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Weather type dependant fuzzy verification of precipitation. Tanja Weusthoff. COSMO General Meeting, Offenbach, 07.-11.09.2009. Fuzzy Verification. fcst. obs. „multi-scale, multi-intensity approach“ „Fuzzy verification toolbox“ of B. Ebert Two methods Upscaling (UP)
Weather type dependant fuzzy verification of precipitation Tanja Weusthoff COSMO General Meeting, Offenbach, 07.-11.09.2009
Fuzzy Verification fcst obs • „multi-scale, multi-intensity approach“ • „Fuzzy verification toolbox“ of B. Ebert • Two methods • Upscaling (UP) • Fraction Skill Score (FSS) • present output scale dependent • standard setting: 3h accumulations COSMO-2 (2.2km): leadtimes 03-06 COSMO-7 (6.6km): leadtimes 03-06,06-09,09-12,12-15 increasing box size increasing threshold
… Upscaling (UP) (Atger, 2001) 1. Principle: Define box around region of interest and calculate the average of observation and forecast data within this box. 2. Contingency Table Event if Rave ≥ threshold No-Event if Rave < threshold Rave observation 3. Equitable Threat Score (ETS) forecast Q: Which fraction of observed yes - events was correctly forecast?
… Fraction Skill Score (FSS) 1. Principle: Define box around region of interest and determine the fraction pj and oj of grid points with rain rates above a given threshold. (Roberts and Lean, 2005) 2. Probabilities 0 < pj < 1 = fraction of fcst grid points > threshold 0 < oj < 1 = fraction of obs grid points > threshold 3. Skill Score for Probabilities Q: On which spatial scales does the forecast resemble the observation? FBS worst no colocation of non-zero fractions
… Fraction Skill Score (FSS) 4. Useful Scales (Roberts and Lean, 2005) useful scales are marked in bold in the graphics
good bad Upscaling and Fractions Skill ScoreJun – Nov 2007 - = Fractions skill score COSMO-2 COSMO-7 Difference - = Upscaling COSMO-2 better COSMO-7 better
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better abs(median) / 0.5(q95-q05) [ 10 , Inf ] q(50%) [ 5 , 10 [ q(5%) [ 2 , 5 [ q(95%) ¦ COSMO-2 – COSMO-7 ¦ [ 1 , 2 [ [ 0 , 1 [ 5% 95% COSMO-2 vs. COSMO-7 Values = Score of COSMO-2 • Size of numbers = abs(Median) / 0.5(q95-q05) • measure for significance of differences
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better Sensitivities Only 00 and 12 UTC model runs COSMO-2 & COSMO-7: leadtimes 3-6,6-9,9-12,12-15 absolute values of COSMO-2 slightly lower, but still the same pattern of differences
Weather type verification: COSMO-2 Upscaling Window size: 3gp, 6.6 km Window size: 27gp, 60 km Fractions Skill Score Window size: 3gp, 6.6 km Window size: 27gp, 60 km Threshold [mm/3h] 34 7 # cases 4 7 5 5 7 45 31 23 15
Smallest spatial scale [gridpoints] where the forecast has been useful regarding to FSS „useful scales“ definition. COSMO-2, gridpoints* 2.2 km COSMO-7, gridpoints* 6.6 km # cases - 7 4 + 23 + 5 7 45 5 31 - 15 34 7 16 14 10 7 5 2 0.5 <0.1 16 14 10 7 5 2 0.4 <0.1 % obs gridpts >= thresh (whole period)
Fraction of observation gridpoints >= threshold climatology
45 34 31 23 15 7 7 7 4 5 5 Frequency of Weather Classes, June – November 2007
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-2 (wc) better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better COSMO-2 (all) better Northerly Winds (NE,N) 11 days COSMO-2 (wc) vs.COSMO-2 (all) COSMO-2 vs.COSMO-7 COSMO-2 in northerly wind situations clearly worse than over whole period.
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-2 (wc) better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better COSMO-2 (all) better Southerly Winds (SE,S) 12 days COSMO-2 (wc) vs.COSMO-2 (all) COSMO-2 vs.COSMO-7 COSMO-2 in southerly wind situations clearly better than over whole period.
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-2 (wc) better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better COSMO-2 (all) better Northwesterly winds (NW) 23 days COSMO-2 (wc) vs.COSMO-2 (all) COSMO-2 vs.COSMO-7 COSMO-2 in nothwesterly wind situations at large thresholds clearly better than over whole period.
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-2 (wc) better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better COSMO-2 (all) better Flat (F) 15 days COSMO-2 (wc) vs.COSMO-2 (all) COSMO-2 vs.COSMO-7 COSMO-2 in flat pressure situations clearly worse than over whole period.
Summary / Conlusions • Fuzzy verification of the D-PHASE operations period in 2007 has shown that COSMO-2 generally performed better than COSMO-7 on nearly all scales • part of this superiority is caused by the higher update frequency, but using same model runs still shows the same pattern of differences • the results for different weather types show large variations • best results were found for southerly winds and winds from Northwest and West, • Northeasterly winds as well as Flat pressure situations lead to worse perfomance of both models
UP with other scores POD = H/(H+M) Probability of Detection (Perfect score: 1) FAR = FA/(H+FA) False Alarm Ratio (Perfect score: 0) POFD = FA/(CN+FA) Probability of false detection (Perfect score: 0) OR = (H*CN) / (M*FA) Odds Ratio (perfect score: infinity) BIAS = (H+FA) / (H+M) Frequency Bias (perfect score: 1) HK =POD – FAR True Skill Statistik (perfect score: 1)
UP „useful scales“? COSMO-2, gridpoints* 2.2 km COSMO-7, gridpoints* 6.6 km How to define usefuls scales for ETS?
Binary forecast Binary observation Fuzzy Verifikation Intensity Scale (IS) (Casati et al. 2004) • Transformation of Fcst and Obs into binaryimages on a rain/no-rain basis for the rainfall rate thresholds. • Difference between forecast and observation = binary error image. • Decomposition into the sum of components at different spatial scales by performing a two dimensional discrete wavelet decomposition. What is the relative improvement of the forecast over some reference forecast? Score:Mean squared error (MSE) and MSE skill score (SS) for each spatial scale component of the binary error image.
Intensity Scale COSMO-2 COSMO-7
Intensity Scale COSMO-2
Outlook • operational Fuzzy verification is about to start, including Upscaling and Fraction Skill Score • season, year • weather-type dependant • Intensity scale results will further be investigated (new developments of B. Casati)
All Weatherclasses • Overview over all weatherclasses – differences COSMO-2 minus COSMO-7 and absolute values of COSMO-2, here without bootstrapping
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better Northerly Winds (NE,N,NW) N NW NE 23 days 7 days 4 days
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better Southerly Winds (SE,S,SW) S SW SE 45 days 5 days 7 days
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better East and West (E,W) E W 5 days 31 days
COSMO-2 better D I F F E R E N C E S COSMO-7 better Flat, High, Low (F,H,L) F H L 15 days 34 days 7 days