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Ridin ’ Dirty Dirt Bikes. Dutch Vap , Ryan Myers, Katie Girmus.
Ridin’ Dirty Dirt Bikes Dutch Vap, Ryan Myers, Katie Girmus
Ridin’ Dirty Dirt Bikes was originally founded in 1989 by Jillian Myers. J. Myers owned the company for 20 years before she met her demise (trying to land her final flip) and left the company to her nephew, Ryan Meyers. R. Myers decided to make Ridin’ Dirty Dirt Bikes into a partnership with his fellow MotoCross champions, Dutch Vap and Katie Girmus. Ridin’ Dirty Dirt Bikes now provides lessons to beginning dirt bike riders. The company’s office is located in downtown Scottsdale, Arizona. Dirt bike tracks and facilities owned by the company are located outside Phoenix. R.D.D.B.’s History
Chief Executive Officer: Ryan Myers • Chief Financial Officer: Katie Girmus • Chief Technology Officer: Dutch Vap Roles of the Partners
Beginning Dirt Bike Classes • Two hour group sessions or one hour individual sessions. • Teaches how to maintain your bike as well as the fundamentals of dirt bike riding. • Intermediate Dirt Bike Classes • Two hour group sessions or one hour individual sessions. • Teaches the basics of how to race dirt bikes. • Advanced Dirt Bike Classes • Three hour individual sessions. • Teaches how to do jumps, flips, and other exciting tricks. • Dirt Bike Safety Class • Teaches all skill levels the importance of safety when riding dirt bikes. This class is a requirement for every customer enrolling in RDDB’s classes. • Minimum age for all classes is 7 years. • Track Rentals • Professional riders are able to rent our track when they are in the area. Services Provided In the Store
Products • RDDB stickers and helmets are available for sale through our website. Each of these products have our logo on them and are delivered with promotional information about our company’s services. • Services • We are a web-friendly company… We provide our customers with the ability to schedule lessons online. There is also an anonymous survey/comment portion of our website for customers to provide feedback. Products and Services Provided Online
Storefront • Our storefront customers consist largely of the younger generation (7-25); people who are agile and excited to learn more about dirt bikes. However, we do have expert riders up to age 35 that rent our tracks. • Online • In general, parents use our site to schedule lessons for their children and to buy merchandise such as helmets. Our Customers
Storefront • Bike Safety Seminars at middle schools in the Phoenix area. • 2 Billboards on the Interstate near the RDDB track. • Posters in dirt bike specialty stores in the area. • Online • Pop-up advertisements on dirt bike gear sites. • Listed in yellowpages.com • Email previous customers with deals that are catered toward their past purchases. Advertising
Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. New Jersey: Pearson Education References