such a manner that they cannot see other students’ screens. Students must not retrieve or access work from another student. Students must not be able to access additional programs or the Internet while in the testing environment. Student must not be able to access any previously saved data while in the testing environment. Extra time may not be given for “lost” work.