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Greening McGill Enviro Residence Council PGSS Environment Committee SSMU Environment Committee

Greening McGill Enviro Residence Council PGSS Environment Committee SSMU Environment Committee Gorilla Composting Sustainable McGill Project. Greening McGill. greeningmcgill@mail.mcgill.ca www.greeningmcgill.blogspot.com. Waste management / reduction. Recycling Composting

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Greening McGill Enviro Residence Council PGSS Environment Committee SSMU Environment Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greening McGill Enviro Residence Council PGSS Environment Committee SSMU Environment Committee Gorilla Composting Sustainable McGill Project

  2. Greening McGill greeningmcgill@mail.mcgill.ca www.greeningmcgill.blogspot.com

  3. Waste management / reduction • Recycling • Composting • Cafeteria waste

  4. Car Free Day

  5. Paper • Paper Use Policy • Exam booklets • Printing Defaults • Purchasing

  6. Environmental Residence Council

  7. Our Mandate • To limit the impact of McGill Residences on the environment • To increase awareness and knowledge of environmental issues within McGill residences

  8. Past and Present Projects • Waste Audit • (Vermi-) Composting • Recycling • Light campaign and assessment • Halloween ECOstume Contest • Clean Plate Tuesdays • Energy Reduction Competition

  9. Energy Reduction Competition- 04/05 Results • Winner: • Douglas Hall (12% Reduction) • Average Reduction: • 7% • Prizes • a party • a trophy • environmentally-friendly products

  10. This Year’s Competition Will Feature... • Crazy hair day • Shower Races • Bikini/Sweater Day • Stair Races • No Computer Day

  11. PGSS Environment Committee

  12. The PGSSec Committee • Who are we. • What is are mandate. • Our activities.

  13. Here on Earth Speaker Series • Three themes: • New directions in environmental research. • Beyond the University. • McGill’s current and future environmental policy. Monday, April 3. Speakers: Kathleen Ng and the Sustainability Project.

  14. The Potential Use of Grasses as Biofuels Chris Wrobel MSc. Plant Science MacDonald College McGill university

  15. Changing Face of World Agriculture • Rural economies hard pressed. • US share of world agriculture has dropped. • China now 2nd largest corn exporter; Brazil major exporter of soybeans. • Search for alternative crops.

  16. The Advantages of Biofuel Crops • CO2 neutral. • Offset oil imports. • $20 billion extra dollars. • Remove emissions of 70 million cars by tripling biomass use. • Grass pelleting – home heating costs are less.

  17. Perennial grasses as biofuel • It takes 70 days to grow a grass crop and 70 million years to grow a crop of coal or oil. • Inputs required for grass less than for conventional agriculture. • Sequestering of carbon dioxide. • Cleaning of wastewater.

  18. The Electric Snowmobile Project • Great potential. • Limited speed and distance. • No emissions.

  19. Rooftop Gardening • Up to 40% of food production in some third world countries is in the urban setting. • Advantages: longer growing season, reduced heat load, improved social atmosphere.

  20. Water for the World • Engineers Without Borders • Some facts on water use: • Canadians: 33 l per day • Montrealers: over 100 l daily • Water to produce 1 kg of rice: over 44,000 l. • Water to produce 1 kg of meat: over 100,000 l.

  21. The End is a New Beginning • Green drinks. • Format for get together – exchange of ideas, new friends, projects, etc… • Last Thursday of every month.

  22. Other Projects • Rooftop garden. • Environmental audit of Thompson House. • More networking. • Other possibilities.

  23. Thank you

  24. -SSMU monetary contributions:  Gorilla Composting ($1000)   March for the Climate ($500)  Conference in Rimouski ($240)-Proposed changes in election postering by-laws-Order ~300 mugs to sell at $1 to students with proof of an assignment handed in double-sided

  25. Gorilla Composting 3534 University Street. Montreal, Quebec . H3A 2A7 gorilla.composting@gmail.com . www.gorilla.mcgill.ca

  26. - Pilot Project Overview Completion and evaluation - Future Plans Planning with the City of Montreal

  27. Motivation ResearchProposalFundingApproval Beginning

  28. EducationOperationsProject statistics Implementation

  29. storage treatment transportation collection

  30. collection

  31. collection

  32. collection

  33. storage

  34. transportation

  35. treatment

  36. Evaluation reportFuture plans Completion

  37. gorilla.composting@gmail.com . www.gorilla.mcgill.ca

  38. The Sustainable McGill Project

  39. -Ecosystem Sustainability Assessment: Trees, Toilets and Travel -Submission to Arts Undergraduate Fund -Greenhouse gas inventory

  40. 60,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents

  41. Natural Gas Boilers

  42. Image: www.gorge.org Electricity Our usage in Alberta: 112,000 tonnes CO2-e

  43. 60,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents

  44. Vehicle Transportation CO2α Fuel

  45. Atmospheric CO2 Concentration

  46. 60,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents

  47. www.gorge.org/ pylons/page5.shtml

  48. Rethink Break-Out Groups

  49. Water metering Water in Montreal and at McGill is not metered and paid for at a flat rate regardless of consumption. However, some McGill buildings do have water meters which are currently not in use. →McGill should begin metering its water consumption as part of a comprehensive water management strategy.

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