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BABIES TEAM. present. SMALL INTERNET COTTAGE. In small house on pheriphery of dark town. ...lived poor private businessman with his wife and two children. Their names were Jerr y and Gina. Jerry. Gina. When children were little, their father had work,.
...lived poor private businessman with his wife and two children. Their names were Jerry and Gina. Jerry Gina
When children were little, their father had work, ... and so also money for computer games was sufficient. But their happines didn’t last forever...
Their mamma died, so unhappy man married on other woman, who was selfish and cruel. She didn’t allow children to play computer games, because she wanted games only for her.
Miserable businessman was very worried, because his children couldn’t entertain themselves as usually. Him family was in danger of desintegration.
„Tomorow in the morning give children gameboy into their hand, take them to the deepest forest and take pity on them.“ Stepmother argued with businessman until late night, afternard he agreed with her heartless suggestion. Cruel stepmother ordered her man:
Jerry and Gina didn’t hear the conversation between stepmother and their father, because they were already long time a sleep.
Next morning wretch businessman prodded one’s children deeper into the wood. Children constatly tarried, because they were concerned with level, so their father could dissaper.
In the evening, when they couldn’t see anything on monitor, they found out, that their father is away. Little Gina was afraid and she started to cry :”Don’t be afraid” said Jerry. “Wait when Moon appears then well find way back.”
When moon appeared children saw a marzipan cottage. It’s wallswere made of white chocolate and the roof was made of brown chocolate. Windows were made of sugar and door were made of chewinggum.
Jerry and Gina were hungry, so they started to break and eat chocolate. When they ate one’sfill,they took chewinggum, because they haven’t tooth-paste and tooth-brush. In this moment door feel, children first step back in fear, but they go into the cottage.
Cottage been completely organized everything, what they needed for life and didn’t missed there two computers.
They were very exhausted and theyfell sleep quickly. Next day in the morning, when the children were clean and ate their breakfast, they quickly sit down in front of computers, because they wanted to contact by e-mail their father.
Their father was sitting unhappily in front of his computer. He was thinking of his children. That missed him so much. As he was remembering themselves and himself for his mistake step, on computer´s screen something blinked.
Because their father didn´t know computers, he sent for specialist. He explained what had happened and opened your mail. There was: „Dear father, we are well. We live in marzipan little cottage in deepl wood. If you love us, you ill come to our place.“
PS: „We send folks forest friends, they point way to you.“ Businessman didn´t linger, packed up needed stuff on way and waited on animals which show him the way.
Children waited for father ahead of cotage. When they sight him, they started running to him in this time.
After time common force founded prosper and favourite internet cafe in it's house. Internet cafe And on internet cafe were cowbells...
…and fairy story is END!
Cast: Jerry Gina Father Mamma Stepmother Specialist Animals Make: Students of 3. ZA class SZŠ Prešov Babies team: Anna Suchovičová Slavomíra Hudáková Daniela Hoferová Jana Marcinčová
... žil chudobný súkromný podnikateľ so svojou ženou a dvoma deťmi. Chlapček sa volal Jerry a dievčatko Gina. Jerry Gina
Keď boli deti malé, mal ich otec prácu , ... a tak aj peňazí na počítačové hry bolo nadostač. Ale ich šťastie netrvalo dlho ...
Mamička zomrela, tak nešťastný muž si vybral inú, sebeckú a krutú osobu, ktorá deťom nedovolila hrať počítačové hry, lebo ich chcela mať iba pre seba.
Úbohý podnikateľ sa veľmi trápil, pretože jeho deti sa nemohli zabávať, tak ako obvykle. Jeho rodine hrozil rozpad.
„Zajtra ráno daj deťom do ruky gameboy, vezmi ich do najhustejšej hory a nechaj ich tam. Možno niekto pôjde okolo a zľutuje sa nad nimi.“ Hádala sa s ním tak dlho, až napokon súhlasil s jej bezcitným návrhom. Krutá macocha rozkázala mužovi:
Jerry a Gina si hádku svojich rodičov však nevypočuli, lebo už dávno tvrdo spinkali.
Nasledujúci deň zavčas rána viedol chudák podnikateľ svoje deti hlbšie a hlbšie do lesa. Deti stále zaostávali, pretože boli zaujaté napínavým levelom, a tak sa ich otcovi podarilo nebadane zmiznúť.
Večer, keď poriadne nevideli na monitor, zistili, že otec je preč. Malá Gina sa veľmi bála a začala plakať. „Neboj sa,“ povedal jej Jerry. „Počkaj, až sa ukáže mesiac, určite nájdeme cestu späť.“
Keď vyšiel mesiac, deti zbadali na konci lesnej cestičky marcipánovú chalúpku. Steny boli z bielej čokolády a strecha hnedej čokolády. Okná boli z cukru a dvere z pepermintových žuvačiek.
Jerry a Gina boli takí hladní, že si začali z domčeka odlamovať a jesť koláčiky. Keď sa dosýtosti najedli, vzali si žuvačku, keďže pri sebe nemali zubnú kefku a pastu. V tom sa dvere zrútili, najprv prestrašene cúvli, ale napokon, aj keď so strachom, vošli dnu.
Na ich prekvapenie domček bol plne vybavený všetkým čo k životu potrebovali, a samozrejme tam nechýbali ani dva počítače.
Boli veľmi unavení a rýchlo zaspali. Na druhý deň zavčas rána, keď sa deti umyli a naraňajkovali, rýchlo sadli k počítaču aby sa pomocou emailu spojili so svojím oteckom.
Ich ocko v tom čase smutne sedel pred počítačom a myslel na svoje deti, ktoré mu veľmi chýbali. Ako tak spomínal a vyčítal si svoj nesprávny krok, na obrazovke jeho domáceho počítača začalo niečo blikať.
Keďže počítačom nerozumel, zavolal si na to špecialistu. Ten mu všetko vysvetlil a otvoril mu mail, v ktorom stálo: „Milý ocko, sme v poriadku, bývame v marcipánovej chalúpke hlboko v lese. Ak nás máš rád, príď za nami a macochu nechaj napospas osudu.
PS:„Aby si vedel kde sme, pošleme ti naších lesných kamarátov, ktorí ti ukážu cestu k nám.“ Podnikateľ neváhal, zbalil si veci potrebné na cestu a čakal na zvieratká, ktoré mu mali ukázať cestu.
Deti čakali pred domčekom a keď uvideli otecka hneď sa k nemu rozbehli.
Po čase si vo svojom dome spoločnými silami založili prosperujúcu a obľúbenú internetovú kaviareň. Internet cafe A na kaviarni boli zvonce ...
...a rozprávky je KONIEC!
Účinkovali: Jerry Gina Otec Mama Macocha Špecialista Zvieratá Vyrobili: Študenti 3. ZA triedy SZŠ Prešov Babies team: Anna Suchovičová Slavomíra Hudáková Daniela Hoferová Jana Marcinčová