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8 th Grade Health. RULES & EXPECTATIONS. 1. Be on time, be on task, be prepared. 2. Demonstrate respect for yourself, other students and property. 3. Behave appropriately at all times. 4. No gum or candy is allowed in class at any time! 5. The student will come prepared to class every day
RULES & EXPECTATIONS • 1. Be on time, be on task, be prepared. • 2. Demonstrate respect for yourself, other students and property. • 3. Behave appropriately at all times. • 4. No gum or candy is allowed in class at any time! • 5. The student will come prepared to class every day • a. Notebook • b. Something to write with • c. Folder (to hold handouts) • 6. Demonstrate positive peer relationships and group interaction.
RULES & EXPECTATIONS • 7. Demonstrate knowledge of subject by describing, participating, or writing. • 8. The student will follow directions and instructions the first time given. • 9. The student will pay attention. • 10. When appropriate the student will work quietly. • 11. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. • 12. Use appropriate language. • 13. Always do your best
September 14, 2018 • Do Now: Get a health textbook and open to page 3 and answer the questions to the health inventory in your notebook. (Share your answers with a neighbor when done) • Obj: • LWDAT explain and understand what is health
Read and define • Read Chapter 1 Lesson 1 • Define the following key terms: • Health • Physical health • Mental and Emotional Health • Social Health • Wellness
September 24, 2018 • Do Now: What types of changes will someone your age, go through? • Obj: • LWDAT understand the changes that a teen will go through; physical, mental/emotional and social.
The Health Triangle Health • The three sides of health are connected like the sides of a triangle • Each side affects the other two
Physical Health The Health Triangle Social Health Mental & Emotional Health HEALTH
Health • Health: combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being • Physical health: total care of your body • Keeping your body fit • Practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits • Eating a well balanced diet • Mental & Emotional health: liking who you are; accepting yourself • Expressing emotions in a healthy way • Facing life’s problems and dealing with its pressures or stresses in a positive way
Health • Social health: getting along with others • Working or playing well in a group • Making friends • Giving and getting support when it is needed • Wellness: state of well-being or total health
October 2, 2018 • Do Now: List some of the non-physical changes someone your age will go through. • Obj: • LWDAT understand the changes that a teen will go through; physical, mental/emotional and social.
Health • Read pages Chapter 1 Lesson 2 . • Take notes on the key terms and ideas Define • adolescence • puberty • hormone • peers • community service
Health • Adolescence: the stage of life between childhood and adulthood • Ages 11 – 20 • 2nd fastest period of growth in one’s life • Puberty: time when you start developing physical characteristics of adults your gender • Girls: onset at ages 8 – 14 • Boys onset at ages 11 - 14 • Hormone: chemical substances, produce in glands, that help regulate many body functions
Females Grow taller Growth of body hair Change in voice Change in the shape of the body Breast Hips Males Grow taller Growth of body hair Deeper Voice Change in shape of the body Muscular physique Physical Changes During Puberty
Other Changes • Mental/Emotional Changes: • Able to think and reason • Able to handle more complex thought/issues • Changes in moods (mood swings) • Emotional development (attraction) • Social Changes: • Change in relationships
Health Peers: people in your age group Community service: volunteer programs whose goal is to improve the community and the life of its residents
October 3, 2018 • Do Now:What are some risks/risk factors that can affect someone’s health? How can a person reduce or eliminate them? • Obj: • LWDAT understand how to take control of one’s health and what factors might/will affect a person’s overall well being.
Lifestyle Factors/Risk • Read Chapter 1 Lesson 3 and take notes (key terms and ideas).
Lifestyle Factors • Lifestyle factors: behaviors and habits that help determine a person’s level of health and wellness • Risk behaviors: actions or behaviors that might cause injury or harm to yourself or others • Sedentary lifestyle: way of life that includes little physical activity • Addictions: physical & mental dependencies • Cumulative Risks: related risk that increase the effect with each added risk
Reducing Risk • Precautions: planned actions taken before an event to increase the chances of a safe outcome • Prevention: taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse • Abstinence: conscious, choice not to participate in high-risk behaviors • Attitude: personal feeling or belief