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Philia Thalgott Language Policy Division - DG IV Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

wwww.coe.int. Budapest, 7-9 March 2011 Final Conference on the Adult Learning Action Plan Workshop 6. Linguistic integration of adult migrants: Council of Europe Policies and Tools. Philia Thalgott Language Policy Division - DG IV Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France www.coe.int/lang.

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Philia Thalgott Language Policy Division - DG IV Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

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  1. wwww.coe.int Budapest, 7-9 March 2011 Final Conference on the Adult Learning Action Plan Workshop 6 Linguistic integration of adult migrants: Council of Europe Policies and Tools Philia Thalgott Language Policy Division - DG IV Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France www.coe.int/lang

  2. Summary • The Council of Europe: overview • Council of Europe policy & monitoring: • National / regional minorities • Migrants • Linguistic Integration of adult migrants: • Policy Principles • Language Policy tools • (Tools for foreign language learning & teaching and for Romani) • Surveys in member states • Initiatives

  3. The Council of Europe: • MIGRANTS: • Committee of Ministers • Parliamemtary Assembly • Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population • ECRI – monitoring body • former Migration Division ( European Committee on Migration (CDMG) • Language Policy Division (DG IV) • Linguistic aspects related to migration 47 member states, Strasbourg, France Guiding principles: human rights, democracy and rule of law; social inclusion & intercultural dialogue

  4. National / Regional Minorities: 2 Conventions • The Framework Convention for the protection of National minorities defines a national minority implicitly to include minorities possessing a territorial identity and a distinct cultural heritage Article 12: The Parties shall, where appropriate, take measures in the fields of education and research to foster knowledge of the culture, history, language and religion of their national minorities and of the majority. • The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages covers, regional, minority and non-territorial languages, and less widely used official languages but not those connected with recent migratory movements or dialects of the official language • Concrete measures designed to facilitate and encourage the use of these specific languages in public life

  5. Council of Europe Policy Texts: Migrants • 2 Conventions (Human Rights + Social Charta, [Article 19 – The right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance] • 25+ Recommendations / Resolutionssince 1968 • Committee of Ministers to member States • Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Council of Europe Conference of European Ministers responsible for migration affairs (Kyiv, 2008) Extracts of relevant texts related to the education of migrants: Doc. DGIV/EDU/LANG (2008)4 > online April 2010: PACE adopts Recommendation 1917 on Migrants and refugees: a continuing challenge for the Council of Europe

  6. ECRI European Commission against Racism and Intolerance - www.coe.i nt/ecri Annual Report, 2009: “Successful integration is a two-way process, a process of mutual recognition, which bears no relation to assimilation” White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue :“Living together as equals in dignity” (2008)www.coe.int/dialogue The White Paper defines integration as “a two-sided process and as the capacity of people to live together with full respect for the dignity of each individual”

  7. Language Policies for integration: Principles and Objectives Principles respect for migrants’ human rights + dignity rights + responsibilities migrants: heterogeneous group - diversified needs and capacities  No single uniform approach Objectives • facilitate exchange of information and discussion on language policies for integration, • examine how the principles contained in the CEFR can best support the requirements of member States ( language testing and training) • offer guidance on ensuring quality in language training and responding to needs

  8. Language Policy Division ToolsTexts available online: www.coe.int/lang - Section Minorities and migrants • Concept Paper: The role of languages in policies for the integration of adult migrants • Thematic Studies: • The CEFR and the development of policies for the integration of adult migrants • Quality assurance in the provision of language education and training for adult migrants – guidelines and options • Language tests for social cohesion and citizenship- an outline for policy makers • Language learning, teaching and assessment and the integration of adult migrants. The importance of needs analysis • Tailoring language provision and requirements to the needs and capacities of adult migrants • Case Studies

  9. Tools for Foreign Languages and Romani ALL LEARNERS • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) [36 language versions] • for policy deciders, curriculum and test designers, teacher trainers • defines language proficiency at 6 levels (A1-A2 / B1-B2 C1-C2) • Increasingly used by authorities to define target levels for migrants • European Language Portfolio models (ELP) – • For individual language learners: self-assessment and reporting (an other approach to evaluation) • Autobiography for Intercultural Encounters • For individual learners: languages and other subjects Romani: Curriculum Framework for Romani and related tools developed for 2 age groups

  10. Language Policy Division Initiatives • 2 surveys (Jan. 2008 + Jan. 2010) among member states to take stock of developments in Council of Europe member states • 2 intergovernmental conferences(2008 + 2010) – Strasbourg: • The linguistic integration of adult migrants (policy and tools) • The linguistic integration of adult migrants: Ways of evaluating policy and practice (see Final Reports: www.coe.int/lang >> Events )

  11. Surveys in member states on language requirements for migrants (2008 + 2010) Language tuition[obligatory/voluntary; duration; cost] Tests linked to entry [permanent residence or naturalisation] Language attainment target • Objective: to get an overview of the main developments & trends concerning language requirements, incl. tests and language training Rapid increase of integration tests & courses Language requirements for adult migrants - 2002: 4/14 states - ALTE survey - 2008: 27/45 states - Council of Europe survey - 2010: 31/47 states (incl. 17 EU) - Council of Europe survey Full reports on the Council of Europe Surveys: see ‘Programme with presentations’ www.coe.int/lang Section Events  Conference 2010 + Seminar 2008

  12. Websites • Council of Europe: www.coe.int Committee of Ministers: conventions: www.coe.int/cm • Language Policy Division: www.coe.int/lang • Section Minorities and Migrants (incl. Roma) • [Migration Division / CDMG: www.coe.int/migration] • ECRI: www.coe.int/ecri • Social Charter: www.coe.int/socialcharter • White Paper on Intercultural dialogue: www.coe.int/dialogue national /regional minorities: • European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages www.coe.int/minlang • Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities www.coe.int/minorities Contact: philia.thalgott@coe.int

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