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CMAS Training. March 13, 2014. Online SS and Sci. PARCC (field test) ELA and Math. Acronyms . Definitions.
CMAS Training March 13, 2014 Online SS and Sci PARCC (field test) ELA and Math
Definitions PearsonAccess Test Session: Virtual data grouping of students who are grouped together within PearsonAccess for test management purposes. Each PearsonAccess test session consists of one grade level and one content area (three sections). Students must be placed in a scheduled PearsonAccess test session before they can log in to a test. Test Section: The parts of a CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessment. Each grade and content area of the CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessments include three sealed test sections. Physical Testing Group: Students who test within a physical testing environment at the same time.
Important Dates/Schedules CMAS Dress Rehearsal – Tuesday April 8, 2014
Some of the Similarities and Differencesbetween PARCC and Science/Social Studies PARCC Differences PARCC and Social Studies/Science SIMILARITIES: • On PearsonAccess • Using TestNav8 • Test Security • Chain of Custody • Make-ups must be tested in test order • Separate site within PearsonAccess • TA (Proctor)must be certified teacher/educational professional • Data file layouts • No student enrollment role • Verbiage • Only have one test form in a “test session” • Can have multiple “test sessions” within a testing classroom • For the field test only, unique forms only have one functionality (answer masking, color contrast, or text-to-speech) • Time and number of sessions
CMAS Test Structure SS/SCI - each grade level and content area consist of 3 sections PARCC – each grade level and content area consist of 3 sessions (PBA) 2 sections (EOY) The assessments are composed of the following item types: • Selected Response • Constructed Response • Computer-enabled/technology-enhanced • Simulations (science) • Performance Events (social studies)
Roles & Responsibilities Test Coordinator – SAC & ASAC • During Testing: • Monitors test administration in classrooms • Supports Test Administrators by answering questions • Ensures security of test materials and/or login tickets between testing sessions • Schedules and supervises make-up testing • Maintains master list of students and their required accommodations • BeforeTesting: • Establishes the testing schedule • Develops and implements test security plan • Develops and implements training, logistics plans • Trains Test Administrators, Tech. Coordinators • Ensures the security and accounts for all test materials • Ensures standard test environments for students • After Testing: • Collects and inventories all test materials from test administrators after each session • Applies student labels to booklets • Completes online documentation • Organizes secure materials by “Scorable” and “Non-Scorable” to prepare for return shipment
Roles & Responsibilities Test Administrator - Proctor • Before Testing: • Meets with the Test Coordinator (SAC/ ASAC) • Reads Test Administrator Manual • Meets with educational team to determine student accommodations as needed • Prepares testing environment for students • Prepares students for testing with Practice Test • Obtains and prepares materials needed for testing • During Testing: • Reads scripts as written • Distributes test materials to students • Keeps accurate time for each test session • Maintains security of test materials • Ensures accommodations are provided • Supervises students at all times during testing • Notifies Test Coordinator of testing irregularities • After Testing: • Verifies that each student has completed the required information on test materials • Ensures student accommodations are documented • Returns test materials to the Test Coordinator • Ensures “School Security Checklist” is completed and returned to the Test Coordinator • Completes Test Administrator Survey
Key SAC Responsibilities THROUGHOUT Testing • Understand all CMAS procedures and requirements • Employ school level security plan • Serve as liaison between DACs and Test Administrators (Proctors) NEW for CMAS: During testing, school level personnel may have direct communication with Pearson
Key SAC Responsibilities BEFORE Testing • Participate in district trainings and review all manuals • Working with ASAC, create the testing schedule for your school, including accommodated computer-based and paper-based testing groups and make-up sessions • Determine school specific procedures (make-up testing, what to do with students who complete testing after 55 minutes, etc.) • Determine school level security plan • Provide and ensure completion of all training by Test Administrators and anyone else you have authorized or expect to come in contact with secure materials or environments • Receive, secure, and distribute all test materials • Manage and return security and training compliance documents
Key SAC Responsibilities BEFORE Testing PearsonAccess • Identify and maintain a list of students requiring the text-to-speech form and accommodations (paper-based and computer-based administrations). • Verify that PearsonAccess accounts for students needing: • Paper forms of the assessment, including braille and large print • Oral scripts (paper and online) • Assign all students to a test session • Assign students requiring special forms for the computer-based assessment to the appropriate form • Register/add new students
Key SAC Responsibilities BEFORE Testing • Establish the testing environments • PROCTOR CACHE (up to a week before)!!! • Prepare students • Meet with students to review school testing policies and expectations, including that test results should be reflective of individual effort. • Ensure all students are familiar with TestNav 8.0
Key SAC Responsibilities DURING Testing Ensure that all students are assessed in accordance with CMAS policies and procedures Request additional secure and non-secure materials as needed MONITOR TESTING ACTIVITY Distribute and collect scratch paper daily Report suspected testing irregularities (misadministrations, security breaches, technology glitches). Work with DAC to investigate and declare any invalidations. Account for the assessment of all students and ensure that all students have completed testing. Administer make-up sections as needed.
Key SAC Responsibilities AFTER Testing PearsonAccess: • Account for the assessment of all students and ensure that all students have completed testing • Verify all testing sessions have been completed • Verify that PearsonAccess has been updated to reflect the accommodations used during testing, including students taking paper-based assessments • Collect, sort, secure, and return all test materials to Assessment by May 7, 2014 (Student Authorization Tickets, CMAS Test Administrator Manuals, test books, scratch paper, secure return envelopes, and student materials) • Manage, submit and retain compliance documents
School Level CMAS Test Administrator (Proctor) Individuals responsible for directly administering the CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessments Must be employed by the school/district (PARCC must be Certified Educator) Be trained and have read the Test Administrator’s Manual prior to any assessment administration Be trained in any specific accommodations they are providing Must sign security agreement before assessment administration begins Read the directions to students exactly as they appear in the Test Administrator’s Manual Test session management Administer sections actively
Test Coordinators must print the following secure materials, which can be printed up to one week prior to testing: Student Authorization Tickets.Each test session will have a unique Test Code for each student that will be printed on Student Authorization Tickets. Students will be prompted to enter the Test Code to access the test via TestNav Seal Codes.Seal Codes are four-digit codes used to lock test sessions so that students cannot go ahead to the next session or go back to a previous session that has already been completed. Seal codes are the electronic equivalents of the adhesive tabs that are used to seal sections of paper test booklets. Before Testing:Secure Materials Handling
Scheduled breaks should occur between test sessions. During the scheduled break, students are permitted to go to the restroom, get up to stretch, and/or get a drink, if needed. During a test session, individual restroom breaks may be provided at the discretion of the Test Administrator (Proctor). Students may leave one at a time and monitors must be turned off or covered in the absence of the student. Test Administrators are responsible for ensuring students do not communicate during any break and students are not able to see content on other students’, i.e. second bullet. During Testing: Breaks
Breaches of Test Security Include: Use of electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, smartphone, e-reader, tablet computer) by Test Administrator or student(s) while secure test materials are still distributed or while testing is in progress Reading non-test related material(s) before closing out the test session Altering or interfering with students’ responses in any way Leaving test materials unattended or failing to keep them secure Leaving students unattended while they are testing Formally or informally scoring student responses to test items Failing to follow test administration directions Not administering a session according to the allotted time During Testing: Breaches in Test Security
Additional Breaches of Test Security Include: Failing to actively monitor testing students at all times Encouraging students to finish early Cheating by students (passing notes or talking to one another while testing or sharing responses to test items) Administering test(s) to family members or allowing unauthorized persons access to secure test materials Giving students access to test items or prompts prior to testing Viewing or letting students view secure content before testing Copying or reproducing any part of the passages or test items or any secure test materials or online test forms Removing secure materials from the school’s campus During Testing: Breaches in Test Security
Testing Irregularities Include: Building evacuation or lock-down Displaying testing aids in the testing environment (e.g., a bulletin board with relevant instructional material(s) during testing Failing to provide a student with a documented accommodation Providing a student with an accommodation that is not documented and therefore is not appropriate ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the School Assessment Coordinator immediately and he/she must, in turn, report the incident(s) to the Assessment Office who reports to CDE. During Testing: Breaches in Test Security
What Clarifying Directions means: No part of the test may be read to the student NO directions for specific test items Proctormay clarify any word used in the scripted directions All scripted directions may be repeated to students as needed May be provided in student’s native language Students who are off task: Can say student’s name Tell student to return to work on test Provide visual cues for the student to stay on task During Testing: Clarifying Directions
After all students have completed all sections of the test and submitted their responses, manually stop the tests. Refer to the PearsonAccess User Guide for specific instructions. You cannot stop a PearsonAccess Test Session until: All students are in Completed or Marked Complete status Absent students in Ready status have been moved to a (created) “make-up” PearsonAccess Test Session or have been removed. Do not mark a student’s test complete if the student was absent and is still in “Ready” status. Note: Students should not “Submit” the test in between test sessions. Between testing sections of each component, *students should exit and save the test. When the next section begins, the Test Administrator will need to Resume each student. *possibly have students raise their hand… (STATUS OVERVIEW WILL BE PRESENTED LATER) After Testing:Test Cleanup Activities
CMAS Scheduling Considerations • If using wireless, be aware of the location of your wireless access points and no more than 25 students should be accessing any ONE access point at time. If you would like a map of your wireless locations, let Chrisy know and she will email your map. • Test sections can only be administered to students in consecutive order • One grade level and one content area at a time, except for make-ups • To the extent possible, all students within a grade should be assessed at the same time. Should that not prove possible, all students should be assessed within the shortest timeframe practicable (i.e., in back-to-back sections, within the same day or consecutive days if more sections are needed than can be administered in a day, etc.)
CMAS Scheduling Considerations • Schedule first group/first day with more of a time cushion than other groups if possible • If you have to do multiple sessions, schedule smallest group first • Follow policy for students who are finished testing… all students remain seated until the allotted section time (55 minutes) is complete. • Determine whether grades will complete testing one at a time or test at alternate times (make-ups excluded) • Plan for accommodations Recommendation: Schedule students for only one section per day (exception: make-ups) but you know your student population and how long it will take to complete testing. This is recommended because of the newness of this assessment. This is a site based decision!
Make-Up Testing There are two options for make-up which are a site based decisions, though we strongly recommend Option 1. Option 1 Student completes missed test section during make-up testing time in advance of re-joining original physical testing group Students who miss a test section will take the missed test section during a scheduled make-up testing time in advance of their regularly scheduled testing time with their original physical testing group. After completion of the missed test section, students will re-join their original physical testing group and will be on track to complete testing as initially scheduled. Option 2 Student Tests with Original Physical Testing Group Students may continue to test with their original physical testing group. For example, students who miss test section 1 may join their original physical testing group to complete test section 1 as the other students complete test section 2 in the same testing environment. Priority: minimize risk of prior exposure to test content that could result in an invalidation.
Security Plan • A successful security plan will: • Inform all individuals authorized to be involved in test administration to review security protocols, prohibited activities, testing irregularities, and security breaches • Ensure that all individuals authorized to be involved in test administration sign security agreement • Ensure that no unauthorized individuals enter the testing environment • Establish a documented chain of custody • Designate a central locked facility for secure storage of ALL test materials • Document that school personnel have received necessary documentation and training • Inform all individuals of test security procedures in case of unexpected event that may interrupt testing
Unauthorized Visitors and the Media Only students, Test Administrators/Examiners, and authorized school, district, state personnel or state-sanctioned test monitors may be in testing areas during administration. Media are not allowed to have access to the tests before, during, or after test administration, or take pictures or video of testing materials or testing students.
Active Administrators: Administrators May Not: Active Administration NO SHOCKER ALERTS! SHOCKER ALERT! Provide feedback Clarify test questions Answer content related questions Interfere with the students’ demonstration of skills Interact with students in any way that would impact student responses Engage in other tasks during test sections Read sources, items, or student responses Ensure they have all necessary materials for each session Ensure a standardized testing environment Follow all scripts exactly as written Move throughout the room during testing Read directions to students when asked – there is a blue line denoting the directions. Use proximity to keep students on task
Administration Checklist • Prepare the test environment • Start session in PearsonAccess • Situate students • Follow directions and read script within the Test Administrator’s Manual • Hand out student authorization tickets and scratch paper (2 at a time) • Assist students in logging on to TestNav • Complete directions to students and start session • Actively administer the test section • Collect student authorization tickets and scratch paper after each testing section • End test section • Close session in PearsonAccess after third section
Misadministrations Note: Sections in the paper form are sealed and should reduce or eliminate instances of students moving on to the next section. However, if a student advances to the next section before that section is administered, it is a misadministration. Should a Misadministration Occur • The student must immediately stop working on that section, but should still complete other test sections as normal • The Test Administrator must immediately inform the SAC, who must inform and consult with the DAC • Use discretionary judgment • The appropriate invalidation code must be entered into the student’s record in PearsonAccess • The student receives a “no score” for the content area A student receives help from anyone on a test item A student uses an unauthorized instrument, such as a calculator, cell phone or notes, during a test session A student is denied appropriate accommodations or given the wrong accommodations
Major Misadministrations Misadministrations affecting an entire class or group of students • The wrong test section is administered to a class Systematic unethical behavior • A teacher, administrator or other person gives students hints, prompts or answers to questions • A teacher, administrator or other person violates security procedures
Emergencies If there is an emergency requiring the test to be stopped: • Evaluate and respond to the emergency… safety first! • If it is possible to do so without any risk to students, note the time remaining in the test session. • Students will be allowed to use the remainder of the testing time to complete the session at a later date. If a student becomes ill during a test: • The student’s needs are the primary consideration • The student may make up the test • The student may only have the amount of time that was left when the test was suspended
Embedded Features for All Students Tool Bar Navigation • Back page • Next page • Review • Flag Pointer Highlighter (Caution: in development) Ruler (cm in 5th and 8th grade, inch in all grades) Can also be used as line guide Calculator (4 function for 5th grade, scientific for 8th grade) Eliminate answer choice
Embedded Features for All Students Drop Down Magnifier Zoom Dependent on device Writing tools for constructed response Bold, italics, and underline Bullet and number Cut, copy, and paste Undo and redo
Embedded Accessibility Features and Accommodations that Must Be Requested Ahead of Time for Computer-based Administration *Science and Social Studies: this should be utilized only for students who use this accommodation on a regular basis. It is available for all, though it requires 4-10 times more bandwidth and overuse will affect the integrity of testing for other users. Also, State testing is not the time to bust out new accommodations! Selected by form • *Text-to-speech with volume control • Continue to play • Click to hear – recommend students are taught to default to this • Students must have head phones • Color contrast (accommodation) • Text-to-speech with color contrast (accommodation) • Oral script (accommodation)
Accommodations • Must be based on an individual need documented in the student’s approved IEP, 504, or English learner plan. • A master list of all students and their accommodations must be maintained by the SAC and submitted to Assessment. These will need to be recorded in PearsonAccess which also includes students using text-to-speech. • Accommodations are available for computer-based and paper-based administration. • Paper-based form is itself intended to be an accommodated form
Accommodations for Computer-based Administration Presentation • English oral script used for: • On-site translations into languages other than Spanish* • On-site sign language presentation* • Spanish oral script • Color contrast, including high contrast and reverse contrast • External cover overlays • Word-to-word dictionaries (English/native language) • Assistive technology devices – Compatibility products on the next page *Due to the number, length and complexity of sources in the Social Studies assessment, it is recommended that this accommodation be provided individually when practicable.
Accommodations for Computer-based Administration Response • Written responses in Spanish ScribeIndividually administered as Proctor will sit with student and type responses directly in to the computer. • English • Other languages Assistive technology devices – compatibility will need to be established
TestNav 8 and Third Party Assistive Technology Pearson has reviewed the following items and has found no known conflicts with TestNav 8 that would prevent the completion of an assessment. It is strongly recommended that schools and districts test devices and software with TestNav 8 prior to test day to ensure functionality within the school or district network environment and security settings. Standard Input Peripherals: The following devices behave as a standard hardware peripheral (keyboard, mouse, etc.) and as long as they are functioning correctly with the operating system and other software, they will behave appropriately with TestNav 8 on Windows.
Test Materials Online and Paper • Test Administrator’s Manual • Scratch Paper • CMAS Secure Return Envelope • School Security Checklist Online Only • Student Authorization Tickets • English and Spanish Oral Scripts for Online Form • Onsite Translations into Languages other than English/Spanish Paper Only • Test Books, including Braille and Large Print • Source Book (Social Studies Only) (we are unsure what this item is, we make you aware once we find out) • English and Spanish Oral Scripts for Paper Form • Onsite Translations into Languages other than English/Spanish
Who Should I Contact? Testing Protocol or Administration Issues: Assessment Department Hotline 254-5363 (Test window only) This include anything that pertains to the integrity of the standardization of the assessment. Test Nav8 Issues: Pearson Support Center 888-687-4759 (SS/SCI) Pearson Support Center 888-493-9888 (PARCC) If issue impacts more than 1 person call Pearson Technology Issues: Technology Hotline 254-5171 (Test window only) This includes Proctor Cache, back-up, wireless, slow response time, java, etc. Computer Issues: Technology Helpdesk 254-5175 This includes monitor or screen doesn’t work, Computer doesn’t boot up, Power failure, etc.
The remaining slides are for informational purposes and will be covered in the online demonstration. The Navigation demonstration begins now.
PearsonAccess - Navigation Global navigation links appear on the top of every screen.
PearsonAccess - Navigation Tabs and sub tabs allow you to navigate quickly to specific screens
PearsonAccess - Navigation “Breadcrumbs” show the navigation path to the screen
PearsonAccess - Navigation To change the test administration, click on the Change link. The administration change will apply to all screens.
PearsonAccess - Navigation: Help Help offers context-specific support. Click to close the Help window.
PearsonAccess - Navigation: Search When locating student or testing data, use the Search function to make your search more targeted. Click Hide Search to close it. Filtering the data makes your navigation through the system more efficient.