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Rickettsia. 徐桂香 王莹 赵云鹏 张爱娟 张璐娴 朱玉. 斑疹伤寒群生物群 斑点热群生物群. Howard Ricketts. 立克次体属 (Rickettsia) 柯克斯体属 立克次体目 东方体属 埃立克体属 巴通体属.
Rickettsia 徐桂香 王莹 赵云鹏 张爱娟 张璐娴 朱玉
斑疹伤寒群生物群 斑点热群生物群 Howard Ricketts 立克次体属 (Rickettsia) 柯克斯体属 立克次体目 东方体属 埃立克体属 巴通体属 Reckettsiales
Common characters • Obligated intracellular parasites; • Related to arthropod vector.; • Zoonosis.
Morphology & stains • Arranged irregularly; polymorphism • Small G- bacilli; • Giemsa stain: violet or blue;
Cultural properties • Binary fission • Have both DNA and RNA • Culture :susceptible animal (guinea pig), yolksac of chick embryo, cell culture.
Resistance • weak, sensitive to antibiotic • Survive in low temperature and dry condition • Sulfanilamide can stimulate reckettsia’s proliferation
Antigenic sturcture • Group specific antigen • Endotoxin: similarly to endotoxin of bacteria • Specy specific antigen membrane protein: Weil-Felix reaction(外斐反应): Detect anti-rickettsial antibodies in a patients serum by agglutination of the proteus organisms. ( rickettsia posses Ag that cross-react with Ab of the O antigen of certain proteus)
Pathogenic mechanism Endotoxin 、 Phospholipase A Pathogenic material Bite or feces of arthropod vector Local( small blood vesselsinlymphoid tissue ) Pathogenic mechanism (First bacteremia) vascular endothelial cells (Second bacteremia) Fever, headache, rash Pathogenic sites vessels
Pathogenicity Pathogenic materials Endotoxin: similarly to endotoxin of bacteria Phospholipase A: lysis the cell membrane and lysosome membrane of the host cell, causing hemolysis Pathogenic mechanism: invade the epithelial cells of small blood vessule
Pathogenic mechanism Endotoxin 、 Phospholipase A Pathogenic material Bite or feces of arthropod vector Local( small blood vesselsinlymphoid tissue ) Pathogenic mechanism (First bacteremia) vascular endothelial cells (Second bacteremia) Fever, headache, rash Pathogenic sites vessels
Infective route • Source:Rickettsiae normally enter the body (mammalian reservoir) through the bite or feces of an infected arthropod vector.-----arthropod vector: mite, tifck, louse, flea • Pathogenic mechanism: invade the epithelial cells of small blood vessule
Pathogenic mechanism Endotoxin 、 Phospholipase A Pathogenic material Bite or feces of arthropod vector Local( small blood vesselsinlymphoid tissue ) Pathogenic mechanism (First bacteremia) vascular endothelial cells (Second bacteremia) Fever, headache, rash Pathogenic sites vessels
主要病原性立克次体 种类 传染源 媒介昆虫 主要临床表现 免疫力 普氏立克次体 人 人体虱发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (流行性斑疹伤寒) 神经系统、心血管系统损伤 斑疹伤寒立克次体 鼠 鼠蚤发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (地方性斑疹伤寒) 鼠虱 恙虫病东方体鼠 恙螨局部黑色焦痂持久 (恙虫热)发热、头痛、皮疹 内脏损害 贝纳柯克斯体家畜 蜱发热、头痛 一定程度 (动物间) 心内膜炎
Epidemic typhus (R.prowazekii)普氏立克次体 Louse-borne; substandard living condition, poor sanitaion; overwhelming bacterimia Human Human louse Human louse Human
Epidemic typhus (R.prowazekii)普氏立克次体 Fever (temperature rises to 40ºC; Treatment: sanitation, eradication of human lice; vaccine, tetracycline
主要病原性立克次体 种类 传染源 媒介昆虫 主要临床表现 免疫力 普氏立克次体 人 人体虱发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (流行性斑疹伤寒) 神经系统、心血管系统损伤 斑疹伤寒立克次体 鼠 鼠蚤发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (地方性斑疹伤寒) 鼠虱 恙虫病东方体鼠 恙螨局部黑色焦痂持久 (恙虫热)发热、头痛、皮疹 内脏损害 贝纳柯克斯体家畜 蜱发热、头痛 一定程度 (动物间) 心内膜炎
Endemic typhus (R. mooseri)斑疹伤寒立克次体 Transmitted way: human louse rat rat flea rat louse human human rat flea human louse rat fever;headack:maculopapular rash
主要病原性立克次体 种类 传染源 媒介昆虫 主要临床表现 免疫力 普氏立克次体 人 人体虱发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (流行性斑疹伤寒) 神经系统、心血管系统损伤 斑疹伤寒立克次体 鼠 鼠蚤发热、头痛、皮疹持久 (地方性斑疹伤寒) 鼠虱 恙虫病东方体鼠 恙螨局部黑色焦痂持久 (恙虫热)发热、头痛、皮疹 内脏损害 贝纳柯克斯体家畜 蜱发热、头痛 一定程度 (动物间) 心内膜炎
Immunity Mainly depends on CMI Strong immunity after recovery
Microbiological examination Specimen : blood Isolation and culture: guinea pig Serological test: Weil-Felix reaction
Principle of prevention and treatment Control and eradicate its intermediate host and reservoir host Specificity:Rat lung vaccine(全细胞灭活疫苗) Prevention Treatment Chloramphenicol(氯霉素) Tetracycline(四环素) Ban-Sulfa drugs(禁用磺胺类药)