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What do we Learn From Azimuthal Correlation Measurements in PHENIX. Roy. A. Lacey Nuclear Chemistry, SUNY, Stony Brook. A Cue from Lattice QCD:. Phase Transition. Motivation. Probes that indicate equilibrated nuclear matter with ε > 1 GeV/fm 3 are of particular Interest. Jet Function.
What do we Learn From Azimuthal Correlation Measurements in PHENIX Roy. A. Lacey Nuclear Chemistry, SUNY, Stony Brook
A Cue from Lattice QCD: Phase Transition Motivation Probes that indicate equilibrated nuclear matter with ε > 1 GeV/fm3 are of particular Interest
Jet Function Correlation Function Azimuthal Correlations are derived from Harmonic and di-jet contributions In-plane Out-of-plane Harmonic Why is the Correlation Probe Compelling ? Azimuthal Correlations Provide Direct Access to the Properties of the High Energy Density Matter Created at RHIC
What Information do Correlation Measurements Provide ? • Reliable Pressure Estimates: • Thermalization • Opacity of the Medium • EOS • A Direct Route for the Study of Jets • Characterization of Jet Topologies in pp, dA & AA • Quantification of Medium Induced Modifications to Topologies • Crucial for study of the properties of the medium • Tomographic Imaging of Hot and Dense Partonic Matter Simultaneous Study of Harmonic and Jet Correlations is Crucial
PRL87, 052301 (2001) Extrapolation From ET Distributions time to thermalize the system (t0 ~ 0.2 - 1 fm/c) eBjorken~ 5 - 15 GeV/fm3 ~ 35 – 100 ε0 Substantial Energy Energy Density Created at RHIC ! peripheral collisions Central collisions The Energy Density is Well Above the Predicted Value for the Phase Transition !
Extrapolation From ET Distributions time to thermalize the system (t0 ~ 0.2 - 1 fm/c) A Reliable Pressure Measurement gives Insight: Elliptic Flow eBjorken~ 5 - 15 GeV/fm3 Is the Energy Thermalized ?
PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY Correlation Functions Substantial Signals Attributable to Flow and Jets are observed ?
phenix preliminary nucl-ex/0305013 V2 data Substantial Signals Atributable to Flow are observed ? Indicative of Early Themalization - Large Pressures, Jets correlate with RP
Energy Dependence v2 apparently Saturates Are we in the v2 plateau ?
Hydro Limit How Large is the Pressure ? Scaling Tests • Very Large Pressure Gradients Non Trivial !! Scaling not Incompatible with Recombination
Hydro Limit Molnar et al. Is the Opacity Large ? • Scaled v2 should give similar values !!
PHENIX Preliminary Is the Opacity Large ? • Scaled v2 compatible with large Opacities
Observable Jet Correlations • Remarkable Probes for High-density Matter • Auto-Generated on the right time-scale Operational Strategy A+A p+p d+A
Fragmentation: away-side near-side Jet Correlations parton hadron hadron parton Azimuthal Correlations Carry Invaluable Information about the di-jet.
Fragmentation: Gyulassy et al., nucl-th/0302077 Jets in Au+Au Collisions Induced Gluon Radiation ~ collinear gluons in cone “Softened” fragmentation I. Vitev, nucl-th/0308028 The Predicted Influence of the Medium is Specific.
Observable Jet Correlations Operational Strategy A+A p+p d+A
Fixed correlations: Assorted correlations: 5.0<pTtrigg <16.0 GeV/c Jet function assumed to be Gaussian Fit = const + Gauss(0)+Gauss() pp and dAu correlation functions 3.0<pT<6.0 p+p h+- Away side peak d+Auh 1.5<pT<2.0 d+Au 1.0<pT<1.5 Distinct Di-jet peaks
N ,A |jTy|, |kTy| in p+p PHENIX preliminary PHENIX preliminary |jTy| = 35911 MeV/c |kTy| = 96449 MeV/c |jTy| and |kTy| in good agreement with prior measurements: PLB97 (1980)163 PRD 59 (1999) 074007 A
pp d+Au |jTy| similar to that for pp – No Surprise !!
I.Vitev nucl-th/0306039 I.Vitev d+Au No significant kT-broadening seen in dAu data
Area under curve fraction of pairs that are correl. jet pairs Total Area Conditional-Yields conditional yields are corrected for f-acceptance & efficiency, and are reported in the PHENIX h-acceptance ( | h | < 0.35 ). correlated jet-pairs over combinatoric background
Calibrated Signal Expected Yield Dependence
Fragmentation: d+Au Is the Away-side Jet Broadened in Au+ Au Collisions ? Associated charged hadrons and mesons show centrality dependent broadening of away-side jet Modification
q q Centrality Dependence of conditional Jet yields Escaping Jet “Near Side” Suppressed Jet “Away Side” • Charged hadron yields show apparent away-side suppression ?
Trigger Hadron Trigger Baryon Trigger Meson Associated Mesons Associated Baryons Associated Hadrons Flavor Composition of Jets in Au + Au Several Trigger Requirements have been exploited
Flavor Composition of Jets in Au + Au Associated Mesons PHENIX Preliminary Associated Baryons Correlation Functions for associated Baryons are Dominated by Harmonic Contributions
q q Centrality Dependence of conditional Jet yields Escaping Jet “Near Side” Suppressed Jet “Away Side” • Charged hadron yields show apparent away-side suppression • Hadron yields dominated by Mesons • Similar near- and away-side for associated baryons.
Baryon to Meson Ratio for Away-side Jet The Observed baryon to meson ratio is higher for away-side jets
Au+Au Collisions at RHIC High Density Thermalized partonic material formed Early leading particle d + Au q q Pressure Gradients Develop in Partonic matter -> elliptic flow -> v2 leading particle Hard Scattered Partons Traverse partonic material Jet-quenching (early) & v2 Expansion followed by Hadronization High energy-density matter is created at RHIC. Correlation measurements Suggests a State of Matter not heretofore seen
Di-Jet Tomography: The Next Frontier X.N. Wang Out-plane In-plane Angular Dependent Jet Modification should be an Important Observable
High Density partonic material formed leading particle d + Au q q leading particle Jet Quenching and Flow have a common denominator (eccentricity) • Expectations: • Evidence for High Energy-Density • Evidence for Quenching • High & low pT particles correlated • v2 essentially independent of pTRef • v2 Factorization • ~ Eccentricity Scaling of v2 for high pT • Away-side Jet suppression in central collisions • Suppression Dependence on Orientation • Modification of Jet Properties