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Automate the process of user management, test machine setup, status tracking, and email communication with TEAM Basic. Import user lists, perform periodic maintenance, generate test logs, setup emails, and schedule reports effortlessly.
TEAM Basic Total Electrostatic Awareness & Management
TEAM Basic Install Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule The TEAM Basic Install program is an automated process. Only two questions are asked: 1) Shortcut Location 2) Language Selection
TEAM Basic User List Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule After Installing TEAM the customer imports a list of users from a text file. The import process is simple and the user is shown on screen help For each step. During the import process, the user’s test Requirements, Department, Shift and two “Note” categories are Automatically applied.
TEAM Basic User List Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule The import file is displayed and may be edited before importing. Any record may be excluded from Import by checking the do not Import box
TEAM Basic User List Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule After completing the user list may be viewed, printed, emailed or saved to a file. Periodic maintenance of the user list (Adds, Deletes and Updates) may also be performed from the same User Edit tab.
TEAM Basic Test Machine Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule TEAM Basic Automates the data collection process. The only setup required is to select the beginning and ending network Address. When Polling is “On”, the status and type of each data logger is automatically displayed. TEAM Basic allows multiple test Machine types.
TEAM Basic User Status Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule The TEAM Basic User Status Tab Shows the current or historical status of all users. Status Lists may be sorted or filtered by Department, Shift or User Name and emailed, printed or saved to a file.
TEAM Basic Test Log Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule The TEAM Basic Test Log shows each individual test performed during a specific time period. The test log helps determine if there are testing problems with specific ESD Testers or the User performing the test. As with other reports, the test log may be printed emailed or saved to a file.
TEAM Basic Email Setup Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule TEAM Basic includes it’s own Email Send Client. The Client is designed to work with the most common SMTP email servers. A simple setup window is provided allowing the outgoing email address, port and password (if required) to be specified.
TEAM Basic Email Setup Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule A list of email addresses may be maintained using the Email tab. Lists may imported from a text file or entered manually. Email address show here are used when sending reports via email and as the destination for Scheduled Reports.
TEAM Basic Schedule Install User List Test Machine User Status Test Log Email Setup Schedule The Schedule Tab allows scheduling of User Status Reports and Database Backups. Reports and backups may be scheduled for specific times of day And days of the week.