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“The demands of the 21 st century has created a need for schools to become learning organizations that focus on developing human capital and creativity in their teachers to prepare them for changing the educational landscape.”.
“The demands of the 21st century has created a need for schools to become learning organizations that focus on developing human capital and creativity in their teachers to prepare them for changing the educational landscape.” “There is an exceptionally strong relationship between communal learning, collegiality, and collective action (key aspects of professional learning communities) and changes in teacher practice and increases in student learning.”
Learning GoalsUpon completion of this training, participants will… • have increased their knowledge of the new Florida State Standards for Mathematics (MAFS). • recognize how the coherence of content standards within and across the grades supports the learning progressions of students. • encourage the integration of student writing in mathematics in order to increase reasoning and problem solving skills. • Identify resources that will provide assistance with implementation of MAFS. • be equipped to develop and facilitate Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at the school site in order to encourage a continuation of collegial learning that supports the advancement of student learning.
“I lift, You grab . . . . Was that concept just a little too complex for you, Carl?” TEAM … is a group of people working interdependently toward a common goal.
“The new Florida Math Standards ask us ALL to… • … rethink what it means to teach mathematics, • … understand mathematics, • … and to learn mathematics.” Sherry Fraser Faculty member of the Marilyn Burns Education Associates Common Core State StandardsCCSSM vs. Mathematics Florida State StandardsMAFS Cognitive Complexity of the Content Standards did NOT change. Amended, Deleted, Added Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP) remain for all grades. LITERACY embedded across ALL CONTENT AREAS. MAFS Compared to CCSSM New and Deleted Standards
Vol. 108, No. 2, September 2014 NCTM, MATHEMATICS TEACHER …on the embedded ideas within the standards. …extension of previous learning within and across grades. …equitable attention to concepts, procedures and fluency, as well as application.
Why Teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge Matters: • “Professional Learning Opportunities for teachers of mathematics have increasingly focused on deepening teachers’ content knowledge. Based on research studies… • Teachers’ content knowledge made a difference in their professional practice and their students’ achievement. • Teachers’ depth of knowledge meant problems were presented in familiar contexts to the children and the teacher linked them to activities they had previously completed. • Teachers with stronger content knowledge were more likely to respond to students’ mathematical ideas appropriately, and they made fewer mathematical or language errors during instruction.
Principle #1:Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement. Principle #2: If you change one element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two.. The Instructional Core
Alignment in Context: Neighboring Grades and Progressions “You're constantly reusing the same concepts in the growth of the staircase, leading to algebraic ways of thinking that you begin to master linear algebra in grade 8 and go on to a wider set of algebra in the high school.” "Bringing the Common Core to Life" David Coleman · Founder, Student Achievement Partners 13
Mathematics Progressions Project Progressionhttp://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/s Project
Year at a Glance Nine Weeks Pacing • Organized by Units of Instruction (related standards) • Essential Questions and Vocabulary • Teaching/Learning Goal(s) and Scales • Rubric with Student Learning Target Details • Progress Monitoring and Assessment Activities • MFAS (Cpalms Formative Assessments) • Unpacked Content Standards • Unit/Critical Area • Learning Objectives (Declarative and Procedural) • DOK Level • SMP • Common Misconceptions
Mathematics Standards Flip BooksFor questions or comments about the flipbooks please contact Melisa Hancock at melisa@ksu.edu http://www.katm.org
Abstract Concrete Representational
Learning Progressions Document, “Operations and Algebraic Thinking”, Grades K-5, pg. 9 Kg Master in Grade 2
Explanations and Examples for 1.OA.7 and 1.OA.8Students would have had prior learning within the grade understanding the following priorities. MAFS.1.OA.2.3 1st
1st Instructional Strategies for 1.OA.7 Think about how to explain the traditional… FACT FAMILY. Taken from CCFlipbook with Information compiled by Melisa Hancock melisa@ksu.edu
Learning Progression Document “Operations and Algebraic Thinking” Grades K-5, pg. 16
Developing Fact Fluency: Phases of Understanding
Instructional Strategies (3.OA.1-4) • Provide various contexts and tasks so that students will have more opportunity to develop and use thinking strategies to support and reinforce learning of basic mult. and div. facts. • Encourage students to solve problems in different ways to show the same idea and be able to explain their thinking verbally AND in written expression.
5th 6.EE.1
“Fractions hold the potential for being the best kind of pre-algebra.” H.Wu Professor of Mathematics University of California, Berkeley Teachers need to be very careful to extend their own knowledge of what a fraction is (IT IS NOT AN ACTIVITY), as well as how to approach teaching addition and subtraction of fractions with their students. The definitions and strategies that are impressed upon the students needs to be accurate and a continuum from what they already know about whole numbers and their operations. “No matter how much algebraic thinking is introduced in the early grades and no matter how worthwhile such exercises might be, the failure rate in algebra will continue to be high UNLESS WE RADICALLY REVAMP THE TEACHING OF FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS.” H.Wu, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley “…when the ramp collapses, the students aren’t able to scale a gentle slope, but rather try and climb a wall at 90 degrees.” “Is it reasonable to expect a person to run well if his walk is wobbly?” “Early grades algebraic thinking approach gives focus on gaining conceptual understanding of abstract symbols.” “In algebra, generality and abstraction are expressed in symbolic notation. Fluency with symbolic manipulation is an integral part of algebra proficiency.”
Fraction Progression Online Module http://www.cgcs.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=338 • The Council of the Great City Schools, University of Arizona’s Institute for Mathematics and Education (IM&E), and Achieve collaborated on the development of an online professional development module to deepen understanding of the Fractions Progression - a critical focus in the standards. This online, interactive module is available free of charge to all users and takes about 60 minutes to complete. • The module features: • Brief video segments that explain fraction concepts • Illustrative tasks associated with the progression • Built in, interactive checks for understanding throughout the module • Supporting material that can be downloaded and printed https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/fractions_progression https://mathsolutions.wistia.com/projects/r4bjpdzb31 https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/
Rigor is defined as a process where students: • Approach mathematics with a disposition to accept challenge and apply effort. • Engage in mathematical work that promotes deep knowledge of content, analytical reasoning, and use of appropriate tools; and • Emerge fluent in the language of mathematics, proficient with the tools of mathematics, and empowered as mathematical thinkers.
Focus on complexity of content standards in order to successfully complete an assessment or task. The outcome (product) is the focus of the depth of understanding. RIGOR IS ABOUT COMPLEXITY
What is Depth-of-Knowledge?DOK • A scale of cognitive demand (thinking) based on the research of Norman Webb (1997). • Categorizes assessment tasks by different levels of cognitive expectation required of a student in order for them to successfully understand,think about, and interactwith the task. • Key tool for educators so that they can analyze the cognitive demand (complexity) intended by the standards, curricular activities, and assessment tasks.
Just the Facts – Low Level Processing “Familiar” – Procedures & Routines, 2 + Steps Real-World Problem – Develop Plan - Justification Take what you learned and extend it to something else – Make Judgments – WRITE!
http://www.fsassessments.org • Grades 3 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Grades 4 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Grades 5 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Grades 6 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Grades 7 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Grades 8 Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specifications • Algebra 1 EOC Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specs • Geometry EOC Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specs • Algebra 2 EOC Florida Standards Assessment Test Item Specs • Test Design Summary
Linking the Mathematical Practices with the Content Standards • Mathematical Practices Learning Community Templates • Tasks that Align with the Mathematical Practices Resources to Support the Implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP)
http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED544239.pdf “Writing in mathematics gives me a window into my students’ thoughts that I don’t normally get when they just compute problems. It shows me their roadblocks, and it also gives me, as a teacher, a road map.” -Maggie Johnston 9th grade mathematics teacher, Denver, Colorado “Using Writing in Mathematics to Deepen Student Learning” by Vicki Urquhart
Why are we writing in math class? • David Pugalee (2005), who researches the relationship between language and mathematics learning, asserts that writing supports reasoning and problem solving and helps students internalize the characteristics of effective communication. He suggests that teachers read student writing for evidence of logical conclusions, justification of answers and processes, and the use of facts to explain their thinking. • http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED544239.pdf
Integrating writing into the mathematics classroom • Writing can provide valuable insight for teachers into their students’ mastery of math concepts. • Writing often reveals gaps in learning and misconceptions which can help inform teachers for instructional planning and intervention strategies. • Communicating about mathematics through writing helps strengthen student learning which can build conceptual understanding. • Students are able to clarify their thinking about a math topic through writing. • Integrating writing into the curriculum can be easy with a little planning.