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Office for technology transfer and entrepreneurial activities support in Cherkassy. Prof. Dr. Tamara Kachala. The design of the project activity plan is aimed at accomplishment of the following specific objectives of the project:.
Office for technology transfer and entrepreneurial activities support in Cherkassy Prof. Dr. Tamara Kachala
The design of the project activity plan is aimed at accomplishment of the following specific objectives of the project: • to learn and benchmark various experiences in the field of support for entrepreneurial activities • in higher education and technology transfer, to adapt them to the local environment, to improve the • legal frameworks of operation of innovative spin-off SMEs in the Ukraine; • to create an Office for entrepreneurial activities support and technology transfer on the basis of Cherkassy State Technical University able to work successfully on accomplishing the project’s overall objective and to remain sustainable after the project end. This Office will serve as a demonstration model for other Ukrainian Universities;
The design of the project activity plan is aimed at accomplishment ofthe following specificobjectives of theproject: • to implement the Office's pilot operation in order to improve the skills of the staff members, to make the office known in the community, to reinforce links between the universities, authorities and • businesses; • to disseminate the results on the national and regional levels and to identify the strategy for long-term • operation, to establish closer links with similar structures abroad; • to provide infrastructure and service for successful project implementation, documentation and • reporting.
During our business trips to the University of Alicante and St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University we collected and processed information concerned with the activity of their technologies transfer departments; on the basis of data obtained and taking into account the Ukrainian experience of technoparks activity, the code of regulations for technologies transfer department in ChSTU is being developed.
For the purpose of establishing the legislative and financial base, we initiated and promoted certain changes into Official Strategy of Cherkasy Region Development up to 2015. For the same purpose, we came into the agreement with the governing body of Cherkasy Regional State Authorities to set up the Innovative Activity Department as a subdivision of the Regional Economic and Management Department.
On the basis of ChSTU we created the office project aimed at selecting appropriate business-projects and future entrepreneurs` training. Some workshops for entrepreneurs were worked out and will be conducted since January 2009.
Together with the specialists from St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical University and Ukrainian scientists the specialized textbook “ Models of Development of Innovative Activity Infrastructure in Modern University” was compiled. This research is considered to be used in the field of scientific management and technologies transfer.
We are in constant contact with Priazov State Technological University and Bila Tserkva National Agricultural University. Our cooperation is aimed at highlighting the main ideas of the project and their implementation in the activity of above mentioned higher education establishments.
Studying materials and recommendations on such studying courses as “Marketing”, “Management Fundamentals”, “Management of Socioeconomic Development” were prepared for publishing. They will be used in specialized training courses for future entrepreneurs.
During our business trip to Kyiv Polytechnic Institute we had a possibility to become aware of the experience of the 1st technopark setting up. We achieved the agreement between our University and KPI (the agreement on cooperation between Dr. S.Voronov and Prof. T.Kachala) in the field of scientific research work.
We came into the agreement with the Head of International office (Alicante University, Spain) Roberto Eskarre on cooperation in the field of technologies transfer and their support in establishing and functioning a business-incubator at ChSTU.
Under support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the official document named “Strategies of Innovative Activity and Technologies Transfer in the System of Higher Education” (“White Paper”) is being developed.
Our office managers took part in the 2nd International Forum “Transfer of Technologies and Innovations”, learnt the experience of application of business-incubation technique in innovative projects.