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Explore the process of recognition in transferring citizens' rights between countries and the importance of international tools such as the Lisbon Recognition Convention. Learn about the recognition of formal learning qualifications and the challenges faced in the wider context towards EQF.
Regional Network on Qualifications Frameworks for South East EuropeSecond meetingLjubljana, 29 – 30 June 2009Development of QF in Slovenia- Recognition Perspective Anita Jesenko, Education Recognition Dept, ENIC/NARIC
Recognition is a process of transferring rights of citizens from one country to another In accordance with:- international agreements- national regulations of the receiving country - fieldof education - labour market What is Recognition?
International Toolsimportant forRecognition The Lisbon Recognition Convention - The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, 1997 (ETS No. 165), (Ur. l. RS, št. 45/99)http://www.enic-naric.net/index.aspx?s=n&r=ena&d=legalOther documents adopted by the LRC Committeehttp://www.enic-naric.net/instruments.asp ENIC-NARIC Networkshttp://www.enic-naric.net Accreditation Agencies Diploma Supplement (Pravilnik o prilogi k diplomi Ur.l.RS, št. 56/07)http://www.uradni-list.si/1/content?id=80919 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System (allocation of student workload) European Qualification Framework - National Qualification Frameworks Europass
Recognition of foreign educationZakon o priznavanju in vrednotenju izobraževanja (Ur. l. RS, št. 73/04)The Act on Recognition and Assessment of Education:- Recognition for the purpose of studying (schools, education institutions)- Recognition for the purpose of employment (Ministry of HEST) Professional Recognition - regulated professions - EU DirectivesZakon o postopku priznavanja kvalifikacij državljanom držav članic EU za opravljanje reguliranih poklicev oziroma reguliranih dejavnosti v R Sloveniji (Ur. l. RS št. 21/02)Recognition body: competent ministries (e.g. health professions – Ministry of Health) Professional Recognition – non-regulated professionsRecognition body: employer no official recognition procedure Recognition in Slovenia Recognition of LLL
Recognition of Formal Learning QualificationsArt. 33 - Higher Education Act
KLASIUS – Classification of Education and Training in Slovenia – Future NQF?http://zakonodaja.gov.si/rpsi/r09/predpis_DRUG2619.html
Bologna three-cycle structure – ensures transparency of levels Structure is “too narrow” for classification of all types of foreign formal qualifications to accommodate all different types of degrees (all Masters at the same level?) Slovenia: unitary 2nd cycle with Master study programmes (60 – 120 ECTS) 3-cycle structure implemented in Slovenia in 2004 - Classification of the pre-reform study programmes done only in 2006 Applicants may apply for the equivalence of the foreign title to the Slovenian one (if a comparable study programme exists in Slovenia). Co-existence of old and new degrees in Slovenia. Critical recognition cases - Case by case recognition – evaluation of achieved individual learning outcomes/competences. Employers and education and training institutions are the final competent recognition bodies - ENIC-NARIC, other networks, NRP should provide information on a level of particular qualification. KLASIUS – basis for NQF-LLL in Slovenia? Slovenia and Recognition of Formal Learning – Identified Difficulties
Recognition in a wider context – towards EQF Recognition is a field, where Bologna reform shows week points in all Bologna countries. Different information from different sources (Ministry of HE, ENIC-NARIC, Bologna promoters, HE institution, Accreditation Agency) Transition period (Bologna is still not completely implemented), NQFs and EQF a step behind EQF and NQF offer more possibilities – an idea of recognition of (individual) competences Mutual Trust Wider publicity of the development of NQF
Recognition of Lifelong Learning Qualifications (Source of photos: Wikipedia) Formal Learning QualificationsNon-formal,Informal Learning Qualifications Recognition of Formal Learning Recognition of LLLA move from a better-known formal learning recognition to a less-known non-formal/informal learning recognition (knowledge, skills, competences)
National Qualification Framework and Recognition of LLL Qualifications Good practice with Recognition of Foreign Formal Learning can be used also in recognition of LLL: Exchange of information, experience – National Reference Points (ENIC/NARIC Networks, Regional Network) Conventions (Lisbon Recognition Convention, other documents) Documents with objective information on LLL Qualification (Diploma Supplement, Certificate Supplement) Measure of student workload (ECTS) Common structure - EQF (Bologna 3-cycle HE structure) Description of learning outcomes, competences (Dublin Descriptors – learning outcomes) Quality assurance (Quality Assurance Agencies)