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Nomination: B est cultural or musical event, May , 2013. « No tank can scary Mini ». Task / goal : . - T o create a concept that displays the character and style of the car ; - T o supporto strategico and strengthen the high image of « Mini Cooper »;
Nomination: Best cultural or musical event, May, 2013 «No tank can scary Mini»
Task / goal: • - To create a conceptthatdisplaysthecharacterandstyleofthecar; • - To supportostrategicoandstrengthenthehighimageof «MiniCooper»; • - Unite Miniclubsinthe CIS andtocelebratethebirthdayoftheclub.
You will not grasp it with your mind, Or cover with your common label: For Mini is one of a kind - Believe in it if you are able. Concept: Nomatterwhoyouare. «MINI» acceptsyou, whatyouare. Nomatterwhoyouare. «MINI» acceptsyou, whatyouare. MINI - isyourfriend; MINI – has one face, buthisemotionsmaybevarious;MINI - carthat is able to fit all your needs, suitdifferentpeopleandhelpsyoutorevealyourself. To implementtheabove-mentionedconceptwedecidedtoarrangetherallyanditsfinalchordwouldbeaninstallation, showingcharacterandstyleof «MiniCooper».
Plan: • Havingdefinedthe concept, westartedtowork. • Much efforts were made for collaboration with mass media. • Tostirupinteresttotheevent, during 3 monththere was a constant communicationamongthe MINI clubsfromRussia, Ukraine, BalticStatesandEurope.
Plan: Invitation: • Wedesigneduniquevideocontent and installation for opening ceremony. • The most troublesome moments were performance itself and its night rehearsals. • That is worth the effort!
Difficulties: • Thisprojectrequired a carefulandcoordinatedworkwithgovernmentalauthorities. Forexample, to block Minskringmotorway. • Itwasnecessarytoorganize a communicationbetweenthecars (ineachcartherewas a radiostation). • Openingceremonyoftheeventtookplacein a busyplace, locatednearthehostel, itwasnecessarytoavoidstrangers on the territory andanyconflictissues.
Implementation: Justimagine: a rushhour, Ringroad ... better say blockedRingroadwith 200 glassedmodelsof MINI withfullmake-up. The owners of other car brands watched the string pass by. That’sthewayhowoureventand MINI car run started. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9EZqQjP2Fqc Video: http://www.ctv.by/novosti-minska-i-minskoy-oblasti/pochti-sotnya-avtomobiley-marki-mini-sobralas-na-ezhegodnyy-slet-v
Implementation: A tour round Minsk, ticker-tapeparade, bynomeansallthisis«MINI» style. Moreover, alltheguestsarrivein a completelydifferentplace. Thehigh point oftheentireevent - aninstallation, thatrevealsourideaandshowsthat«MiniCooper» - complementanycharacter.
Realization: idea Realization
Efficiency. Results. • «MiniCooper» dealerwasstruckbyourinstallationandtheideathathedecidedtouseitonthepresentationofthenew BMW brandinBerlin; • Morethan 500 peoplesawtheevent. • «MiniCooper» communitywas arguing hotly. Aftertheevent, everyonewhomanagedtoseetheeventwereveryexcited.
Efficiency. Results. • - An importantrolewasgiventointernational spirit -Russia , UkraineandtheBalticstatesandeventheguestsfromnon –CIS countriestookpartintheevent; • - BlockedMinskringhighwayshowsthelevelofEventanditssignificance; • - InMoscoworSt. Petersburgnosuchaneventhaseverbeenorganized. Thus, itseemsthatweallmade a bigstepforward; • - Weinvented a specialcharacterfortheMiniCooper • family: it’s a realMiniMen,whowaseagertohelpevery • familymember; • - Allthishasbecomeanimportanteventinthebig • «MiniCooper» family
Пресс-материалы, благодарственные письма: • Theeventhasbeenmentionedinnumerousarticles, reviewsandreports (includingthemain TV channel). • http://auto.tut.by/news/road/347118.html • http://www.ctv.by/novosti-minska-i-minskoy-oblasti/pochti-sotnya-avtomobiley-marki-mini-sobralas-na-ezhegodnyy-slet-v • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9EZqQjP2Fqc • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jZIPDpV5Tfg • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXvQn0E5yXg