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NACE Challenge Award Training

Session 1. The NACE Challenge AwardIntroduction and Overview. What is The Challenge Award (CA) Framework? . A rigorous whole-school self-evaluation tool - For continuous development of quality provision - For primary

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NACE Challenge Award Training

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    1. NACE Challenge Award Training Monday January 23rd 2006

    2. Session 1 The NACE Challenge Award Introduction and Overview

    3. What is The Challenge Award (CA) Framework? A rigorous whole-school self-evaluation tool - For continuous development of quality provision - For primary & secondary schools whatever stage of development -10 Elements which together represent quality provision

    4. What is The Challenge Award (CA) Framework? Objective criteria and suggested evidence - Provides the benchmarks and shows you how to improve - Award from NACE to recognise and celebrate quality

    5. What is The Challenge Award (CA) Framework? Referenced to Ofsted Framework, National Strategies, Personalised Learning & AFL - Supporting Documents to download termly - Will help you meet DfES Quality Standards - Piloted in a large number of schools - Now being used by majority of LEAs, networks & thousands of schools

    6. Quality Provision for Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils What does effective provision for able, gifted and talented pupils look like? What are the aspects that constitute quality provision? How well are we doing it and how do we know? Where is the evidence and how do we judge it? What is our next priority?

    7. Enables schools, networks and LEAs to: - work to commonly understood vision - define shape and direction - audit, identify S and W, plan, prioritise - focus collaboration - target CPD - monitor, evaluate against criteria, using evidence base

    8. How does the Framework help school improvement? whole school ethos of success -provision at all levels: class, dept, whole school - quality learning and teaching - management, CPD and parents

    9. How does the Framework help school improvement? bringing coherence to school initiatives - recognising gifts & talents - the pupil voice - bedding down good practice so that it pervades all work of the school

    10. The Challenge Award Framework: 3 levels of entry The Framework as a development tool The Framework as an audit/action plan tool The Framework as an assessment tool

    11. The Framework as a development tool For schools which are at a starting point for developing whole school provision for Able, Gifted and Talented pupils, the Framework will provide a clear structure and direction for longer term planning.

    12. The Framework as an audit/action plan tool Schools which have already been developing policy and practice for Able, Gifted and Talented pupils will be able to use the Framework as a whole school audit. The audit will recognise existing good practice and provide appropriate next steps.

    13. The Framework as an assessment tool Schools which have been systematically developing quality provision and action planning for Able and Gifted and Talented pupils may find that the audit will show that they have enough evidence to apply for the Challenge Award.

    14. The Ten Elements The Framework consists of ten elements. For each element there are criteria for a school to evaluate itself against together with examples of possible evidence.

    15. The Ten Elements A whole school strategy, including an action plan, to support Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils. Identification strategies and criteria A target for improvement of the schools provision and the performance of Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils

    16. The Ten Elements A broad and balanced curriculum using a range of learning styles, teaching strategies and classroom organisation to meet the needs of Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils. Regular reviews to identify underachievement and support individual pupils.

    17. The Ten Elements A commitment to improve the skills of all staff in the school to meet the needs of Able, Gifted and Talented pupils. The school has programmes to support exceptionally Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils (top 2% nationally) The school has a range of appropriate resources including ICT

    18. The Ten Elements Parental Involvement An effective procedure for monitoring the action plan and assessing the effectiveness of the Able, Gifted and Talented Policy.

    19. Session 2 The 10 elements of the NACE Challenge Award

    20. The 10 Elements Element 1 A whole school strategy, including an action plan, to support Able, Gifted and Talented pupils 1.1 Climate of valuing achievement 1.2 Commitment to support A,G&T pupils 1.3 Whole School Policy 1.4 Action plan

    21. Element 2 Identification strategies and criteria 2.1 Clear rationale for identification 2.2 Is based on a range of criteria and seeks a wide range of involvement. It recognises that provision is a key part of identification. It includes a wide range of assessment opportunities

    22. Element 3 A target for improvement of the school’s provision and the performance of Able, Gifted and Talented pupils 3.1/3.2 School has targets to improve the quality and range of provision to support all potential talent. 3.3/3.4/3.5 Pupil attainment is tracked and outcomes are analysed and targets set to ensure progress. 3.6 Formative assessment principles. 3.7 Pupil self assessment and target setting.

    23. Element 4 A range of learning styles, teaching strategies and classroom organisation to meet the needs of Able, Gifted and Talented pupils 4.1 School T & L policy supports this. 4.2 An identified area as a focus in the school’s policy for monitoring T & L. 4.3 Broad and balanced curriculum. 4.4 Addresses the pastoral care of AG&T pupils. 4.5 Includes strategies to support transition.


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